The next morning, after Chen Xuan and Wan Yi Qian warned and asked, Qing'er took Wan Yi to Ice City.

Seeing the figure gradually disappearing in front of his eyes, Chen Xuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Once they are gone, we will have nothing to worry about."

"Old Wrinkle, your empty auction house is so big and luxurious, it would be a pity to destroy it." Chen Xuan said jokingly.

Wrinkle also looked at this empty auction school built by himself.

"Remember what it looks like. At worst, we can go back and change the place and build a new one."

"Old Wrinkle, I kind of admire your courage."

"I also admire your friend's mentality." The two complimented each other, probably to relieve the tense atmosphere before the battle.

A few days later, in front of the empty auction house, there were several old men in extraordinary clothes. One of them shouted loudly to the door:

"You bastard, come out here. I'm here, your eldest brother, but I didn't come out to greet you."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he felt that something was wrong. In addition, these people were coming in a menacing manner and their words were very unkind, so Chen Xuan instantly activated the formation, intending to give a thunderous blow.

After the formation was activated, Chen Xuan controlled the formation. As long as the opponent took one more step forward, he would fall into his trap. However, he didn't know whether this formation would be useful to a powerful person who had become a saint, and Chen Xuan himself didn't know either.

After several people shouted, there was no movement.

"Second brother, why is there no one? Third brother is not here?"

"Oh, it's boring. I originally wanted to give my third brother a surprise." The old man known as the second brother said helplessly.

"Let's go! Let's go in by ourselves, it's not like we haven't been here before."

Just when a few people took a step, boom~

"Reincarnation Killing Formation, rise!"

"Well, this, is this a formation?"

Several people were shocked, and then relieved. After all, they knew what the purpose of coming was, so it was natural to arrange the formation.

"Then let's try the power of this formation. I feel like it's pretty good."

In an instant, the several old men exuded an aura that was as strong as wrinkles, and one of them was a bit stronger.

"Fourth brother, fifth brother, how is this formation? Can it still catch your eye?" Among them, the two of them were called out to have studied the formation.

The two old men, who were called fourth brother and fifth brother, looked at each other and smiled, and then struck out with their palms in a certain direction.


"Fourth brother, I'm afraid it's a bit tricky. It's still a formation within a formation."

"It'll be better if you break it again. I'll break it as many brothers as you have."

Two typical old naughty boys started to compete with the formation.

After a while, "Fifth brother, we think too simply. What kind of formation is this? Why can't it be broken? Is it an infinite loop?"

"This is the first time I've seen this kind of formation."

Just when a few people were at their wits' end, wrinkles appeared.

"Second brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, when did you arrive? Didn't you just arrive tomorrow?" Wan Yi also came back after going out. As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he saw several people and was very excited.

"No, you are..."

"Hey! What a misunderstanding!"

"Friend, they are my best friends, not enemies. It's just a misunderstanding."

Sure enough, just like that, the formation disappeared. Suddenly, several people found that they were still at the door, and they didn't even go in. They all admired the mystery of the formation. Halfway through, they were spinning around in circles.

"Third brother, this formation of yours is so mysterious. We are actually lost in it. Can you show it to me?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Third brother, isn't our relationship worth this broken formation?"

"No, fourth brother, the main thing is that I want to give it to you. If they don't want it, what can I do?"

"People? It means that this array is not yours! What's not yours is left at the door of your house."

"Eat enough, feel full!"

"I'm not satisfied with you. This was arranged by a friend of mine. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"This friend is also here. I will introduce it to you later. As for the formation, you can ask it yourself."

"Really? I can't wait. This series of formations is set up, tsk tsk!"

The group followed Wuzhen and went in.

Wrinkle the hall.

"My third brother, where is this friend?"

"I know you're already in the same grade, so why are you so impatient?"

"The formation is not perfect yet, you will die if you wait too long." Looking at the anxious two people, they frowned and said.

After a while, Chen Xuan appeared in the hall.

"Junior Chen Xuan, I have met all the seniors."

"Third brother, is this your friend? He seems a bit young, right?" Although Chen Xuan is hundreds of years old, he is still a young man in the eyes of these people. In addition, Chen Xuan also looks like a handsome young man. image of.

"Haha, fourth brother, don't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things. The great formation just now was created by him."

Several people looked at Chen Xuan up and down, and his colleague Chen Xuan also looked at them. Except for the one named Er Ge, the other two were all old naughty boys. Chen Xuan commented like this.

"If you have attained the Tao realm, this cultivation talent is not bad!" At this time, the old man known as the second brother said.

"The formation is so provocative, and his cultivation level is not bad, he is actually a monster-level talent."

"I wonder which sect my friend comes from?"

"Senior, I liked it instantly, but I, this junior, have no family and no family, and am alone."

This answer really surprised these old men. Without the guidance of the seniors of the sect, it is really unbelievable to have such strength. What's more, this formation is very particular about inheritance, and talent is also important.

"Chen Xuanyou, let me introduce you to them. These people are all good friends I made when I traveled to the mainland in my early years. Because we got along very well, we became sworn brothers."

"This is my second brother, Xu Heng, who is only one step away from becoming a saint. This is my fourth brother, Zhou Xu, and my fifth brother, Zheng Zheng. They are all peak Taoist masters."

"This friend's name is Chen Xuan. He is the benefactor of my Wan Family. He currently has a Taoist cultivation level, but he used his Taoist cultivation level to kill the Taoist Lord not long ago."

These words slapped many people's ears like a shocking wave. How can I kill the Tao Lord in the Tao realm? This is already comparable to the core disciples of several major superpowers, and he knows such a mysterious formation. This guy is incredible!

After several people understood Peter's strength and situation, they began to get involved in the topic.

"How is our strength here?"

"In addition to the few of us, our empty auction house spent a lot of money to invite five more titled Dao Lords. They are also good in strength. They are from the Shadow Tower. There are hundreds of Dao Lords. As for the others, there is no need to join. Fighting, I made them all withdraw."

"So good!"

"This is not enough! After all, Fang Youwei is the outer elder of Lieyan Brahma Sect. If he becomes a saint, we can handle it. I'm afraid that when the time comes..."

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