Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2059 Overestimating one's own capabilities?

In combination formations like this, the killing formation is usually hidden behind the illusion formation. That is to say, the illusion formation is actually used to consume the enemy and has no actual lethality. Those monster swords are just illusions and do not actively attack. Even if you are hit by the giant swords of these monster beasts, it will be nothing. On the contrary, this is the key to breaking the formation.

Chen Xuan once again looked highly at Liu Kun.

Now that the phantom formation has been broken, the remaining killing formations and defensive formations are much simpler. After all, the most troublesome among formations is the phantom formation, with endless variations!

Chen Xuan turned on his spiritual consciousness and took a look. The position he was in happened to be the blind spot of the killing formation, that is, Chen Xuan would not be attacked by the formation at this position.

Chen Xuan took out a formation disk and some things to lay out the formation. He planned to change the formation on the basis of this formation.

Although it is a bit difficult, this formation is not very complicated, it just takes some time. After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan finally completed this project.

Then Chen Xuan sent a message to Shang Feng, and soon the large army followed.

As soon as Shang Feng entered the valley, he looked at Chen Xuandu with some doubts.

"I remember that there seems to be a jungle here. Why is this valley the only one left now? Moreover, I remember that there seems to be a large group of monsters here that cannot be killed, and there are also giant swords that are difficult to fight."

Listening to Shang Feng's question, Chen Xuan replied calmly:

"Senior, this is just an illusory formation. Those are actually illusions and do no real harm."

"As long as you find the base of the formation, stand on it, and let those illusions attack you, you can break it."

"The formation is really mysterious. No wonder, among so many monks, only a very small number have this formation talent."

"Actually, the formation is just another way of cultivation. However, this is not just with the help of us humans. The formation is still the understanding of the great road."

Shang Feng listened to these words, but he didn't understand them, and sighed:

"It's a pity that I don't have this talent, otherwise I wouldn't be so embarrassed by Liu Kun."

"This Liu Kun is indeed the second son of the Formation Sect. He does have some strength. However, I don't understand why a person with such talent is willing to be a bandit here."

"No, let's go! I can't wait to meet this person."

The large army continued to penetrate deeper and soon arrived at their destination!

"Something's wrong! Logically speaking, we shouldn't have gotten here so easily! I thought it took a lot of effort to get here." Shang Feng was a little surprised when he saw how easily he reached the mountain stronghold in front of him.

"There is indeed something wrong, but I didn't feel any fluctuations in the formation along the way."

"No matter what, your heart comes first."

However, just when they were wondering, a voice echoed through the valley.

"Who am I? It turns out that I am the Lord of Shangfeng City. Why come to me for such a big fight? My village cannot accommodate so many people."

"Liu Kun, don't you even have the courage to come out and talk to me? You are still hiding as usual." Shang Feng said with some contempt.

"You asked me why I came from you, don't you know? I haven't touched you all these years, you really thought I was afraid of you."

"How can the dignified Lord of Xingdou City be afraid of a copycat owner like me?"

"I'm afraid City Master Shang wants to kill me in his dreams! It's a pity that you can't do it. What a pity!"



A terrifying aura erupted from Shang Feng's body. Shang Fengzhen was about to take action, but was stopped by Chen Xuan.

"Senior! Don't be fooled. He is just deliberately irritating you. I guess he has already set up a formation waiting for you to be fooled."

Chen Xuan's words were like enlightenment. Shang Feng woke up instantly, and then he felt a chill on his back. If Chen Xuan hadn't stopped him, he would have suffered a loss again. It was the same way back then.

Seeing that his treacherous plot was discovered, Liu Kun said unhappily:

"Son, this is a grudge between us. Are you trying to mix things up? Do you think your life is not long enough?"

Hearing Liu Kun's threat, Chen Xuan was not angry, but smiled and said:

"I heard that my senior's formations are amazing, and I happen to have some research on formations, so I came here to ask for advice from my seniors, and he was generous in giving me some advice."

These words sounded like a junior who was humbly learning from his seniors, but Liu Kun was not a fool, and these words were obviously mocking him.

"Son, do you know that you are looking for death?"

"did not expect,"

"Senior, this formation is so superb, why are you so weak when it comes to harsh words?"

"Son, I'm going to kill you!"

As this roar passed behind him, the earth began to tremble, and then, it seemed like a meteor shower was falling, but this time it was not a meteor shower, but fireballs with a dangerous aura, hitting everyone. .

Chen Xuan shouted:

"Get out of the way!"

Afterwards, Chen Xuan immediately began to set up a defensive formation. After a while, a huge Xuanwu shadow appeared, protecting everyone behind it.

"This, this is the Xuanwu Formation?" came a shocked voice, and it was none other than Liu Kun.

"How's it going, Senior Liu? I don't know if my Xuanwu Formation is acceptable or not." Chen Xuan stood on the head of the Xuanwu Shadow, looked at the direction from which the sound came, and asked with a smile.

"It's just good luck. The Xuanwu Formation cannot exert any great power in your hands."

"Really? You can try to break my formation."

"It's just a top-grade defensive formation. Is this what you rely on to be arrogant in front of me? Son, you are still too young."

Immediately afterwards, the fireball above stopped attacking, and then suddenly more terrifying attacks came from all directions.

"Then let you have a taste of my Siyi Breaking Formation!"

Boom, boom, crash!

Attack after attack hit Xuanwu's shadow mercilessly, and it was visible to the naked eye that Xuanwu's light had become much dimmer.

"This is the game of formation!" Shang Feng sighed as he looked at the scene in front of him!

"Chen Xuanyou, do you need anything from us?"

"Don't worry! Senior, I'm just testing his abilities. Don't be so nervous. The fun is yet to come?"

"Senior, please stay here for now. I have set up three defensive formations. Even if he wants to break through my formations, it will take some time. After I break his formations, I will transmit the message to you. "

After that, Chen Xuan jumped out of the Xuanwu shadow and walked straight to the stronghold. Chen Xuan knew that the highlight of the show was here.

Liu Kun couldn't help but feel funny when he saw Chen Xuan himself coming in.

"This guy really overestimates his abilities!"

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