"Our machine pavilion is destined to be in such a disaster, so everyone should disperse! Stop struggling in vain." The elder said as another mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

"I understand how everyone feels, but this is the pavilion master's order and must not be disobeyed!"

Then he turned around and left.

Before Chen Xuan could react, the picture continued to change.

Suddenly another group of people came to this machine pavilion, and this group of people started killing each other.

The Jige disciples are being slaughtered by this group of people.

"Yan Ye, why, why? Our Jige has already agreed to disband, why are you still like this?" The great elder yelled very sadly but with anger. At this time, the great elder was being supported by several people, and it seemed that he was already Seriously injured.

"Haha, I've given you a chance. Three days have passed and you don't cherish it. In order to avoid future troubles, we can only do this. No wonder we are."

"Ah! I will fight with you." With that, the great elder broke free from his support and then shot towards the group of people.

With a loud bang, the great elder blew himself up, and the group of people around him also disappeared.

The man named Yan Ye seemed to have zero injuries, and then gave the order,

"Leave no one behind!"

And those Jige disciples who were being chased and had no choice but to dodge and flee, all screamed in grief after seeing their great elder blowing himself up.

As if infected by the great elder's behavior, one disciple after another chose to self-destruct, letting their last anger burn the enemy in front of them.

Then, such a majestic, prosperous sect and those glorious buildings, their enemies, gradually disappeared and collapsed amidst the explosions one after another, and in the end only those lines were left. The flash of light turned into nothingness as the light disappeared.

And that group of people didn't expect that the people in the Jige would suddenly be so crazy. A few people escaped, and the rest were drowned in the angry explosion.

Chen Xuan watched, just watching quietly. At this moment, he was speechless and could only stare wide-eyed.

After a while, the last sound sounded, everything returned to calm, and the scene in front of Chen Xuan also disappeared. When Chen Xuan looked at it, it was just a piece of ruins, which looked desolate under the moonlight.

"It turns out that this is the ruins of Jige. So many people haven't found it, but I met him here." But Chen Xuan couldn't be happy, and he had a feeling that maybe many strong people had found this place. , seeing these things and this sad scene like myself, I couldn’t help but feel admiration and regret in my heart, so after finding the treasure I wanted, I announced that I had not found it, maybe out of protection for myself or because I wanted to Rest in peace to these monks.

In short, this is what Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

It took a long time for Chen Xuan to recover from this tragic scene and walk into the ruins.

Apart from the huge pits caused by the battle and the collapsed buildings, there was nothing else here, so Chen Xuan planned to continue walking forward. After a while, a sitting tower appeared in front of Chen Xuan. This was the only one still standing. building.

Standing next to the tower, a very primitive atmosphere spread over the place, which made people feel very weird.

"This tower was not affected by the battle," Chen Xuan was surprised.

"Go in and have a look,"

Tao then dove into the tower.

It turns out that there is another universe in this tower. It doesn't look like a very big tower from the outside. The inside of this tower is very large, surrounded by layers of elevated structures, and what seems to be Taoism is placed inside. Chen Xuan walked in and took a look. Indeed, there was a dazzling array of Taoist techniques, including fire-based techniques, earth techniques, and ice techniques.

But Chen Xuan did not move. Firstly, it was because the Taoism he practiced was unique and he could only understand it by himself. Secondly, because Chen Xuan felt that these should be low-level ones on the first level. He glanced at them in a hurry. However, Chen Xuan's gaze no longer lingered.

But he didn't know that all his actions were being watched by a pair of eyes.

"This tower should have more than one floor!" After retracting his gaze, Chen Xuansheng murmured.

Sure enough, there was another staircase spiraling up beside the tower. Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment and then went up.

At the end of the stairs is a stone door, which is ajar.

"This door should have been closed originally. It seems that someone has really been here."

Chen Xuan turned sideways and went in. It was also the same as the one on the first floor, except that the area was larger and there were more Taoist techniques on the surrounding elevated buildings. This was not surprising to Chen Xuan. Generally, this kind of tower-shaped building is Dao Pavilion, a place where collection and storage, and where Gong disciples read, are usually arranged in layers like this, but what makes Chen Xuan very strange is why the second floor is larger than the first, which is a bit unreasonable.

Similarly, since these are all things, Chen Xuan is not very interested, but he is looking forward to the third level. He wonders if there are any secret techniques or magical powers in this third level. Chen Xuan only learned about these recently. It turns out that monks, in addition to practicing Tao, Dharma and Taoist skills, these basic things, also have more advanced secrets and supernatural powers. For example, Chen Xuan's ghosts of gods and demons are magical powers, demonic powers, magical powers. He secret methods are actually more advanced Tao methods, but they have no attributes. They can be practiced in any Tao system, and you can also integrate the power of supernatural powers with your own Tao methods, which will make them more powerful, just like Chen Xuan practices the Tao of reincarnation, but But he can mobilize the power of Yin and Yang.

Chen Xuan got a little excited when he thought about it. If he really mastered a magical power or secret technique, it would increase Chen Xuan's combat power several times.

When Chen Xuan came to the stairs leading to the third floor, he found that the stairs were going down, not up.

"Is there only two floors here?"

"It shouldn't be! Isn't this a small collection for such a large sect?"

Chen Xuan murmured in his heart.

But he still went down, and sure enough, Chen Xuan came down to another floor. Chen Xuan didn't give up and went up the stairs again. There was still no change, so Chen Xuan had no choice but to leave the tower.

Standing outside the tower, Chen Xuan looked up. There were seven floors in the tower. How could there be only two floors inside? So Chen Xuan entered the tower again.

In the tower, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and began to scan with his spiritual consciousness, refusing to let go of any clues.

After a while, Chen Xuan opened his closed eyes, frowned and said:

"Maybe, should be, on the second floor?"

So Chen Xuan came to the second floor again. Sure enough, Chen Xuan turned on his spiritual consciousness to check and found that there was another mystery inside. Next to the staircase going down just now, there was another staircase going up. However, this staircase did not seem to be an entity. It's a shadow,

"Can this third level only be climbed in the soul state?"

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