However, Cao Fei seemed very unwilling. It was true that he worked so hard but ended up with nothing. No one would feel comfortable.

"Brother, I think we can give it another try. What if he doesn't have these formations anymore? Then we will lose."

"Okay, don't mess around. It will be too late if we don't leave now. It's better to keep the green mountains and not be afraid of running out of firewood. At most, we can just remember this account and get it back later."

Cao Fei was very reluctant. This person was the kind of person who wanted money but not life.

So Sun Jin pulled Cao Fei away quickly and disappeared in this sea area in a short while.

About an hour later, the beast tide gradually receded, and Chen Xuan and Fu Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

"I admire you, Brother Chen Xuan. I, Fu Yong, have never been admired by many people in my life, and you are one of them."

"This is simply a miracle. I didn't expect that I could survive a beast tide of my level. Moreover, Brother Chen Xuan, your formation is really too powerful. It has been more than an hour. It still looks intact."

"Brother Fu, you are too kind. If it had been another half an hour, my formation would not have been able to hold on. Fortunately, it still held on before the beast tide ended."

Suddenly, Fu Yong seemed to have thought of something.

With a whoosh,

Fu Yong had disappeared from the spot, heading in the direction just now.

Then, Chen Xuan's shouting came

"Brother Fu, don't chase them. I'm afraid they are leaving soon. Unless they are fools, they will stand there waiting for you."

Fu Yong stopped and cursed in the direction where the two had just disappeared:

"Two Wang Ans, don't let me meet you, otherwise I will make you live a life worse than death."

Chen Xuan and Hei also followed at this time.

Then he heard Fu Yong talking to himself:

"I heard at home that this chaotic star sea is extremely dangerous. I didn't believe it before, but today I have experienced it."

"People's hearts are really not good."

"Brother Fu, don't worry too much. After all, we are all fine. This is a blessing in disguise." Chen Xuan said lightly

"Yes, I just sighed!"

"Let's go. It's almost dark. We have to rush to Tong Island. Otherwise, we don't know where the beast tide will break out. This thing is really not a joke."

The two quickly rushed to Tong Island.

On the way, Chen Xuan was not lonely. Fu Yong asked him questions. Although Fu Yong looked like a big man, his personality was like a girl.

Not long after, the two finally arrived at Tong Island and saw the brightly lit city on the beams from afar.

The journey was relatively peaceful, and we only encountered a beast tide once. Compared with the one just now, it was incomparable. It was simply a world of difference.

"Brother Chen, I am grateful for your kindness. If you need me in the future, please feel free to ask. I, Fu Yong, will do my best."

"Brother Fu, you are too polite."

"Come to my house when you have time. I guarantee you will be satisfied."

"Okay! I will definitely go when I have time."

"Then we will say goodbye here and see you later."

"See you later. See you again if we are lucky."

So the two of them parted at the gate of Tongcheng.

As soon as Chen Xuan entered Tongcheng, he was attracted by the scene in the city. This place is more noisy and prosperous than many cities on the mainland. You can see people setting up stalls to exchange goods everywhere. It is not like the cities on the mainland, which are fixed in one place. Moreover, flying is not prohibited here, and there is not even a city guard. Looking at the monks flying freely, Chen Xuan sighed: "Hey, it's really chaotic!" Chen Xuan didn't think much about it. He had to find a place to stay when he first arrived at Tong Island. The next morning, Chen Xuan, who was still practicing, was interrupted by a noisy sound. "Dong~" "Bang~" "It seems to be the sound of fighting." Out of curiosity, Chen Xuan planned to find out what was going on, so he opened the door and walked out. It was true. In the lobby of this inn, two people were fighting, and there were many people watching around. "This place is really..." Chen Xuan was speechless when he saw this. The inn started to fight. I'm not afraid of demolishing the inn. "Eh~"

"No, such a powerful barrier, it must be set up by a Saint Lord at least. These two people, judging from the battle, are at most at the level of Titled Dao Lords, and they are still Titled Dao Lords who have not yet comprehended the true meaning of Dao Lords." Chen murmured to himself.


The two men were fighting fiercely, and Chen Xuan was very curious, why was this so...

"You liar, give my brother back his life," one of the handsome men said angrily.

"I'm fine, this is none of my business, he wants to go, what can I do?"

"If you, a liar, hadn't been there to persuade him, would my brother have gone back?"

"Brother, you should be reasonable in everything, and you are no exception. He asked me about the situation there, and there is indeed a flower of enlightenment inside, I saw it with my own eyes, I was so kind to give this secret to your brother, but you are so ungrateful."

"Secret, you are just for a few dollars, knowing that my brother is in urgent need of the flower of enlightenment, you still lied to him, you are a liar, life for life, give me your life~"

"Son, I'm sorry, why are you so ignorant of praise? I know you feel bad for losing your brother, but you can't blame me blindly. I've always been honest in my business, and you don't want to ask about it."

"Stop talking nonsense and take your life~~"

Boom~ The two of them started again.

"Oh, nothing is easy these days!"

Beside Chen Xuan, a middle-aged man shook his head and sighed.

"Why do fellow Taoists say this?"

"Have you seen that older man? He is a famous information seller in our city - Old Ghost, and his information is almost always accurate. This young man can understand."

"This is how the same thing?"

"Oh, actually, this young senior brother Rao spent money to buy information from this old ghost. Enlightenment flower, this thing dares to inquire and see how much he weighs! It's true."

"It means that this young senior brother Rao is looking for the Enlightenment Flower?"

"That's right! He can find those treasure-level medicinal materials if he can."

"It's probably because the place is dangerous and people can't come back. Who can blame me? I can only blame myself for not overestimating my abilities."

"It's not that young man's fault." Another theatergoer next to him joined Chen Xuan and others in their discussion. Zheng

"This old ghost is not lying, but this secret realm is basically known to everyone. This young man and his senior brother are obviously outsiders, and they must be here for the first time."

What are you doing here? If they come out, the two of us will be unable to eat and walk around. "

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