"Come on, let's go meet."

The man in black waved his hand, and there were about seven or eight people, also wearing black trench coats and masks, who looked very mysterious.

"My brother Chen Xuan is so powerful. He broke a formation in just a few minutes."

"Stop it, stop flattering me. I know what you're going to do next is to ask me to hand you over, but it's me. It's not that I don't teach you, it's that I also..."

"I promise, if I can break through to the formation master, I will definitely teach you."

"Okay! Brother Chen Xuan, you must keep your word, you are a liar!"

Chen Xuan didn't expect that this girl was really...

"Can't he understand his own words? Formation masters are so easy to break through."

Just as the group was about to go deeper, Chen Xuan suddenly shouted:

"Okay, no need to leave, people are already here."

"Everyone! You are here, hiding your head and hiding your tail is so boring." Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked around with vigilance.

"Haha! I wonder what I call this fellow Taoist?"

Suddenly a bold voice came from the quiet void, and then a group of people wearing black windbreakers appeared in front of everyone.

"Xu Zhan, I wonder what you fellow Taoists mean by observing us in the dark!" Xu Zhan was the first to reply.

"Son, our eldest brother didn't ask you, what are you talking about? Brother Xin, I will deal with you for your parents and let you know what it means to be an adult. Children, please don't interrupt."

When Xu Zhan heard this, he immediately became furious. He didn't care what he said. He raised his fist and hit the person who had made the rude remarks just now.

Seeing how anxious Xu Zhan was, the man also took action decisively and faced Xu Zhan.

Chen Xuan didn't say anything at this moment. He looked at Xu Miaomiao and joined the others.

This scene immediately stunned the men in black.

"Brother, why are these people like this? Just come up and start doing it."

"Since fellow Taoist people don't want to give their names, it's no wonder that I'm the one to blame. Originally, I wanted to prevent unknown people from dying under my command."

"Since you are so anxious to die, I have no choice but to help you."


As soon as the man in black gave an order, seven or eight people around him swarmed up and attacked Chen Xuan and others.

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The way of raging fire, burning with raging fire!"

"The way of ice is frozen for thousands of miles!"

"The way of the earth, the earth will collapse!"

Colorful Taoist forces danced in the air and intertwined with each other. Every collision made a loud bang.

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely.

Suddenly everyone felt the space buzzing, and then immediately after, even the earth began to shake.

"What's going on? The island is going to sink."

"Brother, look!"

"Brother Chen Xuan, senior sister, look!"

At this moment, everyone had stopped and looked at Sora with doubtful eyes.

In the originally peaceful sky, after several loud noises, a large black hole suddenly appeared. It was as attractive as a whirlpool. Even the trees and stones on the island were sucked in, and everyone felt a powerful force. The attraction of the people, they all used their Dao power to resist this huge attraction.

"This is space turbulence. Is this the entrance to the secret realm?"

"Quick, everyone give up resistance! This is the entrance to the secret realm." I don't know who shouted.

Subsequently, the entire island was swallowed by this huge whirlpool.

Chen Xuan only felt that his eyes went dark and he could not see anything. Suddenly, another very dazzling white light penetrated his eyes. He only felt a stinging pain in his eyes and quickly closed his eyes.

When Chen Xuan opened his eyes again, he saw a different scene in front of him. What came into view was a vast desert, endless as far as the eye could see, full of yellow sand, which made it difficult to open his eyes.

"What is this place? Is this a secret place?"

"Fellow Daoist Xu! Ye Zi! Senior Gu! Xu Zhan..." Chen Xuan shouted a few times quickly, but there was no response, so Chen Xuan had to give up.

"It seems that this is the secret realm. It should be that the time and space turbulence just now separated me from them."

"We have to find their school quickly"

So Chen Xuan had no choice but to brave the wind and sand, determined a direction, and strode over.

As soon as Chen Xuangang started to move, he felt as if a huge boulder like a thousand kilograms was tied to his body, making it difficult to move even an inch.

"What kind of ghost secret place is this? Why can't I feel like I can't lift my feet?"

Chen Xuan had no choice but to use his Tao power and inject it into his legs, which made him feel much more relaxed.

In this way, Chen Xuan didn't know how long he had been walking, but he still couldn't get out of the desert. Chen Xuan thought it was an illusory formation, but he checked it several times with his spiritual sense and found nothing, so he gave up this guess and honestly He really walked forward until the Dao power in his body dried up, and then he stopped. But as soon as he stopped, once he stopped the movement of this Dao power, his feet felt as heavy as a thousand-jin boulder tied to them.

"No, I have to take a rest and recover some power first." So Chen Xuan sat on the spot and began to recover.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xuan recovered the depleted Tao power in his body and made an unexpected discovery. His power has become more pure. There were already signs of breakthrough. Chen Xuan only felt that there was a thin film. As soon as he broke it, he would have broken through to the realm of the Taoist Lord.

But no matter how hard Chen Xuan tried, there was still only a small difference. This thin film was extremely difficult to break, so Chen Xun had no choice but to give up, stand up and continue moving forward.

After walking for a long time, Chen Xuan's Dao power was exhausted again, so he had to sit cross-legged again and start to reply.

In this way, Chen Xuan didn't know how many times he had it, and he became a little numb. He repeated it over and over again, and more than ten years passed.

But Chen Xuan still didn't walk out of this desert. He was wondering if he had seen it wrong. He was just a big illusion array and he hadn't noticed it, so he looked carefully when he turned on his spiritual consciousness.

After three hours of sitting, Chen Xuan still got nothing. However, he discovered a very magical thing, that is, when he opened his spiritual consciousness, after a long time, he suddenly felt that his body Sometimes it's light and sometimes it's heavy, sometimes it's light again, and sometimes it's heavy again.

"How is this going?"

So Chen Xuan tried to use his Dao power to follow this rhythm. This attempt made Chen Xuan extremely happy.

Because he discovered that the layer of the realm film of the titled Dao Lord that he had been unable to break through was already showing signs of loosening.

So Chen Xuan immediately speeded up the replacement of the light and the heavy, only feeling the speed of the replacement of the light and the heavy. , the speed is getting faster and faster, getting faster and faster.

Then a bang exploded from Chen Xuan's body!

"Breakthrough, haha, finally achieved the title of Dao Lord."

Before Chen Xuan had time to feel it, the desert suddenly disappeared, and Chen Xuan was not surprised. This secret realm is like this, ever-changing.

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