Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2074 Special Techniques of Formation

Everyone attacked these huge stone men frantically, but after being broken up, these stones regrouped again after a while, and they could not be killed no matter how hard they were beaten.

"What should we do?" Xu Miaomiao asked.

In fact, although Xu Miaomiao was not the first time to venture into the secret realm, she was deeply impressed after seeing Chen Xuan's strength, so she asked subconsciously.

Chen Xuan said nothing, but quickly arranged the Xuanwu defense array and said to everyone:

"These stone men are

Everyone also gave up attacking these stone men and all moved closer to Chen Xuan.

And these stone men did not intend to let them go. As soon as they retreated, they were immediately surrounded by these stone men. However, because of the Xuanwu defense array, these stone men could not hurt them.

"This is just a delaying tactic, we have to think of other ways!"

"Mr. Chen, I just found this when I was fighting with those stone men. "An old man from the treasure-hunting building came forward and handed a palm-sized stone to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan took it and looked at it carefully, and then

"Incredible, this is too incredible. It turns out that this formation can be used in this way. Wow, the one who can think of this must be a formation master!" Chen Xuan looked at the stone in his hand and said in surprise.

When everyone heard it, they felt confused.

"Well, Mr. Chen, what is incredible?"

"Could it be that Mr. Chen saw something?"

"Senior, let me ask you, did you get this stone from those stone men?"

"That's right, after I broke up the stone men, I saw that there were very strange patterns on this stone, so I picked it up." The old man said.

"That's right, today is really an eye-opener"

"What's going on? ”

Looking at the confusion of the crowd, Chen Xuan finally spoke:

“The pattern on this stone is a formation pattern,”

“Array pattern, isn’t the formation pattern engraved on the formation stone? Could it be a formation stone? It doesn’t look like it!”

“This is not a formation stone, but this stone itself is a formation.”

“What, formation, how is this possible? Although I don’t know this formation, this is not in line with common sense!” Xu Miaomiao was also surprised.

“Yes, it is not in line with common sense. To arrange the formation, you need formation stones, formation flags and other things, but in fact, these are all for communicating the power of the earth. However, if your own perception of the Tao reaches a very high level, you don’t need these external objects, and you can arrange the formation in a blink of an eye.”

“But what makes me feel even more incredible is that the arranger of this formation can actually simplify the formation to this extent, and the power of the formation is not affected at all. It is really amazing!” Chen Xuan said in admiration.

“If this is really the case, then once the method of arranging this formation is spread, there will be another wave of fluctuations! "Someone said, "So, the stone man outside is actually a formation itself, no wonder." Someone else said. "That is, only by breaking the formation on the stone man can we be safe." Xu Miaomiao asked. "Then what are you waiting for! Brother Xuan, please!" Xu Zhan said. "No hurry, breaking the formation is the worst plan, I still need to think about it, I will reinforce it, this defense formation can still hold for a while, you can also take the opportunity to recuperate." After Chen Xuan finished, he began to think about the stone in his hand. Everyone did not interrupt, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to practice qigong and regulate their breathing. On Chen Xuan's side, he looked at the stone again and again, "How exactly does this simplify the formation? "Chen Xuan was puzzled. Although he could not arrange the formation at will with his current ability, he always felt that even if he reached that level, he would not necessarily be unable to simplify the formation so much. Moreover, he arranged a large formation on this stone. Chen Xuan thought that this focused on the understanding of the formation itself and the understanding of the formation arrangement skills, rather than the understanding of the formation. He had a bold guess, that is, this formation did not necessarily require the understanding of the formation, that is, it had nothing to do with the realm of the formation master, so Chen Xuan thought that his arrangement of the formation and his technical understanding of the formation were possible. To do this, he wanted to carefully study it and try to find out the method of this formation.

After this conjecture, Chen Xuan arranged an illusion formation. It was not that he did not believe Xu Miaomiao and her group, but he had to be on guard. The main reason was that the arrangement method of this formation was too powerful. If Chen Xuan succeeded, then it was conceivable that Chen Xuan had a deep understanding of the principle that a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure.

After the arrangement, he made sure that no one was paying attention to him.

So in order to verify his guess, he started the experiment,

"No, this is not right"

"Still not right, the power is not right."

"This... still doesn't work, the power is there, but this is auxiliary."

"What is it?"

"Try it again. "

Chen Xuan muttered to himself while conducting the experiment. Fortunately, Chen Xuan arranged the magic array in advance. Otherwise, Xu Miaomiao and others would think that Chen Xuan was a madman.

One hour passed, and then two hours passed. When you are serious about doing something, time always flies!

Finally, in Chen Xuan's almost crazy state, he finally discovered the secret, with golden light flashing in his eyes.

"So that's it. Senior, don't worry. Although this junior doesn't know who you are, you have engraved your formation technique into it. You must not want this technique of yours to decline. This junior hereby guarantees that this technique will be used Carry forward.”

He bowed deeply to the void.

Afterwards, Chen Xuan withdrew the illusion formation and saw that everyone was still sitting cross-legged, recuperating and recuperating. Zheng Chen Although he didn't consume much power, this formation consumed an unusually large amount of mental power, so he had to recover before he could regain his health.

Another hour passed.

"Is everyone okay?" Xu Miaomiao asked.


"There's no problem. I'm almost recovered." Everyone else replied one by one.

"Senior sister, brother Chen Xuan is still sitting there."

Sure enough, Chen Xuan was still sitting cross-legged, still recuperating and recuperating.

"The formation consumes spiritual consciousness and spiritual power. This thing is not easy to recover. If spiritual power can be recovered as fast as Tao power, then it will be okay. Wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

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