Mo Yan looked at this energy and felt the breath of death. He knew that this power was not something he could contend with.

He watched helplessly as the terrifying energy ball flew toward him, and he couldn't even dodge it at such a close distance.

Mo Yan could only fight hard. He could not understand that a Taoist monk could burst out with such extraordinary power. He would never understand it even to his death.

Boom~ After the loud noise, everything returned to calm. The energy ball left a deep pit on the earth. There was a person lying in the pit, with no life left. A strong man in the Daojun realm fell like this, a monster. These two words are used to describe people like Chen Xuan.

Fire City Zheng

"Reporting to the Lord of the City, Mo Yi's jade tablet of life is broken."

"What, who is so bold and dares to touch my dialect?"

"No, didn't I ask him to find Jin'er instead? What's going on? Could it be..."

"City Lord, there is no problem with the young master's life jade token, it's just, it's just..."

"It's just what, hurry up, stop whining." The man named Fang Yan said impatiently. Sure enough, like father, like son.

"It's just that the young master's jade medal of life is a little weak, as if there is some danger."

"Then why are you still here? Why haven't you sent someone to look for her? If Jin'er is in any danger, you dog slaves will be buried with her."

"Yes, yes, go ahead."

"No, I always feel very uneasy. I have to go in person." Fang Yan was Fang Jin's only son, so he had to be taken seriously.

"Qing'er, you go back first with wrinkles in your eyes. I'll come back after I've finished handling it."

"Well, I understand Brother Chen Xuan." Qing'er frowned and went back.

"How about that, Fang Jin? Do you still want to kill me now? Rubbish."


Fang Jingang wanted to scold him, but Chen Xuan stepped on his face and humiliated him severely.

"You just molested my sister and injured my apprentice?"


"Please let me go, I don't dare anymore." Fang Jin, who was on the ground, couldn't bear it anymore. He still had the arrogance and domineering attitude just now, so he begged for mercy.

"This won't work. Weren't you so crazy just now? Didn't you kill me?"

"This won't work."

Then, Chen Xuan punched him and knocked him unconscious. He carried it away to the empty auction house as if he was unconscious.

A group of people were left watching from a distance, dumbfounded. You look at me and I look at you.

empty auction school

"Friend is back." Wrinkle Yi asked.

"Old Wrinkle, do you know the Fire City?"

"I know, why do you ask?"

Chen Xuan recounted what had just happened and immediately frowned.

"If that's the case, that's going to be troublesome! Alas, it's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided."

"So, this Fire City has a very good background?"

"Fire Fire City is just an intermediate city. Although it is bigger than our peak, its strength is not that great."

"Fang Yan, the Lord of Liehuo City, is also a titled Taoist Lord, but he is just a flowery display piled up with drugs. The trouble is the father of Liehuo City Lord, Fang Youwei."

"Fang Youwei is a powerful man who has become a saint, and he is also an elder of the outer sect of Lieyan Dao Sect. He is quite a giant."

"This Lieyan Dao Sect has a great background?"

"Let's do this with you!"

"In our great world, there is one government, two religions, and three sects. These forces control the entire great world."

"Moreover, these forces also exist in other planes. Are you strong?"

"But fortunately, he is an outer sect elder. He is probably just a shrimp inside, but for us, he is still very powerful."

"Oh, never mind, as long as it's not Fang Youwei, Fang Yan is nothing to be afraid of."

"Well, I understand. Don't worry, Mr. Wrinkle. I'll do the work for you and I won't cause trouble for you."

"Don't you look down on me?"

"After all, I am also a famous person among the titled Taoists. Besides, if I were this kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, I would not be here today."

"I haven't seen such big winds and waves. Back then, I saw a powerful and powerful saint. Even if he became a saint, he wouldn't be like that."

"Don't worry, even if Fang Youwei comes in person, I am confident that I can hold him back, and I will trouble you then."

Chen Xuan was very moved when he heard Wuzhen was like this. After all these years, people like Wuzhen were still rare.

"Senior, don't worry, if it really comes to that point, I will take care of you."

After a while, several uninvited guests appeared in the empty auction house.

"Junior Lord of Liehuo City, Fang Yan, came to pay a visit to senior Wrinkle Yi Wrinkle."

Wrinkle is also a well-known Taoist Taoist for a long time. He is still somewhat famous in this mysterious continent. As for why he appears in a place like Fengcheng, it is unknown.

"City Master Fang is so polite. Agni Fire City is also an intermediate city. I wonder what City Master Fang is doing when he comes to a place like mine?"

"You know why you ask," Fang Yan said softly to himself.

"Senior Wrinkle smiled. Senior made a name for himself in this Xuan Continent in his early years and was known as the number one person under the Holy Path. I have admired him for a long time."

"A few days ago, the dog was naughty and sneaked out and came to Fengcheng, but was killed by a traitor. His whereabouts are still unknown. I hope senior can tell me something."

"City Master Fang, what does your son's disappearance have to do with me? If you ask me, I don't know."

"But senior, according to the information I have learned, that traitor often comes in and out of your house. I would like to ask senior to tell you something. I would be very grateful."

"You don't understand or can't hear me. I don't know. Are you still going to search my mansion?"

"That's a last resort. Senior."

"Whoever dares to move, I will kill him. Fang Yan, if your father is here, I might give you some face. You want to search my mansion with just a few soldiers and crabs. Really."

"Senior, I know that it was my son who seriously injured my grandson first. I am sorry for this. If you want compensation, just ask. I hope you will do it."

"Once again, go back to where you came from. I am also giving face to your father. Don't force me to do it."

Fang Yan saw that Zhou Yi was determined and said nothing.

"Be careful, don't damage other people's things."

A group of people are about to search.

"Asshole, do you think I don't exist?"

He waved his hand to set up a barrier to prevent the battle from affecting him. This is the rhythm of action!

"Old man, I respect you and call you senior, you really think you are so important!"

"I have four titled Daojuns here, don't overestimate your abilities and ask for trouble."

"Humph, you want to scare me with three titled Daojuns, you think too highly of yourself, a cultivation base with accumulated medicine, you have the nerve to call yourself a titled Daojun, you are trash."

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