"Yes! Yes!" The fourth and fifth children also agreed.

"How is this possible? This is a matter between us and Raging Fire City. If I leave, they will never let it go!"

"Hahaha! Stop trying, no one can leave now!" Fang Youwei and his party were already chasing after them.

And beside Fang Youwei, there was another young man in black robe.

"Elder Fang, since everyone has no fighting power, I'll leave first!"

"Wait a minute, I took the Realm Pill, and the effect of the medicine is about to wear off. I can't do anything anymore. That old man Wrinkle Yi has already understood the true meaning of Dao Lord. Apart from you and me, no one else can do anything to him. "

"I understand." The young man in black robe was quite straightforward.

"Come on! Fight, if you win, you can leave."

"Also, Elder Fang, after this time, we will be clean." These words were made by the other party.

"That'll be troublesome!"

Wrinkle also felt bad for a moment. This time, I am afraid it will be more misfortune.


The two of them fought together instantly.

"Holy Path - Wrath of Thunder!"

"The way of thunder and lightning - thunder!"

There is no suspense, wrinkles are also defeated.

"you lose!"

"The way of thunder and lightning to enter the holy realm? Sure enough, my way of thunder and lightning cannot compete with it."

Once the great path you practice becomes holy, it will be a qualitative leap.

"You could have killed me just now, why did you show mercy?"

In fact, with the strength of the young man in black robe, it was easy to kill Wu Yi, because he was a strong man in the holy realm who understood the true meaning of Dao Lord.

"Why should I kill you? We have no grudges?"

"Then why do you want to help him?" Wan Yi was very puzzled.

"I just owed him a favor, and now I've paid it back."

"Thank you very much for not killing me!"

The young man nodded, turned around and walked towards Fang Youwei, and said in a conversation:

"He has no power to resist anymore. We are already clear. Let's say goodbye!" The young man was about to leave.

At this time, Fang Yan asked:

"Why didn't you kill him? You could have just..." After hearing Fang Yan's words, Fang Youwei turned pale with fright and quickly scolded:

"Shut up! Apologize to Fengyou!"

"What do I, Feng Bochuan, need you to tell me about? I am a piece of garbage accumulated from drugs. For the sake of Elder Fang, I will not kill you now. You can take care of yourself!"

"Thank you Fengyou for showing mercy. Why are you still there? Thank you quickly."

Unable to withstand Fang Youwei's majesty, he said in a very reluctant way

"Thank you for not killing me!"

"Finally, don't let me see you again, or you will die!" After that, he walked away.

"Father, you just let him go."

"Shut up! You bastard, do you know who he is? If it hadn't been for me just now, you would have been a corpse." Fang Youwei yelled.

"Also, if you hear me, you will stay in the Fire City from now on. Don't go there. If you really meet him, you will really die."

Hearing Fang Youwei say this, Fang Yan knew that he was really in trouble, so he weakly replied:

"Father, wasn't the one just now a disciple of your sect? Aren't you an elder?"

Listening to his son's words, Fang Youwei wanted to die.

"I'm an elder from the outer sect, but I'm still at the bottom. If it weren't for chance..."

"Forget it, you don't understand even if I'm with you. Remember what I just said, otherwise I won't be able to save you as a father."

"Okay, hurry up and take a look. There's no Ying in Jin'er."

The war ended, and Wan Yi and his party were defeated because the other party failed to find Fang Jin, and all the people who survived were captured and taken to the Fire City.

Fire City Prison Zheng

"Quick, whoever knows where my son is, I will let him go! Otherwise..."

"Old dialect thief, let me go if you can. If you win, you can do whatever you want with me."

"You must be a fool! If you are still so stupid after this, do I need to fight you? You are my prisoner now."


"No! If you don't do it today, I will kill one of you. If you don't do it tomorrow, I will kill..."


Some people began to waver. In the face of life and death, they did not care about any morality. Some people begged for mercy:

"City Master Fang, I know the whereabouts of your son. If it's me, will you let me go?"

"Oh~ you, if it's true, I will never break your promise in Fangyan!"

"Tian Yun, my wrinkles also bring you great joy! You..."

"I'm sorry, President, I, I don't want to die."

"Okay, hurry up."

"Then I saw that Chen Xuan kidnapped your son."

"Where?" Fang Yan asked anxiously.

"I only know that Chen Xuan kidnapped your son. I don't know where he is?"

"Are you kidding me?" Following an angry shout, a ray of red light penetrated the man's eyebrows, and with a bang, the man no longer had any breath.

"Fang Yan, you are a despicable and shameless person!" Wrinkle Yi yelled angrily!

"Who is Chen Xuan?"

No one responded.

"You have some time to think before you continue to die!" Fang Yan did not intend to waste any more time. He believed that someone would tell the truth in the face of death.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, a weak voice stopped him.

"Stop," Chen Xuan woke up from a coma and witnessed everything that just happened. It all happened because of him.

"I am Chen Xuan, and your son is in my hands."

"You have to hurry up to recognize the identity, otherwise..."

"Yes, I can tell you, but you have to let them go. This matter is our grudge!"

Fang Yan thought deeply for a long time before saying, "Okay, except for you and Mr. Wrinkle Yi, I can let everyone else go!"

"No, we have to go together!" At this time, the second brother Xu Heng retorted.

"Yes! Let's go together!"

"At worst, I will die, but I will still be a good man in a few hundred years!" Others also echoed.

"Everyone! Second brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, your kindness is engraved in my heart, but you don't have to wade in this muddy water. You are very satisfied to be able to help me. If you insist on persisting, I can only If you can take the first step, then!”

With Wuxi's attitude of threatening death, everyone could only give in.

"Okay! But everyone must swear by the Tao that you will not cause trouble to me, Mr. Fang, after you go out."


What else was everyone thinking? Wrinkle Yi interrupted again:

"Everyone, please agree!"

"That's it! That's it! We swear on our word that we will never cause trouble to you Fang Mourao after we get out!"

"That's great! Everyone, please!"

Except for Chen Xuan and Wan Yi, the group left Liehuo City.

Outside the gate of Raging Fire City!

"Second brother, are we leaving like this?"

"of course not."

"But we can't trouble him!"

"Yes! If we can't go, why can't others?"

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