Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2060 The natural formation foundation is broken

"If he wants to break through my defensive formation, even if he does, he probably still has some time."

Thinking of this, Liu Kun decided to focus all his attention on defeating this Xuanwu formation. After all, he alone could not make trouble, so he had to deal with these large forces first.

Both of them had full confidence in their own defensive formations, so they both chose to break the other's formation first.

As soon as Chen Xuan set foot in this village, the scene before his eyes changed again.

"It's just as I expected!"

The defensive formation is combined with the phantom formation. This is the most basic formation combination. In this way, the phantom formation can be used to delay time, and the ability of the defensive formation can be used to protect the phantom formation from being broken. The two complement each other.

Therefore, this game of formations is about who is more proficient in using formations, who has a deeper understanding of the avenue, and whoever can decipher the opponent's formations faster, whoever is the winner.

Time is life for them, they must race against time, success or failure depends on this!

Liu Kun's side.

At this moment, Liu Kun's face was not as relaxed as before, but looked very solemn.

"When I saw this boy, I didn't expect him to be so accomplished in this formation. He has such attainments at such a young age. He must be as talented as the inner disciples of my formation sect."

Liu Kun regretted that he chose to deal with Shang Feng and others first instead of Chen Xuan. Now he has no choice but to bite the bullet.

Time passed bit by bit, and Liu Kun was very anxious.

"I didn't expect this guy to actually set up four large formations in such a short period of time." Liu Kun was shocked again.

He spent a lot of effort to destroy the two defensive formations arranged by Chen Xuan. Unexpectedly, there was a combination of a fantasy formation and a defensive formation behind them, which made him somewhat overwhelmed. .

It's not easy for Chen Xuan, after all, this is his hometown.

In addition, Chen Xuan could only defeat two of these formations. He had not figured out how many formations there were here, and he was also very frightened. He still looked at Niu Kun.

As expected of a disciple from this formation sect, Liu Kun can be considered a talent in this formation. Chen Xuan couldn't help but have a strong interest in the formation sect. This is true for an outer sect disciple, but what about the inner sect? What about the core? What kind of existence does that have to be?

Finding that his thoughts were starting to get a little stuck, Chen Xuan quickly regained his attention and was shocked again that this illusion array could also affect Rao Xinzhi.

Chen Xuan did not dare to think too much and concentrated on dealing with this formation.

One, two, three, each formation was destroyed by Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan couldn't be happy at all.

"This Liu Kun is really capable! How afraid of death he must be! The layout of these formations is almost as good as a city's defense formation."


After breaking another large formation, Chen Xuan let out an exclamation.

"Logically speaking, even a saint-level formation master can only set up five large formations at most. This is already too much for this cultivation level. I must have broken more than five. What on earth is it?" Something went wrong somewhere?

"Could it be that these natural formations can break through this limit?"


Suddenly Chen Xuan burst out laughing excitedly, as happy as if he had discovered some treasure.

"I was wrong, I was wrong from the beginning!"

"You know clearly that there is a natural formation base here, but you don't overestimate your ability to crack the formation. What a big mistake!"

A natural formation base can provide a steady stream of power for the formation. That is to say, if a formation is arranged based on such a natural formation base, even if only one is arranged, infinite ones will be extended after you break it.

"No wonder, Senior Shang has invited so many formation masters to come, but they all come back without success. No matter how powerful the master is, if he doesn't pay attention to this detail, even a great master of formations at the level of a saint will not be able to break it. Formation."

After finding the problem, Chen Xuan was not obsessed with cracking the formation.

The most important thing now is to destroy the formation base. As long as the formation base is destroyed, won't this formation be solved easily?

With this, Chen Xuan mobilized the power of reincarnation in his physical body, and the Tao Lord's peak aura was fully revealed.

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"The power of reincarnation breaks the yin and yang of life and death!" Chen Xuan continued to use Taoist skills to attack the surroundings, because only in this way can the original terrain be destroyed.

"It really works!"

Chen Xuan was very excited when he saw that the formation was crumbling because Ran's formation base was destroyed.

At the same time, those Tao skills were thrown out crazily by Chen Xuan as if they were worthless.


After several loud noises, Chen Xuan destroyed the originally very complicated terrain.

Without such a formation base, the formation deployed by Liu Kun is like a tiger without teeth, and can only be slaughtered by others.

The noise on Chen Xuan's side has attracted the attention of Liu Kun. After hearing these loud noises, Liu Kun, who was breaking the formation, suddenly felt an unknown happiness in his heart.

"We have to speed up." Liu Kun murmured to himself.

"Could this movement be Chen Xuanyou?" Shang Feng thought silently in his heart in the defensive formation.

However, there must be a reason why Chen Xuan asked them to stay in the formation, and Shang Feng could only wait quietly in the formation.

After the formation was broken, Chen Xuan looked up and saw a mountain stronghold that was exactly the same as the one just now on the mountain peak not far away. It must be Liu Kun's hometown!

Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to go up. After all, he was alone. Even if Chen Xuan was prepared, he did not dare to act rashly, so he quickly turned around and galloped away in the direction of the large army!

Liu Kun, on the other hand, is still working hard to break Chen Xuan's formation. Looking at him like this, he is a little excited, and it is obvious that he is about to break Chen Xuan's formation.

Just when he was about to launch the final attack on Chen Xuan's formation, Chen Xuan's voice came.

"The formation arranged by Senior Liu is so mysterious!"

"Why, does Senior Liu like my formation? It's just a few defensive formations and phantom formations, and they haven't been broken yet."

In fact, Chen Xuan did this on purpose. The purpose was to anger him and make him attack him, so that he would not let it break his formation. Otherwise, after the formation was broken, the army would be affected, and casualties would be inevitable. Something happened.

"you you,"

Sure enough, Liu Kun was already furious. Chen Xuan quickly used the power of reincarnation to prepare for defense.

But just when Chen Xuan thought he was going to be attacked by Liu Kun, Liu Kun suddenly turned around and blasted in the direction of Da Zhi. Chen Xuan wanted to stop him but it was too late.

I can only shout loudly:

"Senior, please tell the team to get out of the way. The formation is about to be broken. You will..."

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