The sight in front of me was really shocking.

It was still dark just now, but it seemed to have changed here. When the sun was really shining, Chen Xuan couldn't help but raise his head. The night sky with the moon just disappeared. He lowered his head and looked in front of him. Palaces were built against the mountains. People were coming and going, and it was very lively. This was simply the scene that a large sect should have.

Beside Chen Xuan, several men and women dressed in the same uniform, as if they were disciples of this sect, were discussing something intensely.

"Did you listen? The Pavilion Master has transcended the tribulation and ascended."

"What, where did you get the news? When did the Pavilion Master ascend?"

"You don't even know. Yes, I also went back to Tongdao, and my father asked me."

"How is this possible? Will the elders understand such a big thing?"

"Yeah, I'm very strange too, that's why I ask you."

"It's probably true. Although the Pavilion Master is mysterious and rarely seen on weekdays, he will give a sermon for us on the third day of every month. It's been several months and I haven't heard from the Pavilion Master."

"You guys, why don't you practice hard and discuss the affairs of the pavilion master Da Rao? A few years ago, it was rumored that the pavilion master had ascended. After a while, didn't he still give lectures? You'd better practice hard on your own, don't There’s not much to talk about.”

"This time is really different. Even the outside world is spreading rumors."

Chen Xuanyu heard these words in confusion.

"Hey, may I ask this fellow Taoist, where is this place? What kind of barrier did you have just now? What sect are you from?" Chen Xuan had to ask the person closest to him.

However, it was as if those people couldn't see him or hear what he said, so they just kept to themselves and started another heated discussion.

This surprised Chen Xuan again. He was standing in front of her asking questions. There was no reason why he couldn't see himself or hear his own voice!

Chen Xuan did not give up, and immediately walked over, walked into the middle of the crowd, looked at everyone, and asked loudly:

"Hey! Fellow Taoists, this is very rude. Which sect are you disciples from? You are so unkind. Do you know that ignoring each other is humiliating each other? If you don't say anything, don't blame me for taking action."

These people were still silent, still talking to themselves as always.

Chen Xuan was angry. He hated it when others ignored him.

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

Chen Xuan raised his fist and punched those people who ignored him. However, the fist that made the surrounding space buzz was like a punch hitting cotton. Chen Xuan felt nothing, and neither did those people. The fists passed through these people's bodies.

"This is a phantom. Is it another illusory formation?" However, Chen Xuan quickly rejected this idea. Even in powerful formations, there will be fluctuations in the formations. If there are no fluctuations in the formations, it means that this is not a real formation at all. Formation.

"What if it's not a formation, and it's so real, it's like being there." Chen Xuan asked and answered himself incredulously.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him disappeared, and the people who had just been having a heated discussion disappeared. He only heard a few loud bells, and then Chen Xuan saw a group of people dressed in the same clothes as before suddenly appeared around him. The same people, including men and women, old and young, all ran towards the direction where the bell was ringing.

These people ran and said:

"What's going on? The sect's emergency assembly bell has not sounded for hundreds of years. Could it be an enemy attack? This is impossible. If it is an enemy attack, the sect-protecting formation will not fluctuate."

"I don't know, don't worry about him. Anyway, things are not simple. You will know when you go, right? Hurry up. If you go late, you will be punished by the elders."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he was also very curious, so he followed him.

After a while, a dense crowd gathered in a huge circular square, and Chen Xuan was among them. The men and women around him, old and young, were still discussing loudly about why this sect had not called for an emergency gathering in hundreds of years. The bell will ring.

"Everyone be silent!" A majestic voice resounded throughout the square.

"Look, it's the great elder and several guardians."

After that, the whole place was silent, and then the originally chaotic crowd lined up in an instant, row after row, row after row, as neatly organized as an army before setting off for an expedition.

Then the crowd all bowed in unison and said in unison:

"I've seen the Great Elder, I've seen the Lord Protector!" Chen Xuan saw this mammoth scene and couldn't describe it in words.

The old man standing on a square platform and the other men and women nodded in response: "Disciples, no courtesy."

Then, the old man in white standing in the middle said:

"The sect's emergency assembly bell has not sounded for more than 300 years. Today, everyone is urgently assembled to read the pavilion master's oral instructions!"

Take out a token.

At this time, everyone present, including the guardians, knelt on one knee, cupped their fists with both hands, and answered in unison:

"I will obey the instructions of the Pavilion Master!"

"The master of the pavilion has ordered that my Ji Pavilion has been established for more than a thousand years, and now it has become a super power famous in all parties."

"But I, Xu Ji, have to admit that I, Xu Ji, am the master of Ji Mansion and a disciple of Xu Fusheng. Many of the core Dao, Dharma and Jue of my Ji Mansion are originally from Ji Mansion. Now, Ji Mansion has come to visit us. Although we have the strength If you fight against it, you will be destined to be exterminated. Cultivation is not easy. I cannot ruin the great future of my Jige disciples for my own selfishness. "

"So, disband the sect on the spot, and everyone can go to the treasure tower to exchange for corresponding items according to the sect's contribution and leave the machine pavilion."

As the great elder's last word "ge" fell, it was like thunder in the crowd, setting off a wave of fluctuations.

"Disciples, obey your orders! Disperse!" After the great elder said these words, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and there were tears in the eyes of an old man.

And just when the elder was about to turn around and leave, a voice came from the crowd:

"No! Great Elder, we won't leave. We swear to the death to coexist with the sect."

"Yes, we won't leave. We swear to live and die with the sect."

The sound was even louder, reaching into the sky.

Even Chen Xuan, an outsider, couldn't help but feel awe when he saw this scene.

Because none of these people did what they wanted, which shows that this sect is very amazing. It is really unprecedented for all the disciples of the sect to do this.

Then, the great elder’s voice sounded again,

"I, Xu Xun, have been adopted by the pavilion master. The pavilion master taught me Taoism, guided me, entered the Taoist path, and changed my life for more than 200 years. I feel more sad than anyone else."

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