"Let's wait for him. Anyway, this formation can still hold up." Xu Miaomiao said to everyone.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and smiled:

"Hahaha, it's okay. I'm not that fragile yet, and I'm not too exhausted. I've recovered now, and we can continue walking."

"Keep walking? Outside,"

Indeed, these stone giants are still outside, even after such a long time, and they are still attacking the defensive formation relentlessly.

"I have a way to deal with these stone men, let's go!" Chen Xuan was very confident, joking. Chen Xuan has mastered the technique of setting up this formation. As long as he wants, these stone men will obey his orders.

As soon as Chen Xuan withdrew the defensive formation, these stone men swarmed in again. Just when everyone was about to take action, Chen Xuan waved his hand and said:

"No, let me do it! Just watch." This is a bit pretentious, but it is true. They can't kill them anyway. Except for those holy masters, there is really nothing that the average saintly strong man can do. .

"Are you alone? Don't need our help?"

Chen Xuan smiled again without saying anything. Then, with a hiss, Chen Xuan rushed into the pile of stone men alone.

Chen Xuan has mastered the operating principles of these stones. All he has to do is find the stone with the formation pattern on the stone man, because these stones are the key to controlling these stones. As long as he finds it, he can use the original formation to If you modify them based on the basics, then these stone people will obey your orders.

But with so many stone giants, it was really troublesome to come one by one, but there was no other way but Chen Xuan could only complete this grand project by himself.

"If we continue to change things like this one by one, we will have to change them in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse in the Year of the Monkey, but I can't be exposed." This made Chen Xuan very upset.

If he knew that Chen Xuan owned these stone giants and had the only formation arrangement method, it would be difficult for Chen Xuan to be alone. "

So he said to Xu Miaomiao:

"There are too many stone giants. I'll hold them back while you go first."

"How can I do it? We came here together, and of course we have to leave together. I don't have the habit of leaving my teammates behind."

"Yes, we must go together."

The other people said the same thing.

"No, these stone giants are a formation in themselves, and they are linked to another formation. Only when these stone men have an attack target, the linked formation will not be triggered, so someone must drag it. Only by keeping them in can you leave, and only I can deal with these formations, otherwise, everyone will just have to spend time here with these stone giants. "


"It's nothing to worry about. I have a way to deal with these stone men. They can't hurt me. Besides, I won't make fun of my own life!"

Hearing what Chen Xuan had done, everyone no longer persisted. Indeed, they could only deal with these stone men if they stayed here, but there was no other way.

"Then hurry up and follow us, we are waiting for you in front!"

"Okay, I'll try to be as fast as possible. Don't worry, I can catch up with you."

After everyone left, Chen Xuan began to use the formation methods he had just learned to slowly change the original formations.

The stone men who had just been modified by Chen Xuan no longer attacked Chen Xuan at this time, but turned to deal with his own kind. If this scene was seen by others, Chen Xuan really couldn't guarantee that those people would treat his stone giant and this Special techniques to arouse the mind.

Because there were too many of these stone giants, there must have been hundreds of them, so Chen Xuan transformed more than a dozen, took some away himself, and left a few behind as targets for the rest of the stone giants to attack, so that the large formation outside could be linked together. Then it won't be triggered, and Chen Xuan can leave.

With ten stone men, Chen Xuan quickly passed through the rest of the stone crowd and left here quickly. These stone men have an attack range. As long as they leave this range, the stone men will no longer continue to chase them. .

Looking at these stone men, Chen Xuan made up his mind. When he gets stronger in the future, he must come back and take these away. Chen Xuan does not want to let go of such a precious treasure. This is equivalent to hundreds of immortals who cannot be killed. Strong people, of course, the premise is not to encounter those old monsters of the Holy King and the Holy Lord.

Then Chen Xuan looked at the stone giants he had transformed. He was very satisfied. He used the formation method and magic spells. Several tall stone men changed instantly. Then Chen Xuan put them into his storage bag and turned towards Xu. Miaomiao and others chased after him.

This mountain range is very strange. Chen Xuan didn't see anyone else along the way. Where did so many people who came into the secret realm go?

Chen Xuan was also very confused.

“Isn’t there just us in this space?”

Chen Xuan stopped and looked around. Logically speaking, Xu Miaomiao and others should be waiting for him nearby. However, Chen Xuan did not see him when he came here, and there was no sign of a fight. Chen Xuan also believed that Xu Miaomiao and others were waiting for him nearby. Miao and others would not leave without waiting for him, because if the team left Chen Xuan, it would be equivalent to losing a large amount of combat power. They were not fools, and there was no reason not to wait for him. It seemed that something had happened.

Just when Chen Xuan was confused, he heard a bang, like something hitting the ground.

"It came from the forest ahead. Could it be Xu Miaomiao and the others?" Chen Xuan thought, then quickly set off and galloped away.

Here, several people sat on the ground and shouted

"Oh, oh, oh, it hurts me so much. I've fallen down several times. I don't dare to leave. I need to take a rest." One of them complained.

"What the hell is this place? I haven't caught a hair since I came in." Another person echoed.

Then several people helped each other and stood up from the ground.

"Brother Gui, you are the captain, what should you do?"

"Yes, Brother Gui, we listen to you."

Someone named Brother Gui also said something.

"This place is really weird. I couldn't get out even after walking around for a while. Everyone is tired anyway. Let's just rest here for a while and then we can make some plans later."

"Okay, that's all."

In the distance, Chen Xuan looked at the situation here. He originally thought it was Xu Miaomiao and others, but when he came over, he realized that it was not the case. In order not to alert the snake, he had to check the situation from a distance.

"It's just that we are not the only ones here. Looking at these individuals, their cultivation levels are not very high." Chen Xuan murmured, and then quietly walked towards these people.

Brother Gui, who was meditating and recuperating, was also the one with the best cultivation among these people. He suddenly stood up from the ground, looked around cautiously, and said:

"I don't know where it is, so please show up and see it."

Hearing Brother Gui's words, the rest of the group immediately stood up, looked around cautiously, secretly activated their Taoist skills, and were ready to fight at any time.

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