"In other words, this old ghost, it is indeed a bit unethical to buy this secret that everyone knows."

"Access to the secret realm?" Chen Xuan asked in confusion.

"This brother must be here for the first time too!"

"This secret realm is amazing. The reason why Tong Island is famous is because of this secret realm."

"In the past, this place was not as lively as it is now. Ever since this secret realm was discovered, a large number of monks will come to my island every year. In fact, they are here for the secret realm."

"Isn't it your friend?"

"This is also the first time I heard that there is a secret realm on Tongdao."

"I wonder if this fellow Taoist can tell me something?" Chen Xuan asked politely.

The man continued:

"Do you know that our chaotic star sea was originally a deserted land?"

"I've heard a few things about this. Which talented disciple of Ji Mansion is he?"

"Since you know it, I don't need to say more. It is said that this secret realm is the place where this great man fell. After this powerful person fell, he didn't want his orthodoxy to disappear, so he created this secret realm before his death. , leave your own way to live up to the times."

At this time, another one spoke

"Having said that, over the past thousands of years, countless powerful people have gone to the secret realm to check and found nothing. They only found some very precious medicinal materials and holy cultivation sites."

Hearing what the two said, Chen Xuan was immediately curious about this secret realm, so he asked:

"May I ask, where is the entrance to this secret realm?"

The two of them were stunned when they heard Chen Xuan ask this question, and then quickly advised:

"Friend, think twice before you act. That place is very dangerous. Many saint-level experts are trapped in it. No, that guy's senior brother is also..."

"We are just hanging out and chatting. I don't want you to have any accidents, and some master or junior brother comes out to fight for me..."

"Yes! Yes! Brother, think twice, that place is really not a place to be late for. I have been there once. If I were not lucky, I would not be able to get out." Another person advised with lingering fear.

Chen Xuan knows that people have good intentions, but Chen Xuan has been able to go so far without experiencing any dangers. Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. The more dangerous the place, the greater the opportunity.

"Both of you, I'm just curious. If it's really that dangerous, turn around and leave. I don't dare to do anything else. I still have some confidence in escaping like this."

Seeing Chen Xuan's persistence, the two of them didn't want to do anything else. They just told Chen Xuan:

"Brother, if you really want to go, there is nothing we can do, but remember, do your best and just wander around the outside of the secret realm. Don't go deep."

After chatting with the two for a few more words, Chen Xuan turned around and returned to his room. The two men were still fighting. Chen Xuan was not interested and stopped watching.

After returning to the room, Chen Xuan began to plan how to get to the secret realm and what to prepare. It seemed that Chen Xuan was determined to go and explore the secret realm.

"Since that secret place is so famous, there must be a lot of people going there." Chen Xuan thought, and then, after making some preparations, he left the inn.

The secret realm is closed all year round, and the entrance will only appear at specific times. Therefore, during this period, the island is very prosperous and can be crowded with people.

As soon as Chen Xuangang walked out of the inn and onto the street, sure enough, the street was densely packed with people. At this moment, a burst of shouting came to Chen Xuan'er Zheng

"Attention fellow Taoists, I believe there must be some of you who are here for the secret realm and are interested in going to the secret realm to search for treasures. Don't miss it if you pass by. I sincerely invite all fellow Taoists to go together. As you all know , the secret realm is dangerous, and without strong cultivation, it is very dangerous to go alone, so it is better to form a group together. It is said that two fists are difficult to beat with four hands. If everyone goes together, the danger will be relatively low. It will be much better. The treasures found are calculated according to the contribution. Distribution will be provided. If you are interested, come and sign up here.”

"This team has several veterans who often go into the secret realm, and they are also accompanied by strong men at the Holy Path level. Now you only need to pay 10 high-grade energy crystals to join!"

"Why do you still need money?" At this time, a questioning voice sounded from the crowd.

"This fellow Taoist asked a good question. I believe this is also a doubt in everyone's mind! Let me answer it for you."

"To be honest, everyone, I am a disciple of the Treasure Hunting House. You must have heard of my Treasure Hunting House! Everyone knows the reputation of my Treasure Hunting House. We are in this business, so of course we have to pay a fee. , If you are lucky enough to find a treasure in this secret realm, it will be your own, and my treasure hunting house will also be responsible for letting you get out of the secret realm safely. Is this business worthwhile for you? "

"What kind of power is this treasure hunt building? Is it so famous?" The person who asked was Chen Xuan.

Beside Chen Xuan, a voice answered him:

"Fellow Taoist, you are too ignorant. You don't even know about the Treasure Hunting Tower."

"To tell you the truth, fellow Taoist, I have been practicing in the sect and have never left the mountain sect. This is my first time going down the mountain to experience, so I have never heard of anything else except those super powers."

When this man heard what Chen Xuan said, he regarded Chen Xuan as a disciple who was coming down the mountain for the first time. He couldn't help but be a little envious, because most of these people were talented disciples, so his words were a little more polite.

"I wonder which sect you are a disciple of?"

"Oh, let's not mention it, it's just a sect." Chen Xuan waved his hand.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was unwilling, the man stopped asking and explained to Chen Xuansheng.

"In this wild world of ours, in addition to those super powers, there are four major powers that can be compared with them, namely the two floors and the two-hui."

"Two floors? Two meetings?"

"These two floors refer to the Shadow Building and the Treasure Hunting Building. The Shadow Building is an assassination organization. As long as you give money, it will help you kill people. However, this force is very mysterious, so most people don't know about it."

"But this treasure hunting building is different. It is almost as famous as those of the superpowers. This treasure hunting building often appears in secret realms and the caves of those sages and powerful men. As long as treasures appear wherever they are, they will be there. They have a business where they organize treasure hunts like this and make huge profits from it.”

"But it is true that this treasure hunting building keeps its reputation, so their business will grow bigger and bigger, and it has already developed into this chaotic star sea."

"As for these two chambers of commerce, they are actually two chambers of commerce with very strong financial resources. It is said that these two chambers of commerce were jointly founded by several major forces in order to collect cultivation resources from various places."

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