After saying that, several people escaped Fang Youwei's several attacks, gathered together, and then lined up.

Fang Youwei felt strong and frowned, feeling an unknown foreboding of good fortune.

"What? You've lined up, do you want to die in a more orderly manner?" Fang Youwei said.

"You ignorant old guy has really lived in vain for so many years. You will cry later."


Although he didn't know what they were going to do, Fang Youwei felt that they couldn't be allowed to get together. This was a feeling, so he stopped talking and condensed the Taoism again.

"Holy Way - Go to the Flame Holy Sword!" The giant sword with flames flew towards several people quickly, and was about to stab Zheng Zheng.

However, several figures were like ghosts, dodging in one direction, leaving behind a dazzling afterimage.

"This is such a fast movement. Is this a movement technique?" Fang Youwei's eyes showed a fanatical light. Movement technique is a rare thing.

Without stopping, he quickly launched several attacks.

Several people also dodged calmly, their movements still consistent.

"I don't believe it anymore. Let's see how long you can hide!"

But at this moment, the few people who had just avoided suddenly stood still.

"Why, you won't hide anymore? But your movement skills are pretty good. Can you let me study them?"

"Old man, suffer death!"

"Combined attack of Taoism, the earth will collapse!"

"How is this aura possible? What kind of magic is this?" Fang Youwei panicked. This terrifying aura made him, a strong man at the saint level, feel inexplicable panic.

Just like the name of this method, the ground shook, like an earthquake. With such power, I am afraid even a strong man like him, who has reached the saint level, cannot do it! !

Fang Youwei never expected that these titled Dao Lords, even if they understood the true meaning of the Dao Lords, could emit such terrifying auras, but it was already too late to hide.

"Holy Path—Guardian of Flame!"

Fang Youwei could only defend passively. A layer of red fire general Fang Youwei protected Zheng Zheng.

Boom ~

The aftermath of the battle spread out dozens of meters away, and it was with great difficulty that a few people stood still.

"Second brother, this guy shouldn't be able to block this move! We have killed strong men who have become saints with this move."

Sure enough, in the huge pit, Fang Youwei's breath was weak and his body was covered in blood.

"It seems, it depends on you, this move is really powerful!"

Fang Youwei stood up and praised Wan Yi and others, "Fortunately, I have a backup plan."

I saw a spiritual light bursting out from his hand, heading towards Ji, and then he took out an ammunition and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Oops, he's trying to bring in reinforcements." Wan Yi yelled, and when he was about to chase after him, his way was blocked.

I saw that Fang Youwei's breath, which had been weak just now, suddenly surged, and his whole body was still burning with flames, like a burning man.

"You are very good at pushing me to this point, but that's all. Next, bear my endless anger!"

"Holy Way—Holy Flame Burning!"

"This is?"

"Xin, flash forward, he must have taken the Realm Pill."

"Every time I make a mistake, you force me to do it!"

Realm Pill can temporarily improve one's strength, which is equivalent to the demon's magic skills that burn one's life. Moreover, this has great side effects. After the effect of the medicine wears off, a mortal can kill him.

After hearing the reminder, it was already too late to dodge. Only Wuzhi used the speed of thunder and lightning to dodge, while the others had no choice but to resist and were seriously injured!

On Chen Xuan's side, relying on the advantage of the large formation, Chen Xuan led the Dao Lord masters from the Kong Auction House to kill most of the Dao Lord level masters from Fang Yan's side.

Because the other party had seven titled Dao Lords, and Kong Auction House only had four other people besides Zhenyi. They were beaten by the other party's titled Dao Lords until they couldn't hold their heads up.

After quickly resolving the battle here, Chen Xuan joined the battle at the level of the titled Dao Lord.

"Hmph, you have attained the Dao realm and still come to interfere with our fight. You really don't know how to live or die."


"It is this formation that traps and kills most of our Dao Lords."

"I want to see how strong it is!"

The strength of this titled Taoist Lord is indeed incredible. With a few powerful Taoist moves, Chen Xuan's formation was blown to pieces.

"Still can't make up the gap?"

"The titled Dao Lord is indeed powerful." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

"Son, is there no one in the empty auction house? You are in the Dao realm and you think you have lived too long?"

Chen Xuan was silent. He knew that he could not compete with the currently titled Taoist Lord, but monks should be bloody. Others insulted him and looked down on him like this, which made Chen Xuan angry!

"Even if you die, come with me!"

"The way of reincarnation, destroy the void!"

"The phantom of gods and demons!"

"Hey! These moves are pretty powerful. Maybe they are at the same level and can't do anything to you."

"But, Zi, the titled Taoist Lord is not something you can compete with. You must die!"

"The Way of Gold, the Diamond Fist!"

With a muffled sound, Chen Xuan was knocked several dozen meters away. With a bang, he was hit to the ground, and a huge human-shaped pit was created on the ground.

"Son, that's good! He's not dead yet." Looking at Chen Xuan who was still able to stand up in the pit, the titled Taoist Lord was a little surprised.

"Let's see how long you can last!"

Several more punches were thrown at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan used all his moves to resist only two punches. The difference in strength was too big, and his Taoist skills could not make up for it.

Looking at Chen Xuan, who was knocked down by him again and again and stood up again and again, the titled Taoist Lord was also a little moved, but he was not alone.

"Son, I have to admit that I admire you very much, but it's a pity that you are on the wrong team!" He wanted to give Chen Xuan the final blow.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan stood up again on the ground, and a giant ball of energy gathered in his hand.

This is Chen Xuan's own creation. It is a terrifying power that combines the Tao of life, death and yin and yang. It was with this that he killed the Tao Lord last time.

Bang~, when Chen Xuan threw the giant energy ball in his hand, he was overwhelmed and fell to the ground.

The giant energy ball hit the titled Taoist Lord with such domineering power.

"What kind of power is this."


It was simply unbelievable that the titled Taoist Lord was knocked back dozens of steps before he could stabilize his figure.

Chen Xuan and his party were originally at a slight advantage, but as Chen Xuan passed away, the titled Taoist Lords were seriously injured and retreated steadily!

"Second brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, you take Chen You away!"

"The remaining people from my empty auction house will fight them to the death."

"Third brother, I'm afraid we can't leave like this. There is a sect behind us. He may not dare to do anything to us. You should take Chen Xuanyou and leave first!"

"Hurry up, it's too late if you don't leave!"

The old man known as the second brother urged.

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