In a few months, Chen Xuan and Hei traveled through the Star Mountains on foot.

Nowadays, Chen Xuan is already at the peak of Taoism. He is only one step away from becoming a titled Taoist. It is useless to continue to practice like this. Next, he has to rely on Chen Xuan to realize it himself. The title of Taojun is another qualitative leap!

On the outer edge of the Xingdou Mountains, a man and a beast stood on a mountain fortress.

"Did you see it? Hei, our human city is right in front of us. How about it? It's spectacular! Haha, let me tell you, this is just an intermediate city. There are even bigger ones."

Hei Ye was very excited and roared excitedly, the sound shocking the mountain fortress.

"You're attracting people's attention like this. It would be nice if you could change a bit. No matter what, there are a lot of monsters raising anyway, although there are very few who are bigger than you."

Hei seemed to understand Chen Xuan's words, rolled his eyes, and then...

When Chen Xuan turned around, he saw Hei transform into a monster as big as a dog.

But Chen Xuan was stunned.

"Being able to transform into large monsters at will, it seems that no other monster besides the nine-tailed fox can do this!"

"Is this guy a descendant of the nine-tailed fox?"

Chen Xuan was puzzled and could only give up.

"Hei, what kind of monster are you? You can absorb the power of reincarnation, hunt for treasures, and change at will." Chen Xuan looked at Hei who had changed, held him in his hands, and said with surprise. .

Star Dou City is an intermediate city at the foot of the Star Dou Mountains. Outside the city gate, a group of people are surrounding a carriage, seeming to be arguing about something.

"No! Look at how these people are dressed like bandits!" Chen Xuan looked at them from a distance and murmured.

"These bandits are so wanton! They can actually do farming at the foot of the city gate."

"Hey! Don't you, the guards, care about me?" Chen Xuan asked.

The guards seemed to have not heard anything and ignored Chen Xuan.

"Hey! Are you deaf?" Chen Xuan was a little unhappy. What does the mayor of this city do for food? The security is so bad.

At this time, a voice came from the side

"This is my brother's first time in Star Dou City! The speaker was an old man in civilian clothes.

"Actually, we can't blame the city lord. Our city lord is a good person. In his eyes, ordinary people like us are very important. It is for us ordinary people that the city lord gave the order that as long as we are not in the city, we should ignore these thefts. ”

When Chen Xuan heard this, he became curious and asked again:

"What's going on?"

"Well, our Xingdou City is not in a good location. As soon as we go out, we are almost directly connected to the Xingdou Mountains. The terrain of the Xingdou Mountains is very complex, but the resources in the mountains are very rich, so the flow of people is large, and bandits can make profits. So they gathered in large numbers in the mountains and robbed passers-by of their property.”

"You mean, there are too many bandits and we can't control them?"

"Brother, what you said is wrong, this is just one of the reasons," the old man said slowly to Chen Xuan without being hasty.

"At first, in order to ensure the prosperity of our Star Dou City, our city lord sent guards to escort us. This had some effect, but it didn't last long."

"Originally, those bandits were monks with little strength and mortals who were dissatisfied with life. But because of the temptation of huge profits, many powerful monks also entered the mountain and became bright bandits."

"A hundred years ago, a formation expert from nowhere came from nowhere. With his superb formations, he unified the bandits in the mountains in a few years and became the leader. From then on, the bandits became even more rampant."

"Later, the city lord personally led troops to encircle and suppress the bandits, but the bandit leader managed to escape from the city lord by relying on the formation, and then set up a sizing formation in the mountains. Even the city lord, who is at the peak of his sainthood, could not do anything about his formation. In order to To take revenge on the city lord, they began to massacre the villages around Star Dou City, because they knew that the city lord loved the people. If you sent troops to surround and kill them, they would hide. After a while, they would harass the villagers, but instead ignore them. They are honest, that is When people rob something, no one usually loses their lives.”

"So, if these guards take care of this matter now, they will harass the villagers again tomorrow as revenge!"

After listening to the old man's words, Chen Xuan felt a little emotional,

"Alas, in this world of the jungle, the weak really have no way to survive!" This further strengthened Chen Xuan's belief in pursuing strength, but everywhere, it was always a world of the jungle, and the only way was to keep getting stronger.

So Chen Xuan stopped worrying. When he was about to enter the city, a shout came from the distance.

"Help, please help me."

This was the cry for help made by a young woman who was besieged by bandits. She was obviously helping the bandits steal money and keep having sex.

"Oh, this girl is so cool, why don't you accompany me..." The leading robber suddenly became lustful and wanted to molest the girl.

Chen Xuan looked at the scene again and couldn't control himself anymore. He actually raped a woman in broad daylight. Anyone with a bit of blood will definitely not be able to stand it.

Chen Xuan moved, and in a few breaths he rushed from the city gate to the scene of the incident.

"You beasts, stop it. A bunch of rubbish, bullying a woman, you really have no shame at all!"

"Son, I think your life is not boring anymore. It's none of your business. Go away and don't disturb my leisure."

The leading bandit thought it was a guard coming, but he was a little scared. When he saw the person coming, he looked like a rough guy, but his ugly face returned to threatening Chen Xuandao.

Chen Xuan hated others threatening him the most, so after three strikes, five divided by two, the bandits lay on the ground and struck with swords.

Chen Xuan did not kill him. If it was as the old man said just now, his other companions would definitely harass the villagers. It would be better to teach them a lesson and make them hate him, so that they would spend time to take revenge on Chen Xuan. .

Thinking like this, Chen Xuan repaired these bandits severely and said to them: "I am happy now, so I will not kill you. I will give you a chance to go back and call for help. Then I will come here again." Fix you up."

Sure enough, those people stared at Chen Xuan with vicious eyes and said harshly:

"Sir, you have the guts to leave a name. I must avenge you!"

"Come on, I won't change your name when you're here, or your surname when you're sitting down, just call you dad! Son, remember to find more people, you guys are not enough for me to warm up!"

"You wait, you wait for me, I will definitely kill you."

In this way, these bandits left in despair.

"Thank you, woman, for saving your life." The woman who was almost humiliated cried.

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