When the city lord heard this, he became furious.

"You don't know what your strength is? You just ran out of the city without taking any guards. Don't you know that you have a grudge against your father and those thieves?"

"Do you think you haven't lived long enough?"

"Hey! Daddy! Xin'er knows it was wrong. Xin'er promises there won't be a next time. Daddy, please don't let Xin'er go. Don't be angry. There are so many people!"

"Can you not be angry? Can't you stay at home well? The city is not big enough? You are running out of the city. If it weren't for Chen Xuanyou, you would really..."

Looking at her furious father, Xin'er felt a little guilty. Then she looked at her father and said seriously:

"Father! Xin'er really knows that she was wrong. Xin'er will definitely not do it again in the future."

Seeing his daughter looking like this, the city lord himself felt uncomfortable and waved his hand:

"That's it, that's it! As long as everything is fine, these bandits are really going too far."

The Star Dou City Lord said fiercely, but after a while, he showed a helpless smile.

Then he turned to Chen Xuan,

"Thank you so much for saving my daughter!"

"However, I will never favor you just because you are kind to You."

"If things are really what you think, then you still have to accept the punishment, even if there is a reason."

"I set the rules, and I can't break my own rules just because of this."

"Then what kind of punishment will I accept?" Chen Xuan knew that things were not that simple.

"Although it happened for a reason, you also caused damage to our Star Dou City, so all the losses caused by the battle have to be compensated by you!"

"Also, if you don't pay compensation, then please ask your friends to leave Star Dou City!" Chen Xuan thought it was some kind of punishment. This punishment is deserved. His battle did damage some things. Compensation is deserved. , Chen Xuan accepted it.

"I accept this punishment, but I didn't do it alone, and the guards obviously only targeted me."

"Don't worry Chen Xuanyou, they also have their punishment."

"The people in the escort team handled this matter unfairly, and I will definitely punish them severely!"

"As for Sun Duhu's daughter, I can handle it as well, don't worry about that!"

After the matter was settled, Chen Xuan paid the money and the captain of the escort team was dismissed. Sun Duhu's daughter also personally apologized to Chen Xuan and was imprisoned after hearing this.

Sun Duhu Mansion

"Dad! Your daughter was bullied and you asked me to apologize and put me in solitary confinement. Am I your daughter?"

"Weier, it's not that dad won't help you, this matter is handled by the city lord himself, and I don't have much to say! Don't worry, I will definitely help you out!"

"Chen Xuan..."

At this moment, Chen Xuan was helpless.

"I, Sister Shang, you'd better go back quickly!"

This eldest sister Shang is called Shang Xin'er, the daughter of the city lord.

"Brother Chen Xuan, can I call you this?"

"It's mine, you can use the sword any way you want"

"Brother Chen Xuan, where are you from?"

"I'm not from here anyway."

Chen Xuan was very helpless. He was pestered by this eldest sister when he came out of the city lord's palace. He insisted on repaying her kindness, but he did nothing except ask Chen Xuan this and that. Wherever Chen Xuan went, he was like a follower. Like skinworms.

"Sister Shang, I'm going to practice, you'd better go back quickly!"

Seeing that Chen Xuan was a little impatient, Shang Qian stopped pestering him.

"Okay then! Brother Chen Xuan, I'm going back, you can give me a ride!"

Chen Xuan wanted to refuse, but looking at the eldest sister Shang Xiner's temper, Chen Xuan estimated that if he refused, he might not be able to have a good time today.

"Okay! I'll give it to you."

After a while, Chen Xuan and the others appeared at the door of the city lord's mansion.

"Here we go, I'm leaving!"

"Hey! Brother Chen Xuan is here. Come in and sit for a while!"

"It's better! Se Yiwan, I'm going back to rest, so I won't disturb you anymore. You should also rest early!"

"Brother Chen Xuan, didn't you want to practice just now?"

Chen Xuan was very helpless all the time. It was not very far from the inn, but the eldest sister insisted on taking Chen Xuan to look here and there. The journey of more than ten minutes had to be walked for several hours.


"Well, for me, rest is cultivation!" Chen Xuan tried his best to keep himself calm and said slowly.

"Ah! That's it. No wonder Brother Chen Xuan has such a level of cultivation at such a young age. I also want to practice hard and catch up with Brother Chen Xuan!"

"Then I wish you, eldest sister, to catch up with me soon!" But as soon as he said these words, Chen Xuan regretted it. Why did these words sound so misunderstood.

Sure enough, when Sister Shang heard this, her smiling face turned red with two blushes.

He answered Chen Xuan in a very shy tone: "I know, thank you, Brother Chen Xuan!"

Chen Xuan wanted to explain something, but gave up again. This thing became increasingly unclear.

Chen Xuan was about to turn around and leave.

"Brother Chen Xuan, can I come and play with you tomorrow?"

Chen Xuan was so frightened that he ran away and replied as he ran:

"Well, it means I have something to do."

Seeing Chen Xuan's hastily leaving figure, Shang Qian pursed her lips and smiled. Knowing that Chen Xuan's figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, she turned around and entered the door.

"Girl, why are you so crazy and come back so late?" Shang Feng, the city lord, asked as soon as Shang Xiner entered the door.

"Hey, why does daddy have time to hang out in the yard today?"

"I'm asking you a question, don't interrupt!"

"I was just walking around the city."

"It's with Chen Xuanyou! Girl, do you like her?"

"No way! Dad, please don't mess up. I just want to thank him for his kindness!"

"Oh, really? Then how do you thank me?" Shang Feng paused and then continued:

"Is it possible that I have to commit myself to you?"

As soon as these words came out, Shang Xiner's face instantly turned red, and then she looked away.

"Humph, daddy is in trouble and ignores you."

"Okay, girl, I won't tease you anymore."

"Dad just wants to know that if you like Chen Xuan, he won't object."

"But, do you know the origin of Chen Xuan, who is in the family, and how he behaves in the world, so! Daddy wants to tell you, so you can spot him."

"I know that brother Chen Xuan saved me, so he must not be a bad person."

"Hey, Xin'er, if you return it, I won't be able to do anything. All in all, you have to take good care of yourself, you know?"

"I know, Daddy!"

"I'm going back to my room to rest. Daddy, get some rest early!"

Looking at his daughter, Shang Feng shook his head and murmured:

"Xin'er! This Chen Xuan is so young but has such great achievements. You think it's too simple. I hope you don't fall into it too deeply."

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