Chen Xuan's vision went dark again. When he opened his eyes again...

He came to a barren mountain range again. There was no grass growing in this mountain range, as if it had been created by some destructive power before. It was very desolate.

Chen Xuan walked out and his eyes suddenly scanned. He looked at this barren mountain range and was slightly stunned. Then there was a very solemn look on his face, because he seemed to vaguely feel that there was an extremely terrifying power in this mountain range. .

"What kind of power is this? It's so terrifying..."

Chen Xuan's expression changed,

"This should be just some residual power, and it has been washed away by the passage of time, but I didn't expect it to still be so terrifying.

"It seems that the rumors are not groundless."

Because except for the talented disciple of Ji Mansion, who else can leave such devastating power here?

"Is this that level of terror? When will I be able to reach it?" Chen Xuan was once again stimulated with the desire to become stronger. Chen Xuan sighed,

Then he walked forward cautiously,

However, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly moved, then he raised his head and looked not far away,

I saw several lights and shadows in the mid-air there, and those lights and shadows all had very familiar fluctuations in power.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Chen!"

"Brother Chen Xuan!"

When Chen Xuan noticed those lights and shadows, the latter and others obviously sensed Chen Xuan's side, so they shouted.

"Why are you here?"

"We were here as soon as we came in, and then we didn't find you, so we looked for you."

"Where are those men in black?"

"I don't know, it shouldn't be here. After all, we have been looking for you for half the time and haven't met anyone."

"By the way, we just looked here but didn't find you. Where did you come from?" Xu Miaomiao asked doubtfully.

"I came from a desert."

"Desert, how can there be a desert here?"

"I don't know either. This secret realm is indeed well-deserved. The desert where I was just now should also be an independent space. I guess this secret realm is composed of many independent spaces."

"So what do we do now?"

Xu Miaomiao asked.

These words stopped Chen Xuan.

"Um, I, Miss Xu, it was you who invited me to your team. I know nothing about this secret realm. I definitely don't know as much as you do. Besides, you are also the captain of this team, so you shouldn't ask me this. ah."

When Xu Miaomiao heard this, she knew what Chen Xuan meant.

"Then let's move on?"

A group of people set off again.

Not long after walking, Chen Xuan asked people to stop again, then closed his eyes and looked carefully at something.

"Have you just been here?"

Xu Miaomiao looked around, and then at the two old men behind her.

Along the way, this old man was like air and did not take the initiative to talk. If one of the old men hadn't reminded them during the battle, Chen Xuan would have really thought that these two old men were fools.

These two old men are saint-level masters in the treasure hunt building, and these people are also veterans who often go out to the secret realm. Although they talk little, Xu Miaomiao looked at them to ask for their opinions. After all, they have very rich experience. .

Both old men shook their heads, indicating that they had never been here before.

"What's wrong, Chen Xuan, have you discovered anything wrong?" Xu Miaomiao asked.

"There seems to be a formation here, and I feel like there is something behind this formation. I'm not sure, so I stopped and took a closer look."

"Is there something else? What is it? Is it a treasure? Then why is Brother Chen Xuan standing there in a daze? The formation is about to be broken." Ye Zi said with great anticipation.

"You guys get out of the way quickly and just wait for me. I need a little time to crack this big formation. The energy fluctuations after the formation is forced will hurt you, so you should hide a little."

After that, Chen Xuan stopped talking nonsense and concentrated on cracking the formation. Everyone stood aside and waited patiently according to Chen Xuan's instructions.

Half an hour passed.

"That's not right! Brother Chen Xuan usually breaks the formation very quickly. Why can't he do it now?"

When Xu Miaomiao heard this, she was also a little surprised, because it was true that when Chen Xuan broke the formation before, he always used thunderous means, and it took only a few minutes to break it, but this formation has not responded for so long, so it is clear that this formation The method is very simple, and the things hidden inside are definitely not simple either.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuan with anticipation.

Finally, after a loud earthquake and shaking of mountains, the scene in front of me changed again.

"Hey, where is this? We weren't in the mountains just now. Why are we here again?"

I saw everyone standing in a huge square, surrounded by several large pillars rising from the ground and reaching into the sky. It was impossible to see where the pillars ended.

Before anyone could react, these pillars started to move and rotate around the crowd.

"I'll go! What's going on?" Xu Zhan was always surprised like that.

"Everyone, get out of the way. This is a killing array!" Chen Xuan reminded everyone loudly.

Hearing what Chen Xuan said, everyone reacted and immediately disappeared in place. The moment they disappeared, the ground rose from the ground, rising rapidly upward like a growing tree.

When everyone saw this, they just felt chills on their backs. If it hadn't been for Chen Xuan's reminder just now, everyone would have been jumped up from the ground and hit the plane.

However, things are not over yet.

These are popping up from the ground like crazy, and sometimes if you are not careful, you will be hit by these pillars...

They will also soar.

"Everyone, don't panic and get confused.

Having said that, can everyone not be nervous? If Lu Yisi was really injured by those huge tissues, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Chen Xuan spent a lot of effort to break down several pillars.

After a few pillars were cracked, the other pillars did not move anymore and stood there in silence. Everyone was relieved to see this.

However, just when everyone thought that nothing would happen, those pillars suddenly seemed to have lost their support, piece by piece. They all fell to the ground, and then, several stone-like adults formed in an instant and launched an attack on everyone.

When everyone saw these huge stone giants attacking them, they were not to be outdone.

"The way of the wind, flying sand and rocks!"

"The way of ice, the ice is broken!"

"What the hell is this? Why is it so difficult to deal with?"

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