The sudden attack caught Chen Xuan and Fu Yong off guard, and they could only defend hurriedly. They were both knocked back dozens of meters before they stopped.

Fu Yong shouted angrily:

"What do you two mean by this? Why did you suddenly attack us?"

Chen Xuan was not very surprised and looked calm.

Just when they were about to fight back, they suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming from behind them. The two of them looked back:

"It's a tide of beasts, okay! We have no grievances, why are you doing this?" Fu Yong continued to ask.

"Okay, Brother Fu, you must be on guard against others. I'm right!"

"Let's deal with this tide of beasts first, otherwise..."

"Hahaha! It's true. I've reminded you that in this chaotic star sea, it's not just about killing people and grabbing treasures. You can enjoy this beast tide slowly! I'll clean it up for you later. Take a look by the way. , What treasures are there!" Sun Jin shouted a few dozen meters away.

"I won't play with you anymore. You just enjoy it while we go and watch."

At this moment, Fu Yong couldn't hold back his anger, his whole body was trembling, and he looked furious.

Chen Xuan went up and patted Fu Yong on the shoulder and said:

"Okay, the most important thing now is to deal with this demonic tide. Why go to war for these irrelevant people?"


On the sea, countless monsters flew towards Chen Xuan and others, covering the ground, which was very spectacular.

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation breaks the yin and yang of life and death!"

Bang bang~boom~

Being surrounded by the beasts on the ground, Chen Xuan did not dare to be careless.

I saw each monster beast being knocked away by Chen Xuan's Taoist skills when it was about to approach Chen Xuan.

"The way of the wind, the wind sweeps through the remaining clouds!"

"The Way of the Wind, Wind and Cloud Slash!"

Fu Yong did the same, blasting away the surrounding monsters with these free-of-charge Taoist skills one after another.

Not to be outdone, Hei used his giant claws to grab the surrounding monsters crazily.

Soon. Around them, corpses of monsters piled up like mountains, floating on the sea, and their blood had dyed the water red.

"There is no way to go on like this! We will be exhausted sooner or later. I really don't know where so many monsters came from in this chaotic star sea." Fu Yong complained.

Brother Fu, Hei, you hold on for now, and I will set up the formation right now. I hope this can delay the beast tide until it ends. Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

"You know how to form? Why not sooner! What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Fu Yong said this with some resentment. It is hard to imagine that Fu Yong, who looks like a big man, actually showed such a resentful image of a woman. .

Then, Fu Yong stopped talking and surrounded Chen Xuan with Hei to protect Chen Xuan from being attacked by monsters so that Chen Xuan could arrange the formation.


"What are they doing? Look, senior brother." Cao Fei, who was watching Chen Xuan's situation in the distance, pointed at Chen Xuan and asked Sun Jin doubtfully.

"I saw it. I'm not blind. How do I know what they are doing? Could it be that Chen Xuan is brewing some kind of powerful Taoist skill?"

Chen Xuan set up a large formation as quickly as possible. It was also a combination of formations, one for attack and one for defense, because the phantom formation had no effect on monsters. The phantom formation was used to confuse people's minds, and these monsters' Due to his lack of intelligence, Chen Xuan quickly arranged this combination of attack and defense without arranging a magic array.

"Brother Chen, are you okay? I can't hold it anymore. Hurry up." Fu Yong said with great difficulty.

"Brother Fu, Hei, you all come here quickly, I will start the formation immediately." Chen Xuan responded. So the two of them quickly moved closer to Chen Xuan after knocking away the monsters around them.

There was a cry from Weng,

I saw that those monster beasts were quickly bounced away, and a Xuanwu shadow suddenly appeared around Chen Xuan. This was the defensive formation arranged by Chen Xuan - the Xuanwu Formation.

In the Xuanwu shadow, Fu Yong looked at Chen Xuan with a surprised expression as he looked at the monsters that were knocked away by the formation. His blazing eyes seemed to want to see Chen Xuanxuan from the inside out. clean.

Then he said excitedly:

"I really didn't expect that Brother Chen Xuan is actually a formation master. This formation is simply incredible!"

Fu Yong was not the only one who was surprised. Sun Jin and Cao Fei, who were watching from a distance, also looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, as if they had seen something incredible, and their jaws almost dropped in shock.

"Senior brother, is that a formation? How is it possible that such a young person can deploy such a powerful formation that it can't even do anything to deal with the beast tide at the peak of the Tao Lord level?"

"It's mine. This guy is definitely not simple. He probably didn't arrange this. I've never seen someone arrange the formation so quickly. This should be his elders who carved the formation into the formation plate in advance, and then The one given to him can be used directly by activating the formation disk in times of danger. This is a great treasure! I can guarantee that."

"Then senior brother, what should we do now?"

"From this point of view, if we leave it alone, maybe his formation can really be delayed until the beast tide recedes. No, we can't leave it alone. We have to put some pressure on his formation."

"Let's go and destroy his broken formation!" Sun Jin shouted loudly.

So, the two decided not to watch any more and wanted to reap the benefits, but that was not possible. They flew towards Chen Xuan, and like those monsters, they fiercely attacked Chen Xuan's Xuanwu formation. hit.


The attacks hit the Xuanwu void mercilessly, but it seemed to be of no use. The Xuanwu shadow was still so strong.

Moreover, when these attacks ruthlessly attacked the formation, Chen Xuan was well prepared and quietly activated the killing formation.

"God-killing formation, rise!" Chen Xuan roared.

Then, hundreds of giant swords suddenly appeared on the head of the Xuanwu shadow, speeding towards the monsters and Sun Jin and Cao Fei.

However, Cao Fei and Sun Jin, just like Chen Xuan, were caught off guard and had no time to defend themselves. Cao Fei was even scratched on his arms and feet by the big sword.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Seeing that Cao Fei was already being supported, Sun Jin couldn't bear it anymore.

"Let's go, junior brother, it's not advisable to stay in Cu for a long time, but I've watched him!

"Just leaving like this? I'm so unwilling to do so. It was another trip in vain and I didn't get anything."

"Do you think your life is more important or those treasures?"

"Of course it's life!"

"Isn't that right?"

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