After a while, Er brought a pot of tea and two teacups.

"Sister Xin'er, please use it slowly!"

"OK, thanks"

Outside the teahouse,

"Young master, Shang Xin'er is inside, on the second floor."

"Well, is everyone here?"

"We're all here, waiting for you to give the order."

"How is the array arrangement going?"

"The arrangements have been completed."

"Remember, you can't make any mistakes this time, otherwise there will be fewer opportunities like this in the future."

"start to act!"

But Shang Xiner didn't know that the danger was approaching, and she was tasting the tea with Hei.

"How is it? Hei, it tastes good! I didn't lie to you!"

Hei held the tea cup and drank.

"Hei, look at you, why are you drinking in such a hurry? Tea should be drunk slowly and tasted carefully to get the flavor."

"You think you should drink it like this." Zhu Shang Xiner gave Hei a demonstration.

After looking at it, Hei followed his example and started drinking. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he was very satisfied.

Suddenly, a very discordant voice sounded in the quiet room.

"Sister Xin'er is so elegant! You can drink so happily with a beast. I wonder if that old man Shang Feng has the same virtue. After all, like father, like daughter, hahaha!"

The sudden sound caught Shang Xin'er off guard, but the content of the words made even Shang Xin'er, who was usually very polite, couldn't help but make her face turn red with anger.

"Who are you? Why did you insult my father and my friends when you first came up? How did you get in?"

"That's how I came in. As for why you insulted your father, I didn't. I was praising the Lord of the City and Sister Xin'er!"

Shang Xiner had never seen such a shameless person, and didn't want to say anything more, so she shouted loudly:

"Uncle Fu, throw this guy out!" But after shouting for a while, there was no movement.

"My innocent sister Xin'er, use your brain, I can come in, what do you understand?"

Xin'er realized something was wrong and asked loudly:

"Who the hell are you! What did you do to Uncle Fu?"

"Oh, you are so kind. In this case, let me satisfy you!"

"Bring it up!"

A group of people entered the house.

"Sister, are you okay?"

I saw a group of armored guards being tied up, except for their legs, which were not tied up to facilitate walking.

"Uncle Fu, what are you doing..."

"Shameless person, adding medicine to the tea is nothing." The man known as Uncle Fu gritted his teeth.

"Haha! It's really funny to tell this to a bandit like me."

"You are Liu Kun's people. You are so brave. You are not afraid that the city lord will destroy your doghouse!"

"You Shang Feng! If he had the ability, would we still be alive and well?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and come with us! I will take you to my house as a guest!"

We are about to catch Shang Xiner.

"Despicable people, the city lord will not let go..."

Bang, there was a muffled sound, and the person who spoke fell to the ground.

"It's so noisy and annoying."

"How about it, Sister Xin'er, can you come with us now?"

"You, don't come here, help!"

"Hey, no one will answer you even if you shout at your throat. It's really just that simple!"

"Since you don't want to cooperate with me, you have to force yourself!"

Just at this time


A beast roar resounded through the sky, causing the bandits to retreat.

"What, what's going on? Tell me, where did this monster come from?"

"Young Master, I don't know about this!"

Shang Xiner looked at the growing black figure and asked with some doubts:

"Black, is that you?"

Hei roared again, as if it was me again, don't worry, I will protect you.

"Go on, kill this beast for me!"

At that moment, a bandit at the peak of Daojun rushed towards Hei. Hei dodged to avoid it, and then quickly jumped behind Qiu, and with one move, he knocked the bandit at the peak of Daojun away.

When Shang Xiner saw her strength, she clapped her hands and applauded, arriving at:

"Well done, Hei! Kill these bad guys and I'll treat you to some medicinal food!"

As soon as he heard the medicinal food, this guy's eyes lit up, his momentum suddenly surged, and he rushed towards the bandits.

"Get out of the way!"

"Tell me, what is going on? Where did such a powerful monster come from!"

"Young Master, I have seen this monster, is it Chen Xuan's?"

"What, it can change big monsters? This is not a mortal thing, it's this Chen Xuan again!"

"Fuck them all, I want to live!"

At the end, several figures appeared behind him, all with the strength of the titled Dao Lord, heading towards Hei.

"The way of the earth, the mountains collapse and the earth breaks apart!"

"The way of ice, ice palm!"

"The way of fire, the flames of Brahma!"

Several attacks were thrown at Hei. Hei nimbly dodged one, then two, but was hit by the third attack and flew to the ground.


When Shang Xiner saw it, she immediately ran to Hei's side, touched Hei's head, and asked with concern

"Hei, how are you? Are you okay?"

Hei rolled up from the ground and shook his head, as if I was fine.

"Everyone knows, this monster is extraordinary. It can still get up after being hit by me."

Hei was angry, and a power burst out from his body. If Chen Xuan were here, he would be surprised, because this power is like Chen Xuan's reincarnation power.

With this power, Hei ran towards the crowd with an aura that rivaled everyone.

"Beast, you're just rough-skinned and thick-flesh. I really thought I couldn't do anything to you."

"The way of fire, the flaming sword!"

"The way of ice, thousands of miles frozen"


Several more powerful attacks attacked Hei.

After more than a dozen rounds, Black was still outnumbered. He was knocked to the ground, covered in blood, and had no ability to fight anymore.

"Young master, please leave quickly. I'm afraid there will be more trouble if you're too late."

"Let's go! Take this monster and retreat."

"Young master, you must not do this. This monster is huge. If we carry it with us, it will definitely affect our retreat speed."

The young man who was called the Young Master was still unwilling to accept it. Said to the crowd,

"If you don't give it a try, why don't you know it's not possible?"

"Young Master, it's better to leave as soon as possible. If you don't leave, it will be too late. The formation can't hold on for long. The battle here has already spread to the surrounding areas."

"Don't let your losses be your fault!"

The young man named Young Master looked at the darkness on the ground unwillingly, grabbed Shang Xiner's hand and wanted to leave.

After a loud bang, a majestic voice was heard echoing through the void.

"It's not that easy to leave. Now that you're here, stay!"

"Who gave you such courage to kidnap my daughter in the city? Liu Kun doesn't want his son anymore."

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