Early the next morning, while Chen Xuan was practicing, there was a loud knock on the door of the inn.

Heiye was awakened from his sweet dream, and looked at the knocking on the door unhappily.

"Who! Early in the morning." Chen Xuan got off the bed and murmured to himself as he opened the door.

As soon as Chen Xuan opened the door, he saw Shang Xiner standing outside.

"Hey! Good morning, brother Chen Xuan. This is the medicinal diet prepared by Xiner. It is delicious and can also improve your cultivation."

Chen Xuangang wanted to find an excuse that he had something to do, but Shang Xiner prepared a medicinal meal for him, which made Chen Xuan a little embarrassed to refuse.

This medicinal food is a good thing. Eat it regularly. It is very beneficial to your cultivation. The price is also very high. It is really hard to refuse this thing when they prepare it for you so early in the morning. If you refuse, you will be a bit ignorant. Anyway.

"Well, Sister Shang, this, this..." Chen Xuan didn't know what he was talking about at the moment and hesitated.

And Hei, who was very unhappy just now, suddenly appeared at this moment, looking at the medicinal meal prepared by Shang Xiner, his eyes were burning.

"Hey~ Is this the demon beast Hei raised by brother Chen Xuan? It's really cute. No wonder Sun Wei likes it very much and wants to snatch it away!"

"I didn't raise Hei, we are friends!" Chen Xuan really didn't like the words "Hei was raised by others". Although he and Hei didn't get along, after going through those hardships, Chen Xuan no longer regarded him as a monster. He treats them as beasts, but as his friends and brothers who share life and death and share adversity!

But what Shang Xiner did next made Chen Xuan's favor increase greatly.

"Hello! Hei! My name is Shang Xiner, can I be your friend like brother Chen Xuan?" Shang Xiner knelt down and looked at the black man.

But this guy didn't pay attention to anyone else, and still looked at those medicinal foods eagerly.

Shang Xiner didn't care about Hei's actions, but laughed softly:

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your default."

"Want to eat?"

Shang Xiner just said it casually, but this guy looked at Shang Xiner and nodded.

"It's me, brother Chen Xuan! Have you seen it? Hei actually nodded, he can understand me!" Shang Xiner looked at Chen Xuandao with an incredible look.

"Sister Shang, there is no need to panic. Hei is not an ordinary monster that can understand human language."

"Where is the black..."

Chen Xuan remained silent because he himself did not know what Hei's true race was.

In this way, Shang Xin'er's eyes never left Hei, and this guy was still a bit arrogant at first when he came into contact with Shang Xin'er, but he was cured by Shang Xin'er's medicinal diet and other things. At this moment, Shang Xin'er was He was eating something in his arms with an expression of great enjoyment.

Shang Xiner has not said a word to Chen Xuan since she got involved with Hei. This makes Chen Xuan a little embarrassed and he can't help but think in his heart.

"This is not as charming as Hei. I am also a handsome young man, okay?"

"Brother Chen Xuan, I want to take Hei out for a walk, is it okay?"

Chen Xuan originally wanted to refuse, because he was afraid that others would make Hei anxious and cause some trouble, which would be bad. But seeing Shang Xiner's hopeful eyes, Chen Xuan couldn't refuse, so he could only agree.

"Okay then! Don't run out of the city!" Chen Xuan joked.

Then, he used his spiritual consciousness to send a message to Hei and said:

"If you have anything to say, please send a message to me. I taught you how to send a message. Don't transform easily. Do you understand?"

Xia Hei looked at Chen Xuan with a reassuring expression, and then followed Shang Xiner out of the room in a big way.

Chen Xuan was bored and began to study the remaining formation.

Star Dou City is still so prosperous. In the city, densely packed people are busy doing their own things.

"Hei, do you like this?" Shang Xiner asked, watching Hei stare at a bunch of candied haws-like things.

A fraction of the black spots.

"Grandpa! I want these, how much do they cost?"

"Is it Sister Xin'er? How can I ask for your money? The city lord always distributes food to us ordinary people from time to time, and we don't even have time to thank you!"

This Shang Feng is very respected in Star Dou City, and Shang Xin'er also inherits her father's fine tradition and is very polite to everyone, and is loved by these people.

"No, dad, life is not easy for everyone. This is the fruit of your hard work and must be given, otherwise dad will find out and pay me back. Thank you, grandpa!"

The old man couldn't stand Shang Xin'er's stubbornness, so he had no choice but to give up, and his respect for Lord Shang Feng grew even more!

"No, Hei, here you go, give me what you want to eat, and I'll treat you to eat as much as you like."

I saw Hei Yong holding these candied haws in front of him and chewing them with his mouth. Then he cast a look at Shang Xiner, like again, very good, I have made you a friend.

One person and one animal are having a great time. Little do they know that danger is approaching them!

"Did you see clearly? How many people are following behind?"

"I'm telling you, the young master, those who follow Shang Xin'er are all from the escort team. There are five Tao Lords at the peak and five titled Tao Lords. Among them, there are two titled Tao Lords who have understood the true meaning of Dao Lord."

"What an old man's treasure! It seems like he has been alerted by what happened last time."

"Is that Rao's origin clear?"

"No, the origin of that person is unknown. We only know that his name is Chen Xuan. He caused a scene in Star Dou City a few days ago."

"Oh, what's going on?"

"Listen, that day..."

"It's not easy for Chen Xuan to come here!"

"Yes, the young master, Chen Xuan was the tallest one that day. If it weren't for the young master and you were afraid of attracting attention, I would have abolished him that day."

"Okay, Lao Bi, you are only half as good as that Zhang Qian. What a big talk."

"Chen Xuan will leave it alone for now. Our first priority is Shang Xiner. If we can succeed this time, my father will be able to enter the Holy Path. By then we will no longer have to be afraid of him, the Lord of Star Dou City."

"Go down and follow the plan."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Shang Xiner and Hei were tired of playing and sat down in a teahouse.

"Two," Shang Xiner called out

"It's Sister Xin'er. She hasn't been here for a while. Are you still following the same rules?"

"Well, the same old rules, just get more cups."

"Sister Xin'er has an appointment!"

"No, it's this guy. His name is Hei. He's my friend."

When the second shop owner heard this, he was a little dazed, but it didn't matter. He just followed the instructions.

"Hei, I'll give it to you. Their tea is delicious. You must like it." Looking at Hei, Shang Xiner said happily.

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