After the sound, a group of people appeared in front of everyone, it was Xingdou City City Lord Shang Feng, Chen Xuan and others.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, he learned the black sound transmission technique when he was bored, otherwise the consequences this time would be disastrous.

That's right, Hei's first roar was to retreat, and his second roar was to send a message to Chen Xuan to let him know.

Hei would only roar like this when he was furious, despite the fact that Hei and Chen Xuan were usually tied. But the furious Hei and Chen Xuan were no match. Hei's strength was actually superior to Chen Xuan's. Hei was with Shang Xiner, so Chen Xuan called Shang Feng.

When Shang Xiner saw that the person coming was her father, Chen Xuan, she cried excitedly and shouted:


"Dad, brother Chen Xuan, you are finally here. You are about to be captured by the bad guys before you come."

"Xin'er, don't cry, isn't daddy here? Don't worry, daddy will punish these bad guys severely."

Chen Xuan looked at Hei who fell to the ground, covered in blood, and suddenly became furious. A terrifying aura broke out in an instant, and he shouted.

"Whoever hurt him, stand up for me."

When the bandits saw that the person coming was Shang Feng, they were all frightened and no one responded.

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"Seven Swords of Gods and Demons!"

Chen Xuan didn't say anything more. He immediately activated his Dao Jue and used his Dao skills to attack everyone.

When Shang Feng saw that Chen Xuan had already taken action, he didn't say anything more and immediately ordered,

"Catch these people for me."

The bedding attack was directed at the bandits. The disparity in numbers and strength was too great. They were all beaten to the ground after just a moment of low gear, unable to move.

After that, Chen Xuan hurriedly came to Hei's side and used the life force in the power of reincarnation to heal Hei's injuries.

"Thanks to Chen Xuanyou this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Senior, who are these people? It seems they are targeting Sister Xin'er."

"That's right, these are Liu Kun's people, a group of bandits. You must have heard of them. They want to use Xin'er to threaten me."

"Is that the one who is proficient in formations and can unify the bandit leaders within a year, Liu Kun?"

"Yes, it is this person. Recently he wants to break through to the Saint level, and I happen to have something to break through to the Saint path. He probably wants to use this to threaten me to hand over your stuff." Shang Feng replied.

Chen Xuan felt very uncomfortable seeing Hei who was good at such a heavy skill. Except for the last time in the Star Dou Mountains, when Hei blocked the blow of the wild iron bull in order to save himself, he had never seen Hei suffer such a serious injury. Now his brain There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to vent this bad breath for Hei.

"Senior! Bandits are so rampant, haven't you ever thought about wiping out these bandits?"

"You don't know, I always want to do harm to the people and get rid of these bandits, but Liu Kun is very good at setting up formations. Relying on the complex terrain of the mountains, he has been hiding in the mountains and I can't get out. Method."

"Then find someone to break his formation." Chen Xuandao.

"I have tried, but there is no way to break Liu Kun's formation. This person has a very good background. He used to be a disciple of the formation sect. He practiced the formation method of the formation sect. Ordinary formation masters can't do anything to him. "

Formation Sect, Chen Xuan heard this name again.

"Doesn't a super powerful force like the Formation Sect pay attention to the reputation of the sect? Don't they care if the disciples in the sect, Ruci, are rotten?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

"Liu Kun was expelled from the sect precisely because he violated the sect's regulations."

"Even if Liu Kun is expelled from the school, will the Formation Sect not care if he uses the Formation Sect's formations to do such unscrupulous bad things?"

Listening to Chen Xuan's doubts, Shang Feng also said patiently:

"It's not that they don't care. Even if they want to, they can't do anything about it. The sphere of influence of the Formation Sect is at the northern end of the great world. Even if a strong Saint Realm master who can travel in the void wants to come to us, it will take at least a few months. Moreover, we are located at the southern end, within the sphere of influence of the Blazing Flame Sect and the Extreme Cold Ice Sect, so they can’t control it either!”

"In this case, he can do whatever he wants. No wonder he dares to do this."

"Senior, if I. I might be able to break his formation, do you dare to give it a try?"

After listening to Chen Xuan's words, Shang Feng fell into deep thought. He was wondering whether he could bear the consequences of failure.

When Shang Feng remained silent, Chen Xuan was not in a hurry either.

"How confident are you?"

"If it were different before, I would have no confidence, but now I am 60 to 70% sure." Chen Xuan said confidently.

"Why do you say this?"

"Their kidnapping of Sister Xin'er must have been planned for a long time, and the formation they set up outside the teahouse is so skillful that it must have been done by Liu Kun."

"However, the terrain in the mountains is complex, and there are many large formations, so I am only 60-70% sure, but I can still give it a try."

"Do you really mean what you say?"

In Chen Xuan's opinion, the certainty of 60 to 70% is a bit low, but in Shang Feng's opinion, the certainty of 60 to 70% is already very high. If this is the case, he is very willing to try. This is what Shang Feng has wanted to accomplish for half his life. wish.


"Okay, I'm willing to give it a try. When will we set off?" With this, Shang Feng couldn't wait.

"Senior, don't panic. I will prepare some things when I go back. Then I will inform the city lord. I wonder what the city lord wants to do?"

"Okay, just follow what my friend said."

"If you want to prepare something, just ask."

"In this case, please trouble the city lord to prepare some higher quality formation stones."

"Okay, no problem, I'll deliver it to you tomorrow!"

Then, the two began to plan the operation. About two or three hours later, Chen Xuan and Shang Feng parted ways and returned to the inn.

After Chen Xuan returned to the inn, Hei turned back to the size of a dog. The injuries on his body gradually improved a lot under the treatment of Chen Xuan's reincarnation power. Chen Xuan put Hei on the bed to rest, and then he took out another hand. After leaving the remaining formation, we began to study.

On the morning of the next morning, Shang Feng sent people to deliver the best formation stones to Chen Xuan's inn. Chen Xuan got these formation stones and couldn't wait to start deducing the remaining formation.

Chen Xuan discovered that this residual formation is composed of nine formations. Only when the nine formations are combined at the same time can the residual formation be complete. Moreover, the power of each town is very huge. The power of any formation is comparable to that of the Holy Way. Level strong man.

With Chen Xuan's current strength, he can only reluctantly set up one of the formations. That's why Chen Xuan came to the formation stone and planned to continue setting up this formation so that he could master it more skillfully.

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