"All I know is that formations and the Taoist methods we practice are actually different paths leading to the same goal. It's just that monks who know formations have very strong combat power, and their strength also has a corresponding level."

"Please let Miss Xu know."

"There are not many realms of formation. There are only two major realms and three realms, namely the formation master and the formation master. They are divided into three realms: elementary, intermediate and advanced."

"Oh, so that's it!" Chen Xuan looked like he suddenly understood.

"How are the grades of this formation and the grades of cultivation divided?"

Chen Xuan is like a curious baby, there is nothing he can do about it. For many things it is a blank slate.

"With the formation, it is difficult to enter the Tao, but once you enter the Tao, you will have the strength equivalent to the Tao Lord, and even if your realm has not reached the Tao Lord's realm, you can still defeat those who are in the Dao Lord's realm. This is the horror of the formation. ”

"The junior formation master can fight against the Tao Lord, the intermediate formation master can fight against the titled Tao Lord, and the advanced formation master can compete with the powerful saints, even the powerful saints, and if you reach the level of the formation master , that’s incredible, you can fight ten holy kings as a Formation Master, and if you want to go a step further and become an Intermediate Formation Master, you can imagine how powerful it will be.”

When Chen Xuan heard this, his blood immediately boiled. He knew that this formation was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

In this way, Xu Miaomiao talked and Chen Xuan listened. Gradually, he understood many things.

After wandering on the sea for more than ten years, Chen Xuan and his party finally arrived at their destination.

"This is the secret realm? Isn't this still an island?" Ye Zi said a little disappointed, after all, this was different from what he had imagined.

"This should be the entrance to the secret realm. The secret realm should be in an independent space." Chen Xuan explained.

"Ah, so that's it!"

"Let's go! Let's go to the island! It seems that many people have already entered." Xu Miaomiao also spoke, and Chen Xuan and his party went up to the beam.

As soon as I arrived on this island, this guy, the attraction of this secret place is really undeniable. The dense crowd on the island, everyone is standing shoulder to shoulder.

"Hey! Can't you see there's no room for more people here? Why are you trying to squeeze in here? Go away, this place is already reserved for us."

Just when Chen Xuan and his party were about to land on the island, a very arrogant voice came from the island.

When Xu Zhan heard this, it was okay. After all, he was also a disciple of a large sect, but these people were bullied.

"Hey! Who are you? This island is your family's ancestral inheritance. You won't let it go if you don't want it. I want to go on it. Let's see what you do to me."

He was about to go up, but suddenly stopped and looked at Xu Miaomiao. After seeing Xu Miaomiao nodding, this guy jumped up step by step.

With a bang, the moment Xu Zhan landed, there was already a crowd around the man who had just shouted.

"Seeing me coming up here, I didn't know how to make room for it, it's true."

Xu Zhan said disdainfully to those who fell on the ground. The man who just shouted was also among them.

Xu Zhan looked at the man and sarcastically mocked him again.

"How about it? I'm here, standing here. What can you do to me?"

"You, just wait for me. If you can, don't run away."

The man quickly got up from the ground, dove into the crowd and walked in one direction.

When Xu Zhan saw him, he didn't forget to shout loudly,

"Hey! You're going to call someone. Call more and I'll give you lessons."

"Okay, stop being poor and leave quickly! Go inside!" At this time, Xu Miaomiao said.

"No! Sister, I'm dead. I won't run away. If I leave, others will look down on me."

"Just leave if I ask you to. Where does all this nonsense come from."

"We'd better stay here. Look at there are so many people inside. Why are you trying to fight with them? Can't we just wait here for the secret realm to open?" Chen Xuan said at this time.

"Brother Chen Xuan, are you sure you want to wait here?" Ye Zi asked playfully.

Chen Xuan was not a fool. When he heard this, he felt that there must be some secret here, so he turned to look at Xu Miaomiao.

"Young Taoist Chen don't know. The closer you are to the center of the island, the greater the chance of reaching the secret realm when it opens."

"What? There is such a thing."

"The secret realm is an independent space. When the secret realm is opened, we go from our space to the independent space of the secret realm, so we will pass through the space turbulence. The center of the island is the center of the entrance to the secret realm. The void turbulence there brings The pressure is relatively high, so the chance of getting in is relatively high.”

"So it turns out that this is just the edge of the island. In other words, the chance of entering the secret realm here is very high?"


"Then why are there still people occupying this place and why don't they go inside?"

"Because I don't have enough strength! I can only stay here. As long as I am on the island, I am within the range of the entrance to the secret realm."

"Besides, there is another bad reason..."

"What is it?"

"Have you seen that there are no people ashore on the boat next to you? These people, once the secret realm is opened, will rush to the island instantly. There will inevitably be some friction and it will be very troublesome." Xu Miaomiao explained.

"In this case, the competition in the heartland must be fierce!"

"That's right, so if we have the strength, we can figure out the central position."

"It's just a matter of grabbing territory!"


So the group passed through and soon arrived at a location very close to the center.

Chen Xuan finally understood why Xu Miaomiao spent so much effort to find a formation master. Obviously they came here just to seize the territory. The formation master could arrange a large defensive formation at will to protect everyone moving forward among the crowd, which would save them a lot of trouble.

"Why is there no one in this central location?" Xu Zhan said doubtfully.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan called.

Everyone stopped and looked at Chen Xuan doubtfully.

"Meet a colleague."

"Someone has set up a formation, and those people should be behind this formation."

Everyone instantly understood what Chen Xuan meant.

"Don't worry, the phantom formation is just waiting for me for a few minutes."

Chen Xuan is working hard to break the formation.

At the center of the island, just as Chen Xuan broke the formation,

"Brother, someone is coming. My formation shows signs of loosening."

"Oh, really? Can you withstand it?" a man in black asked.

"Let me try."

After a while, the man who just said that frowned.

"Brother, the formation has been broken. The person who came here is also a formation master, and his strength cannot be underestimated."

"Oh, even you are a formation master. There are not many formation masters that you can admit!"

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