Chen Xuan suddenly had this idea, but if it wasn't so, there was no way to explain why there was a phantom staircase that could only be seen with spiritual consciousness.

This made Chen Xuan very difficult, because if he really had to go up to the third floor in a soul state, it would be a bit tricky. Although Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness could do this, what about his physical body? If he just left it here, if someone came, Chen Xuan would be in trouble.

After thinking about it, Chen Xuan decided to find a hidden place, set up a formation to protect his physical body, and then go up to the third floor in a soul state.

Just as he entered the door of the third floor, a mysterious and distant voice sounded,

"Welcome, you are the tenth person to come here."

After the words fell, an old man in the soul state floated towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan quickly stepped back, looked at the old man warily and asked, "Who are you?" "I am the manager of this tower, you can call me Ta Lao." "Manager? What manager? Are you from the Machine Pavilion?" Ta Lao looked embarrassed, "How can I answer you? I am from the Machine Pavilion, but I am not a human." "What, not a human." Chen Xuan seemed to have heard something absurd. "Yes, I am a spirit, a weapon spirit." "Weapon spirit? No way, this tower is a Taoist weapon?" Chen Xuan said this, and the old man was a little angry, "Boy, your Taoist weapon has a weapon spirit?" "You are ignorant." Chen Xuan knew that he had said something wrong, and felt like changing his words, "Well, Ta Lao, just be direct!" "Tao weapons at this level cannot produce weapon spirits, even if they are holy weapons, that is, weapons at the level of the Holy Dao, I am a divine weapon!" Ta Lao said very proudly. "Artifact?"

"No, alas, I seem to be the only artifact in this world, so it's understandable that you don't know about it."

"Please help me, Mr. Ta." Chen Xuan asked with a look of asking for advice.

"Why should I be with you? I'm not from this world, but," said Mr. Ta, pointing his finger upward.

Chen Xuan understood instantly, didn't he come from somewhere else? Besides, a higher level plane, this is no secret in their world.

However, Chen Xuan was a little surprised, usually the low-level plane runs to the high-level plane, how can there be a high-level plane running to the low-level plane.

Chen Xuan looked puzzled.

"Son, your strength is too low now, and you are not qualified to know too many things."

"Since you have chosen the Dao Fa Dao Jue in the lower and second layers, according to the regulations, you can choose a magical power and secret technique on this layer."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately threw away his doubts and looked at the old man eagerly,


"Yes, there are thirty-six magical powers and twenty-four secret techniques here, you can choose whatever you want! Leave here after you choose, and then, you can't mention the things here after you go out, otherwise you are not qualified to choose a magical power or secret technique, so choose one!"

"I still need to hesitate, of course I will choose everything that doesn't leave here, this is a magical power secret technique, there are not many in the whole wild world." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

"That's right, son, let me tell you, even if you have that strength in the future and go to the kingdom of God, this magical power secret technique is enough for you to use."

Chen Xuan looked at these magical powers secret techniques with his eyes full of expectations and ecstasy.

"Hey, God and Demon Fist!"

"Bo, you have a good eye. This magical power can be the most powerful among them."

"Magic power also has different levels?"

"You are talking nonsense. Of course, magical secrets also have different levels. Forget it, I won't tell you in detail. You will know it naturally when you have enough strength in the future." Then, Ta Lao waved his hand, and a jade token flew in front of Chen Xuan.

"Bo, take it! The magical secrets must be checked with spiritual sense. Remember." Then he turned and left.

"Wait, Ta Lao!"

Ta Lao turned and looked at Chen Xuan, wondering,

"Bo, the magical power is in hand, leave! As for other things, I know, you will know it naturally when you have enough strength."

"No, Ta Lao, you misunderstood, I don't want this magical power."

"Really!" A trace of imperceptible brilliance flashed in Ta Lao's eyes.

"I just think it is a bit similar to a magical power I practiced. If I don't have it, I want this one."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the brilliance that Ta Lao had just flashed was extinguished again, and he was a little disappointed.

"Is that so? Then you can choose it yourself!"

"By the way, what magical power did you cultivate?" This sentence seemed to be a casual question.

And Chen Xuan's next words surprised the old man.

"Oh, I got it by chance, called the God and Demon Shadow."

"Oh, the magical power of the God and Demon is all OK, wait, what? What was it? Say it again!" The old man's voice was raised several times.

Chen Xuan was startled by the sudden increase in the voice of the old man, and replied weakly,

"God and Demon Shadow, it is a bit similar to the name of the God and Demon Fist, so I couldn't help but speak just now, but I didn't expect to be misunderstood by the old man."

"Boy, are you sure it's called God and Demon Shadow? Show it to me."

Although Chen Xuan didn't know what the old man was up to, he still did it,

"God and Demon Shadow Appear!"

A huge shadow appeared behind Chen Xuan, which looked like the sculpture of the God and Demon, and exuded a terrifying aura that made people suffocate.

Mr. Ta's eyes widened and he watched intently, his face full of disbelief. After a while, he said

"Okay, take it! Zi, I tell you very seriously. In the future, when you go to the Kingdom of God and your strength has not reached the realm of dominance, try to use this trick as little as possible. Remember my words."

Chen Xuan was confused. He didn't know any of these things.

"What about that, Mr. Ta, can you be clearer?"

"I have to be clear enough. Remember my words anyway."

Then he said to himself,

"Haha, I searched all over the Kingdom of God. Who would have thought that such an important thing would be in this low-level plane."

"Mr. Tower, what is going on? Is this Kingdom of God a higher level plane? Tell me about it!"

"Son, I don't have a choice anymore."

Chen Xuan saw that the tower master probably didn't intend to have anything to do with him, so he could only give up the idea, and then said in a flattering way:

"Well, Mr. Ta, you are very knowledgeable. How about you introduce these things?"

"No time, see for yourself!"

Chen Xuan was speechless.

He could only choose by himself. Anyway, he didn't know which one was better, so he could only let it happen. But when he put his hand in front of a secret technique and planned to take it, Chen Xuan suddenly saw Ta Lao shaking his head slightly. Although The amplitude was very small, but Chen Xuan did see it.

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