Hearing Wuzhi's sarcastic words, Fang Yan finally couldn't help it.

"Go ahead and turn this place upside down."

"If you want to search my house, have you asked me?"

"The city lord has a barrier, can it be broken?"

"Yes, then you have to defeat him."

"Is that so? Then give him a good deal of punishment. It's best if you kill him."

"Arrogant, you don't even understand the true meaning of the title Dao Lord. Do you really think you are powerful?" Wrinkle Yi said with great disdain.

"Let me show you what a real titled Taoist power should be."

"The way of thunder and lightning, the killing of dragons!"

I saw a giant thunder dragon appearing behind Wuzhi Yi, with lightning all over its body, crackling and emitting heart-trembling power.

Then, the thunder and lightning dragon roared,


He rushed towards several people with unrivaled momentum.

"Everyone knows that this is Wrinkle Yi's famous stunt, and countless people have died due to this move."

"Yes, I still have some eyesight and know my famous tricks." Wrinkle also smiled.

The four people got out of the way in an instant, and then used all kinds of Taoist techniques to defeat the giant dragon together. However, they did not expect that the giant dragon was so tenacious, and they were not affected at all despite this.

"Stop struggling fearlessly. I've told you that you don't even know the true meaning of being titled Dao Lord. Don't waste your efforts."

"How is this possible? Why is the gap so huge! Could it be that he has become a saint?"

"It's impossible. He doesn't have the power of the holy way in his body, so he can't be a strong saint."

"But why are we both titled Dao Lords, and the gap is so big? Even if we are defeated, we won't be as helpless as we are now!" Several people were extremely shocked.

"I've seen it before. We don't even know that we are the real titled Dao Lords, yet we are still so arrogant."

"In my name, summon the avenue of thunder and lightning, and thousands of thunders will rumble above the sky."


Several people were like kites with broken strings, flying upside down to the ground, their eyes filled with disbelief!

"Quickly retreat", the four of them dispersed and fled.

"Hmph, what kind of place is my empty auction house? Is it a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

"Old Wrinkle Yi, what do you want? Although we can't defeat you, if you want to keep us, you probably don't have the strength." Fang Yan secretly gathered strength and prepared to give him a thunderous blow when Wrinkle Yi wasn't paying attention.

"Dialect, old dog, put away your moves, I won't even take your tricks seriously."

"Really, then you take this move: Lava Holy Sword"

I saw a sword flowing with lava appearing in the void and penetrating Wuzhi's body. "Haha, Mr. Wrinkle Yi is nothing more than that. Huh? No, it's an afterimage. Ah Da, retreat quickly." Suddenly, the burliest man among the three people following Fang Yan retreated violently. With a thunder, Ah Da instantly exploded into a ball of blood. fog.

"Old Wrinkle Yi, have you really reached that level?"

"Dialect old dog, you'd better think about how to escape first."

"Do you really think you can keep me?"

"I think I can give it a try. I practice the lightning method, which is famous for its speed. Do you still have the confidence to escape?"

"If you dare to kill me, my father will never let you go."

"Then leave you all here so he won't know who killed you." Wan Wan also rushed towards Fang Yan, "Thundering"


Fang Yan tried his best to dodge but could not escape the thunderous blow. The entire skirt flew out and made a large human-shaped pit on the ground.

Ah Er and Ah San flew to Fang Yan's side, "City Lord, how are you?" Fang Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Old Wrinkle Yi, your thunderous power is nothing more than this."

"Old dialect dog, you've lost all your teeth and you're so stubborn. Well, in order to bet on your bad mouth, I'll take your life with thunder and lightning. In my name, I'll summon the thunder and lightning avenue, thunder and lightning."仞!

Fang Yan grabbed Ah Er and Ah San with his left and right hands respectively and threw them towards Wuzhen.

"City Lord, you..." Ah Er and Ah San exploded into a ball of blood mist before they could finish their words. "Wrinkle, old man, today's hatred and humiliation will be repaid thousands of times in the future." The dialect turned into a stream of light and fled into the distance. "Damn it, I let him escape. That old dog will definitely retaliate. There will be trouble in the future."

At this moment, Chen Xuan appeared at the side and said

"I didn't expect this dialect to be somewhat capable of escaping."

"I was careless and let him run away."

"Hey, he will definitely inform his father when he comes back. We will be in trouble!"

"The soldiers will come to block the water and the earth will cover it up. No matter how much you worry, it will not work."

"The same goes for Youde. The matter has come to this, and this is the only way it can be."

"I have to be well prepared in case of emergencies."

"What do you plan to do, senior?"

"When I was working in the mainland in the early years, I had a few close friends. They were all at the same level as me. I think they would still give me some face, so it's okay to ask them to help me."


In fact, Wan Yi is still a little reluctant. After all, this will put them in danger. Although they also have forces behind them to protect them, if there is a fight, who will estimate the other party's background?

"In this way, let Miss Qing'er take me to Han Bingcheng. I have a good friend there, and he also has some background. Even Fang Youwei doesn't dare to cause trouble."

"Then this is best."

The only thing Chen Xuan was worried about was these two people. In this way, he would have no worries and could fight with peace of mind.

"Senior, this is what I need. Take a look and get it together as soon as possible."

After looking at the list handed over by Chen Xuan, Xuan Yi said excitedly:

"I didn't expect that my friend would arrange the formation, so it would be much easier for us."

So the two men divided their troops into two groups. Wan was also responsible for raising materials and moving reinforcements, while Chen Xuan waited patiently and arranged the formation.

A big war is about to begin.

"Qing'er, take your wrinkles and go to the Ice City to wait for me. Remember, be careful wherever you go."

"No, brother Chen Xuan, I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to fight side by side with you here. I'm also a strong man in the Dao realm. I can protect myself and won't become a burden to you."

"Qing'er, I didn't ask you to leave because of this."

"Wrinkle has only been practicing for a few months. We have to think about him. If a war breaks out, we have no one to protect him. Your task is to take him to Han Bingcheng. We will make arrangements and leave it to others. We are not worried either.”

Hearing Chen Xuan's explanation, Qing'er was a little shaken. After all, Wrinkle was indeed still very weak.

"Okay, but after I send him away, I will come back and fight alongside you, brother Chen Xuan."

"Qing'er, look, why are you coming back after you've gone? Don't worry about Han Bingcheng being alone. As my elder sister, you have to protect him, right?"

Finally, Qing'er stopped insisting and decided to take Wan to Ice City.

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