Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2053: Making a fuss in Star Dou City

Looking at this huge and terrifying energy ball, Zhang Qian was afraid. He was just a temporary worker, and there was no need to work so hard. He felt that if this blow came down, he would definitely not be able to block it, and he would still be half dead.

He quickly said: "Brother, your strength is extraordinary. I can't take this move, so please be merciful."

Chen Xuan thought about it and realized that the original owner of this matter was not Zhang Qian. He was just forced to take action, so he gave up!

"Thank you brother for showing mercy!"

Chen Xuan said nothing, but looked at the woman and said, "Your men have lost, do you still want to stop me?"

The girl was also surprised. She didn't expect this humble Chen Xuan to be so powerful, and she didn't dare to say anything more at this time.

When Chen Xuan was about to leave, a group of guards came over. The battle just now probably attracted the attention of these guards.

One of the leading guards came over and asked in a cold voice: "Who was fighting here just now?"

"Don't you know that Star Dou City has an order prohibiting fighting in the city?"

"They were the ones who made the move first, I just defended them!" Chen Xuan said calmly.

Zhang Qian also stepped forward at this time and said:

"This is Sun Duhu's daughter."

When the leading guard heard that she was Sun Duhu's daughter, the cold face just now was filled with a flattering smile and said:

"I didn't know that sister is here. My subordinate was just rude. I hope you can forgive me."

"Okay, weren't you questioning me just now? Why, you're scared now."

"I won't pursue you anymore, just arrest this person."

"Yes, sister! Thank you for your forgiveness, sister."

After that, he said coldly to Chen Xuan: "Come with me. You have violated the rules of our Star Dou City. You must come back with me to accept punishment."

Chen Xuan understood clearly that Sister Diao Min was a daughter who protected everything. She was nothing, so she had to accept punishment, no matter what the reason.

Chen Xuan smiled, then looked at the guard and said:

"What if I don't?"

"Then expel Star Dou City."

"I don't care about this ruined city. I won't bother you and I'll leave by myself!"


The guard stopped Chen Xuan, and he looked like a slave.

"You can't leave yet? You have to accept the punishment before you can leave."

Chen Xuan knew that this was obviously a shot at himself.

"I have told you that they were the ones who made the first move, and I was just passively defending.

"Just leave if I ask you to. Why are you talking so much?" The leader was a little impatient.

Chen Xuan also knew that it was probably not clear now, so he simply didn't do much and took action directly.

"Black! Let's fight!"

The dog-sized Hei suddenly transformed into a tall and mighty beast.

Everyone was confused.

Before they could react, Hei's huge claws had already attacked them, and the war was about to break out.

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"The phantom of gods and demons!"


Attack after attack came towards these guards, and those with weak strength were directly knocked away by Chen Xuan's Taoist skills.

"Bold, you dare to hurt the guards!"

The armored man who took the lead roared.

"Now I have learned a lot. This Star Dou City is nothing more than this. The guards of this Star Dou City are also a bunch of rubbish!" Chen Xuan said with disdain.

The strongest man in this escort team is the leading man, Dao Jun. With this strength, under the attack of Chen Xuan, one man and one beast, he will be defeated in an instant.

"Hei, it's not advisable to stay in the cluster for a long time, let's go!"

Chen Xuan knew that since he had beaten the escort team, he probably had no place in this Star Dou City.

One man and one beast galloped towards the city gate.

This scene shocked both the difficult woman and Zhang Qian.

"Why is this man so powerful? Everyone was talking about it.

The guard who still had some strength on the ground quickly got up from the ground and shouted to Kong:

"Everyone gathers at the city gate, there is an enemy attack."

Star Dou City exploded.

On Chen Xuan's side, as soon as he arrived at the city gate, there was already a large number of guards waiting for him, and there was only one fight.

The palace of the city lord.

"Report to the city lord, there is really a battle happening at the gate of the city."

"The escort team can't stand it anymore. The opponent is very strong and there is a terrifying monster!"

"What? What's going on?"

A majestic man was sitting and reading, listening to the report of his subordinates, and suddenly became panicked.

"Is there a group of bandits?"

Thinking in his heart, he immediately turned into a stream of light and walked toward the city gate.

Chen Xuan, one man and one beast, had already beaten these guards to the point where they couldn't even lift their heads.

At this moment, a majestic voice shook the void.


Hearing this, the guards immediately stopped their attacks. Chen Xuan was shocked when he heard this and stopped attacking.

Then, a majestic figure appeared in front of everyone. When the guard saw the person, he immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison.

"Meet the City Lord!"

"Everyone, get up! Someone please explain to me what happened."

"Report to the city lord, we received a message from the second team and intercepted this man and beast."

The city lord then glanced at Chen Xuan.

"Who are you? Why are you making trouble in our Star Dou City?"

"Senior City Lord, I came to Star Dou City because of its reputation. I want to see how prosperous Star Dou City is."


"Chen Xuan will come one by one."

"Is this true?"

"Where is the captain of the second team?"

"My subordinate is here." A trembling figure appeared, it was the guard captain who had just confronted Chen Xuan.

"Is what this friend said true?"

"Back to the City Lord, it's like this." He still didn't dare to lie in front of the City Lord.

"Nonsense, absolutely nonsense!"

"Friend, this is my dereliction of duty, I still hope Haihan."

"I have long heard that the Lord of Star Dou City loves the people and is fair and just. This is true!"

"You smiled. If you don't mind, please go to the mansion to rest. I will give you an explanation."

"Thank you very much, City Lord!"

Then the farce ended, and Chen Xuan followed him to the main palace of Star Dou City.

As soon as Chen Xuan and his party entered the house, a beautiful female voice came:

"Dad, I heard that there is a war in our Star Dou City. What is going on?"

Then a young beauty appeared in front of everyone.

"Xin'er! It's actually just a misunderstanding. Dad has something to do now, so I'll let you know." The city lord said softly.

However, this young beauty stared at Chen Xuan and asked with some uncertainty.

"You are? Benefactor!"

Only then did Chen Xuan notice the young beauty with such eyeballs, no wonder she looked familiar.

"Are you the girl at the city gate?"

"Yes, yes, it's me, my benefactor, why did you come to my house?"

"This is a long story." Chen Xuan waved his hand helplessly.

"Xin'er, do you know each other?"

"Hey, dad, it's actually the bandit I met at the gate of the city when I sneaked out to play and forgot to bring my guards. It was my benefactor who saved me."

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