The Chaos Star Sea is located in the center of the wild world, surrounded by continents bordering it. After Chen Xuan came out of Star Dou City, he and Hei came here, planning to cross this star sea and return to the Xuan Continent.

After all, there are Qing'er and his disciples waiting for him in Xuan Continent. Also, Chen Xuan plans to use this time on the road to practice a lot, strive to break through the title of Dao Lord, and go back to find the old man with dialect to settle the accounts. .

"Brothers in front, are you going to Tongdao in front?" Chen Xuan, who was on his way, heard someone calling him from behind and turned around.

"Are they calling me?"

"Is this brother going to Tongdao in front of us? If he wants to accompany his brother." One of the burly men asked with his fists clasped.

Chen Xuan was a little confused.

"Isn't this an adventure to some master's mansion, a treasure hunt, a quick trip, and a team?" Chen Xuan muttered in his heart,

Then he asked again

"Fellow Taoists, I am indeed going to the island in front of me. I don't know if it is called Tongdao."

The burly man who just spoke frowned a little after hearing Chen Xuan's words, and thought to himself

"This guy is a young guy. He came to Tongdao without even asking about it. It's really..."

The burly man was about to turn around and leave, but another tall and thin man accompanying him spoke again:

"This is your first time coming to Tongdao, fellow Taoist."

"My fellow Taoists don't know that the sea area in front of Tongdao is rampant with monsters, and monster tides often break out. Therefore, people who go to Tongdao often go together in groups, so that they can take care of each other."

Chen Xuan and Hei have been drifting in this chaotic star sea for more than a month, and they have often encountered waves of beasts, so they plan to take a rest before continuing to rush back to the Xuan Continent. As for the Tongdao Island, they really don’t know. .

Seeing Chen Xuan's confused look, the tall and thin man spoke again.

"Tongdao is a famous large island in this chaotic star sea. Although it is an island, its area is very large. There are more than ten high-level cities on the island, not to mention those intermediate and low-level cities. Therefore, A large number of people gathered on this island.”

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for informing me. This is indeed my first time here."

"So, fellow Taoist, are you willing to come along?"

"Then it's better to obey orders than to be respectful!" Chen Xuan said, cupping his fists.

"Come, let me introduce to you, my humble Sun Jin,"

"This is my junior brother, Cao Fei." This Cao Fei is a taciturn person. Chen Xuan has never heard him speak since he saw him. Chen Xuan nodded to him, and he just smiled and said nothing.

"This is also Fu Yong we met. We both went to Tongdao, so we went to school together." Sun Jin pointed at the burly man who just asked the question.

And this burly man also clasped his fists towards Chen Xuan as a greeting to Chen Xuan.

"In this case, let's hurry up without further delay."

Chen Xuan and the burly man Fu Yong took the lead, followed by Sun Jing and his junior brother Cao Fei.

Two voices said:

"Brother, I don't understand why you brought these two people. That Fu Yong looks very poor at first glance, and that guy, who doesn't even know about the beast tide, went to Tongdao. I think it's still early, let's change Target."

"Do you know why I don't let you speak? You have a stupid head, and that Fu Yong is a poor person, but a fly is no longer a piece of meat. As for that Chen Xuan, I'm afraid you have misunderstood. He dares to come up in this sea of ​​stars alone. There must be something to rely on, either because he is very strong, or because he has many life-saving treasures. Judging from his appearance, he must be the latter. How can he be so strong at such a young age? "

"Furthermore, didn't you see the monster at his feet? Although I don't know what race it is, it must be very extraordinary, so I infer that this guy is probably a disciple of a big family or sect. Are you? Isn’t it a piece of fat?” There was greed in his eyes.

"But senior brother, if it's true as you say, wouldn't we be in trouble?"

"Oh, junior brother! Why are you so stupid! Where is this place?"

"Chaotic Star Sea!"

"So this is the sphere of influence of some big family or sect?"

"No, this place is full of good and bad people. Who has such a leisurely mind?"

"That's right. The Chaos Realm Star Sea is so big and there are so many islands and cities. It's a problem to find us. When the time comes, we can just find a place to stay. Once the storm is over, isn't it over?"

After listening to Sun Jin's analysis, it seems that this is the case.

"Sure enough, senior brother can see it clearly. Junior brother has been taught. What should we do, senior brother? Just grab it?" Maybe because he was a little excited, this guy actually came out like this, and his voice was a bit loud.

"Shh! Shout."

Chen Xuan, whose hearing was amazing, seemed to have heard it, so he turned around and asked:

"You two, what are you trying to grab? Why are you so slow? Is something wrong?"

"Uh, what, it's nothing, let's see if anyone else goes to Tongdao's No Sakura"

"Oh, that's it. Then we'll wait for you two in front?"

"Then I'll trouble you, fellow Taoist."

Chen Xuan took a deep look at the two people, turned around and followed Fu Yong.

"Brother Fu, is this tide of beasts really that ferocious?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Son, I really admire your courage. You dare to wander on this starry sea alone, and you are not afraid of dying from the mouths of those monsters? Young people do things regardless of the consequences. I and you, thank you for meeting us, otherwise, in the future, I’m afraid you can’t go to Tongdao alone.”

"Thank you Brother Fu for informing me. I wonder why Brother Sun Jin and Brother Cao are so slow." Chen Xuan pretended to complain.

"If they don't slow down, they can find you!"

"So, Brother Fu was also invited by them?"

"That's not true, I invited them. If you want to think about this beast wave, you have to find a few reliable people to go with you."

"But they themselves are disciples of Tongjiao on Tongdao Island. I didn't believe it at first, but they are so familiar with these sea routes, so they can't be wrong."

"Brother Fu knows about Tongjiao?"

"Of course, Tongjiao is a well-known force in the Chaos Sea Star Territory. Its strength is enough to control this star sea. However, no force will dominate the star sea, so Tongjiao will naturally not do it, but it is very famous."

"You actually don't even know about Tongjiao. It's really..."

"By the way, why do you keep asking Sun Jin and Cao Fei?"

"Brother Fu, didn't you see that there is something wrong with these two people sneaking around behind?"

When Chen Xuan said these words, Fu Yong didn't have much reaction, indicating that he should have seen it a long time ago.

"I don't know if there are any problems. Anyway, we just went to Tongdao together. When we got to Linfang, we naturally parted ways. Whether there are any problems is none of my business."

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