After hearing this, Chen Xuan realized how ignorant he was.

"It seems that I know a lot about these things, but I still know too little." Chen Xuan made up his mind secretly.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for informing me."

"Fellow Taoist, are you planning to go to the secret realm?"

Chen Xuan nodded.

Anyway, Chen Xuan is going to the secret realm. It may be difficult to go alone, and he doesn’t know much about the situation in the secret realm. If he goes with these people, he can find out some information. Is it okay to leave alone when the time comes? , so Chen Xuan paid ten pieces of high-grade energy crystals and decided to go with these people.

One after another, many people also paid energy stones and joined the treasure hunting team.

"Thank you fellow Taoists for supporting my Treasure Hunting Building. Fellow Taoists, please rest assured that the reputation of my Treasure Hunting Building is trustworthy. So, everyone will gather here at this time. We will arrange for you to go to the secret realm at that time. "

After getting the departure time, Chen Xuan returned to the inn and waited for tomorrow.

The next day, the same place as yesterday was already full of people.

"So many? Is this a team or a group?" Chen Xuan was surprised and underestimated in his heart.

And at this time. A girl with a ponytail came up to chat.

"Hello! Can I team up with you?"

Chen Xuan was confused when he asked this question. He looked at the girl with doubts in his eyes and said:

"What kind of team is it? Shouldn't everyone be together?"

And the girl with the ponytail said with a squeaky smile:

"How is that possible? There are hundreds of people here. Is it possible for everyone to go together?"

"The Treasure Hunting Building is only responsible for dispatching a few veterans who often visit the secret realm and two saint-level experts. The rest of us need to form our own teams. Of course, you can also ask them to arrange it for you."

After hearing the ponytail girl's answer, Chen Xuan suddenly realized, nodded and said: "I see, I thought..."

"Chen Xuan, thank you very much for your knowledge." Chen Xuan clasped his hands in his fists and thanked him.

"Hello, my name is Xu Miaomiao. This is the first time for Fellow Daoist Chen to go treasure hunting in a secret realm."

Chen Xuan was stared at with strange eyes again, which made him very helpless. He felt like an idiot along the way, not even knowing some of the most basic situations.

Chen Xuan was very embarrassed, so he used the excuse again.

"I have been practicing in the sect and have never left the sect. This is my first time going down the mountain to practice, so..."

When Xu Miaomiao heard this, she thought that Chen Xuan was a disciple of some powerful sect. He came down the mountain to practice. Only those sects with stronger strength would let their disciples practice in the sect first, and then go down the mountain after reaching a certain level. Experience is an act that not only spreads the reputation of the sect, but also tempers the Taoist heart of the disciples. After all, isn't it the same for you?

"I wonder which sect Daoyou Chen is a master disciple of?"

"You can't even talk about being a great disciple, my sect is just a sect, not worth mentioning!"

"Really? What I don't know is that many sects train such a young peak Taoist master."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he was a little surprised. He had practiced the method of hiding his cultivation. As long as Chen Xuan didn't take action, it would be difficult to see Chen Xuan's cultivation unless he was an old monster above the Saint King. This Xu Miaomiao I'm afraid it's not simple.

Seeing Chen Xuan's surprised face, Xu Miaomiao smiled and said:

"Don't be surprised, Fellow Daoist Chen. The woman is a disciple of the Ji Mansion, but she only relies on the magical power of her sect. Although she cannot deduce machines like the seniors in the sect, she can still check other people's cultivation."

When Chen Xuan remained silent, it was thought that Chen Xuan might have checked his cultivation without permission...

So he explained again:

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Chen, I have no ill intentions. It's just that there is one person missing from the team. I'm just looking for a suitable companion. If I offend Fellow Daoist, please forgive me."

"It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised that you are a disciple of Ji Mansion, girl. After all, this is the top force in our wild world!"

"Then how about friendship?"

"My cultivation level is just average. I wonder what it is about me that caught the girl's eye?" Chen Xuan was very confused. His cultivation level was only average. Although he was very powerful, Xu Miaomiao didn't recognize him. Chen Xuan was very curious. Is this Jifu's deduction technique so powerful?

Xu Miaomiao thought that Chen Xuan wanted to refuse, but she didn't expect that Chen Xuan was doubtful about this, so he explained again:

"I am dissatisfied with Fellow Taoist. My feeling has always been very accurate. I think Fellow Daoist is very helpful to our team in the secret realm."


"Actually, I also saw something in Fellow Daoist Chen."

"Girl, please don't play tricks on me."

Xu Miaomiao nodded and chuckled.

"That is, if I read correctly, Fellow Daoist Chen will use the formation?"

This surprised Chen Xuan again, and he felt that he was a little embarrassed in front of this girl.

"How did the girl find out?"

Seeing Chen Xuan looking like he was about to break the pot and ask the question, Xu Miaomiao could only answer patiently.

"The first lesson we Jifu disciples have to learn is observation. This is the basis for our learning of Jishu. Only through careful observation can we find what we want from those clues."

"Although I don't understand formations, I know that formations require very high talents and a high understanding of the power of the great avenues. That is to say, those who practice formations must have a high understanding of the power of the great avenues around them. A high degree of compatibility, but Taoist friends agree with these conditions. I have observed that the power of the Dao around you is very consistent with you, and the years..."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but admire this person. Who knew that a girl who looked gentle and quiet could have such a powerful insight.

"As expected of a disciple of this top power, I admire your observation ability!"

Xu Miaomiao just smiled. What he was most concerned about was whether Chen Xuan would join them. Having someone who knew how to use formations would make trouble easier.

"Then I wonder if Fellow Daoist Chen is interested?"

Chen Xuan thought for a while and then replied:

"Since Taoist Fellow Taoist is so observant of me, if I refuse, it will appear that I am disrespectful. Then I would like to thank Miss Xu for your consideration."

Seeing Chen Xuan finally agree, Xu Miaomiao also smiled and looked at Chen Xuandao

"Then welcome fellow Taoists to join us!"

"Since Fellow Daoist has agreed, without further ado, I will introduce our team to Fellow Daoist Chen, and then we will set off, how about it!"

"Of course, then I'll trouble Miss Xu."

Then, Xu Miaomiao took Chen Xuan to a huge ship.

Because the secret realm is not on Tongdao Island, but in the sea, it would be a bit expensive to fly there by yourself, so you have to find a means of transportation.

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