This surprised Zhou Yi. After all, he was a titled Daojun, and he didn't even know when someone passed away.

"Grandpa, I really didn't lie to you. My master taught me..."

"What did he teach you?"

"Oh no, I almost let it slip. I promised Master that I couldn't do it." Zhou Yi was a little annoyed.

"Wait, Master? What's going on?"

"Yes, Chen Xuan is my master!"

"Master, I can practice his Dao, so he accepted me as his disciple."

"Son, do you know what Dao he practices? How can it be suitable for you? Unless..."

"Okay, Grandpa, don't ask. I'm going to practice. I want to become a strong man like Grandpa. No, I want to surpass you, Grandpa."

Seeing that Zhou Yi was unwilling, Zhou Yi didn't want to ask any more questions, so he had to give up.

"The Dao that I can practice, could it be?" Zhou Yi seemed to have guessed something, and his face was surprised! It was incredible!

So he ordered:

"You watch him, call me if you have anything, I need to go out for a while"

"Yes, sir."

After returning to the inn, Chen Xuan immediately sat cross-legged. He had just broken through to the Dao realm and needed to consolidate it.

"Chen Xuanyou, I apologize for disturbing you!"

In the room, Zhou suddenly appeared and clasped his fists towards Chen Xuan.

"Senior Zhou, you are too polite. Please sit down."

"Chen Xuanyou, I heard that he can practice. I don't believe it. I want to confirm it." Zhou said the purpose.

Chen Xuan also knew that Zhou Yi would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. This old man Zhou Yi is also impatient!

"Senior Zhou, you have actually guessed it, right?"

"Please give me some advice, Chen Xuanyou."

Chen Xuan didn't say much.

Bang, a terrible death force suddenly erupted from Chen Xuan's body.

"This, this is?"

"Could it be that you are cultivating the Way of Death?" Zhou Yi's pupils dilated, and his jaw dropped.

"I guess so!"

Chen Xuan cultivated the Way of Reincarnation, and this Way of Death was just one of them. Chen Xuan didn't need to elaborate.

"My grandson's blessing, my grandson's blessing!" Zhou Yi was ecstatic and very excited.

"Thank you for your great kindness to my Zhou family. If you have any orders, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

Chen Xuan retracted the power of death and warned Zhou Yi:

"Senior, you must keep your affairs about Zhou hidden, otherwise you will definitely be killed."

"I understand, a man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure!"

A few days later, the empty auction school

"Master, why do I feel that my power of death does not listen to my command, and I can only control it a little."

"It's only a few days, it's good to be able to do this. In the path of cultivation, you should proceed step by step, remember not to rush for quick success, and take it slowly!"

"Oh! I understand, Master." Zhou Yi was a little discouraged.

", do you know how long your master has practiced to reach his current level of cultivation? Do you know how many hardships your master has gone through to reach his current level?"

"Ah, as a cultivator of my generation, we are going against the flow. If we are not careful, we will die. Therefore, we must have an unshakable heart of Tao and fearless self-confidence. Do you understand?"

Looking at Zhou who was a little discouraged, Chen Xuan taught him.

"I seem to understand a little." Zhou scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

And at this moment, a loud voice came.

"That's right, son! The path of cultivation is a road of no return. Only by constantly moving forward and constantly breaking through yourself can you reach the peak."


"Senior Zhou!"

"Son, concentrate on practicing, don't let your master and our expectations of you, I have something to discuss with your master."

"Senior, is there any news?"

"Friend, according to the map you gave me, I went there in person. That place has collapsed, but I think that place is very unusual. There is a very terrifying pressure."

"Alas, I don't know what the situation of my father is."

"Friend I have a discouragement. I still want to promise. "" The seniors are thinking ... "" Every mistake, even if you die, you have to see the corpse! " Don't worry about him ... "" Okay, it ’s the old man. He’ s not interested. He ’s a few months later." Blind, I am Chen Xuan's sister. "Ching'er was a little bit angry, even more shy, and very angry." Ah! " "Don't, I'm wrong, Sister Qing'er, if you don't want to shout, then don't shout."

"You clearly meant it, but you won't let me. Sigh, I really don't understand the world of Rao." Zhou muttered to himself.

"What do you mean?"

"No, nothing, I, let's go over there and take a look."

Zhou was like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, saying

"Wow! This is good~"

"Hey! This is really good"

In this way, Qing'er wandered around the peak city from east to west, and from north to south, having a great time.

"Master, let's go back! You don't need to go so far if you want to play! This is Fengcheng. It's not safe outside, so let's go back!"

At the gate of Fengcheng, an old man and a young man were doing something.

"Uncle Mo, I finally ran out, just let me play more. Besides, you still found me after I ran so far. It's really helpless!"

"Master, don't be willful. Come back with me quickly, otherwise I won't be able to explain to you."

"Mo Yan, to save your face, I call you Uncle Mo. You don't have to worry about my affairs." The young man was a little angry.

Looking at the angry young man, the middle-aged man named Mo Yi was no longer there. No matter how many people like this dog bite Lu Dongbin and don't understand the good heart, it's useless.

He had no choice but to follow behind him silently.

"I didn't expect there to be such a beauty in such a remote and remote place." The young man became lustful when he saw a very pretty and lovely girl.

"Beauty, below is Jin, the son of the Lord of the Fire City. I don't know the girl's name."

Qing'er and Wan were having a good time, but suddenly an uninvited guest appeared, which made people very helpless.

"I'm sorry! I don't know you, please get out of the way, we have to go back." Qing'er still remained polite.

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