"Brother Fu, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others, right?"

Fu Yong took a deep look at Chen Xuan, then took a deep look at Sun Jin and Cao Fei behind him, and then said:

"Let's go! If there is any problem, as long as it is not detrimental to me, it is none of my business, but if you want..."

"I'm not afraid of them either."

Chen Xuan is gone. His goal has been achieved. Fu Yong is obviously not with them, so Chen Xuan is relieved. Chen Xuan is afraid that Sun Jin and Cao Fei will join forces with Fu Yong to deal with him. , then the situation is very bad.

Now that Fu Yong is on guard against Cao Fei and the other two, Chen Xuan is not afraid of anything anymore, but is rather looking forward to what these two people are going to do.

However, at this time, Cao Fei, who was still discussing how to deal with Chen Xuan and Fu Yong, did not know that he had been suspected and became defensive.

"Have you said hello?"

"Don't worry! Brother Hai, the big beast tide today is at night, but there are still beast tides at this time."

"Okay, let's go, follow, and remember not to show any signs of weakness."

"Don't worry! Senior brother, if it's a big deal, I'll just keep silent."

Then, the two of them smiled knowingly and shouted to Chen Xuan:

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoists! Not far ahead is the area where beast tides frequently occur." After finishing, he speeded up and followed.

"By the way, Brother Sun, listen to Brother Fu, are you and Brother Cao Fei disciples of the same religion?"

"That's right, but he's just an outer disciple, and he only does odd jobs in the sect."

"I heard that Tongjiao is a well-known force in this chaotic star sea. I come from your place and don't understand the local situation. I wonder if Brother Sun can explain it to me so that I can understand it better."

"Of course!" Sun Jin agreed happily, and then said:

"Our Chaos Star Sea is called chaos because our place is very special. Chaos in this Chaos Star Sea is not just random."

"Oh, I wonder why this is so messy?"

"Actually, at the beginning, there were very few human beings in our chaotic star sea, because the environment here is very complicated, and there are constant waves of beasts on the sea."

"Brother Chen, does he know about this Ji Mansion?"

"Of course we know this. How could the top forces in our wild world not know this?"

"Does Brother Chen know about the changes in the history of this machine mansion?"

"Appreciate further details!"

"It is said that the first outsiders in our chaotic star sea were from the Ji Mansion. Thousands of years ago, the Ji Mansion was already a powerful force that was famous all over the world. At that time, the Ji Mansion produced an extraordinary talent. The Master of the Ji Mansion personally accepted him as his disciple. Since then, this talent has become even more outstanding, sweeping away all talents with his invincible appearance. Therefore, the Master of the Chi Mansion plans to pass on the position of Master of the Ji Mansion to the He, however, was frustrated because of his humble birth and failed to get support. He left Jifu with his supporters and came here, intending to create a force that was no weaker than Jifu. Prove it to those people.”

"They built a lot of construction here, started to build cities, and then started sects and recruited disciples. However, because of the poor conditions, few people came, but it was better than nothing. In this way, slowly, these people began to discover those who had not been The developed island found a lot of cultivation resources, and they used these resources to make the place prosperous. "

"Later, because someone failed to break through to a higher realm, chaos began here after his death. The previous sect was divided into pieces. In order to compete for resources, wars broke out out of control, resulting in many people dying."

"Later, the things here were known to the forces on the mainland, and they all wanted to come over and get a piece of the pie. In this way, those forces frantically began to build islands in this star sea and seize resources. However, because beast tides often occur in this sea, , so all the forces are evenly matched, and it has continued to this day, so it is very chaotic here. Firstly, it is because there is a mix of people from all kinds of forces. Secondly, there are frequent battles here, so it is very chaotic. "

"This is the origin of the Chaotic Star Sea. It's roughly like this, but there are still many things in it. If Brother Chen Xuan is interested, you can learn about it yourself."

"In general, this is a place without rules, because there is no unified force to govern it. The people here value all cultivation resources, so murders and treasure grabbing often occur. In short, here , everything must be handled carefully, if you don’t pay attention, you will die without a burial place!”

Chen Xuan originally wanted to trick him, but he didn't expect this girl to say so much in one breath without giving him a chance to interrupt. Chen Xuan was speechless.

"Then I don't know what kind of force this Tongjiao is?"

"It is said that our Tongjiao is one of those separate forces, and it is the most powerful among them. However, the wars that have occurred over the years due to competition for resources have caused these separated forces to fall apart again."

"Of course, these are just rumors. How true they are is unknown. In short, it's just chaos!"

A group of people arrived at the sea area where beast tides are prone to break out. It was not far from Tongdao.

"Brother Chen, Brother Fu, the area ahead is where the beast tide breaks out, so be careful."

"I see it this way. We know the road and know where the risks are. Otherwise, we can lead the way!"

Fu Yong happily agreed.

But Chen Xuan felt that it was very bad, because if there was really a problem between these two people, why not take Chen Xuan with him? In an instant, Chen Xuan got very energetic.

"Hei, please pay more attention!"

"Brother, why are you telling them this?"

"Of course I let them relax their vigilance. If I think about them so much, they will definitely think that I am that..."

"So that's it! Is this still going to go according to the original plan?"

"Are you sure these beasts are okay?"

"Okay, this is a peak-level Dao Lord. We are lucky. We happen to be able to cope with this level. If it were at night, our work would really be in vain."

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up on the calm sea, instantly stirring up huge waves.

"This is a precursor to the outbreak of the beast tide. Everyone, follow me." Sun Jin shouted loudly.

So everyone moved closer to him.

Just when Chen Xuan and Fu Yong were approaching, Sun Jin and Cao Fei suddenly took action.

"The way of ice, ice-breaking fist!"

"The way of ice, ice-cold slash!"

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