"It's okay, it's just a little effort." Chen Xuan said calmly.

After Chen Xuan was about to turn around and leave, the woman suddenly blocked his way.

"Benefactor, I don't know your name yet, so I can repay your kindness."

"Well, there's no need to repay the favor. I have other things to do, so I'll see you later!"

Chen Xuan turned around and left gracefully.

"Sister, everyone has gone away." Only then did the woman's spirit call back.

"Sister, you can't sneak out like this without a guard. If you hadn't met this young master this time, I'm afraid..."

"I know, Lan, I am too sincere. It seems that the outside world is indeed very dangerous!" The woman who was crying just now is no longer crying now. She can still bear it.

"Let's go back quickly! Otherwise, the master should be worried."

In Xingdou City, Chen Xuan and Hei were walking around aimlessly. Hei was like a country boy entering the city, pointing at Chen Xuan everywhere.

"Hei, have you had enough shopping? We need to find an inn to stay."

As if Hei didn't hear it, Hei pointed his paw in another direction, meaning to take a look over there.

Chen Xuan had no choice but to follow.


"Who raised this monster? It's so cute!" A clear female voice sounded.

Indeed, the changed version of Hei lost the majesty of the giant beast, especially its eyes, which were indeed very smart.

This girl is wearing a white dress. Looking at the fabric, she must be from a wealthy family.

This girl just wanted to catch someone with her hands. When Chen Xuan saw this, it was okay! If she makes this guy unhappy, this girl will have to shed her skin.

Sure enough, Hei felt that someone was trying to catch him, and his cute eyes instantly became less friendly, and he let out a deep growl, as if to warn the other person.

"Hei, what are you doing? Come here!" Just when Hei was about to go crazy, Chen Xuan's voice came over.

When Hei heard Chen Xuan's cry, he turned around reluctantly and walked towards Chen Xuan.

"Did you raise this monster?"

"No, we are friends, brothers who share weal and woe. I am not raising him, but we are relying on each other!"

But the woman didn't seem to hear it, looking at the black man at Chen Xuan's feet with a burning gaze.

"Make a price! I'll buy this monster."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he became a little angry.

"Did you not hear what I said clearly? He is my friend. Would you betray your friend?"

Women are still like that.

"How about one thousand high-grade energy crystals?"

Chen Xuan was completely angry at this moment. A good man would not fight with a woman, and he was about to turn around and leave, but the woman refused to let him go.

"If you think it's too little, I'll give it to you. Make a price!" The woman said very proudly, as if I was sure of you.

"Are you sick?"

"I repeat, I won't sell it! How about you give me a price and sell you to me?"

"You, don't be ungrateful. It's your blessing that my sister likes your monster. Such a high price is not enough!"

"Do you know who I am? Anyone who dares to talk to me like this will never see the light of day!" This woman looked gentle and gentle, but she didn't expect to be so aggressive and unreasonable!

"I repeat, I won't sell it, and I'm asking you to get out of the way!" Chen Xuan tried his best to suppress his anger, not to be the same as this man.

"You have to sell it now, whether you want to sell it or not, Zhang Qian, help me catch this monster."

"Well, sister, why don't you forget it! I'm looking for a good one for you."

"Shut up, my father paid you to be my subordinate, not to disobey me."

"Otherwise, you'd be good-looking."

The man named Zhang Qian looked embarrassed and said to Chen Xuan:

"Brother, how about you..."

"I'm sorry, are you as incomprehensible as he is?"

"In that case, I'm sorry, brother."

Then, the man named Zhang Qian suddenly took action and grabbed Hei, but he didn't even catch Hei's hair.

As soon as Chen Xuan saw this man taking action, Daojun's peak momentum immediately exploded, and he stared at Zhang Qian.

"If you are taking action, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Qian was surprised at first, and then his face became heavy as if facing a formidable enemy.

"I didn't expect that such a young man would have the cultivation level of a Taoist master." Zhang Qian sighed.

But she is not afraid either. Even though she is a titled Taoist, she is afraid that a Taoist will not reach the peak.

"Brother, I don't want to do anything, but I have no choice but to live."

"Then let's fight!" Chen Xuan didn't say much.

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"The phantom of gods and demons, the god of death comes to the world!"

Chen Xuan used his ultimate move as soon as he came up. After all, he was facing a titled Taoist Lord, but it seemed that he didn't understand the true meaning of the Taoist Lord.

"The way of ice is frozen for thousands of miles."

The black power of reincarnation and the white power of ice compete with each other in the air. This black and white scene is extremely spectacular!

"You're underestimating the enemy. This guy is a monster-level talent."

Zhang Qian began to pay attention. From Chen Xuan's two Tao skills just now, he felt a pure Tao power.

"The way of ice, ten thousand ice spikes!"

"The power of reincarnation, the side of yin and yang."

There was another exchange of blows, and both of them took two steps back before steadying their steps.

"I don't believe that I can't help you!" Zhang Qian couldn't hold back his anger. He, a titled Taoist Lord, was actually pushed back several steps.

"The way of ice, break the ice!"

The surrounding void seemed to be frozen. I thought that Chen Xuanyin would not be able to use this move, but

Chen Xuan was seen escaping from Yin Yang Cutting Dawn, his eyes condensed, and he immediately used the first and second swords of the Seven Swords of Gods and Demons, and both swords fired at the same time, heading towards the ice in the void.

After a few more loud noises.

"What! This is too evil!" Seeing that one of his trump cards was pierced by Chen Xuan's two swords, Zhang Qian regretted having a fight with Chen Xuan, but he couldn't do it. It was already so obvious to him, so he had to hold on. On the scalp!

Seeing Zhang Qian charging towards him, Chen Xuan immediately dodged and dodged. After dozens of rounds, the two of them were still fighting in a deadlock.

"No fight, no fight, there's nothing we can do to each other anyway." Zhang Qian said.

"Really? But I haven't used my full strength yet?"

"We have no grievances, there is no need to do this!"

"You start when you start, and you stop when you stop? It's too easy for you."

Chen Xuan originally didn't want to argue, but since the other party won't give up, he'll do it to the end!

Obviously, Chen Xuan didn't intend to waste time anymore.

I saw that Chen Xuan mobilized the power of reincarnation in his body and merged several powers again. The destructive energy sphere flew towards Zhang Qian, suppressing him so much that he could not get up.

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