Ta Lao was speechless,

"You are all wrong, but you have forgotten that I am a divine weapon after all. As long as you shed your blood and recognize its owner, he will listen to your instructions. Is this a problem? Also, you are the master, Tower Everything in it belongs to you, and that rule does not apply to you. Also, I didn’t call you the master, I called you the master!” Mr. Ta and Chen Xuan exchanged words.

Then the two started a heated debate about the title. In the end, Ta Lao won, and Chen Xuan just let him call him whatever he wanted.

"Come, master, drop some blood here," Chen Xuan and Ta Lao came to the top of the tower. Ta Lao pointed to the top of the tower and pointed at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan did as he was told, and he felt a little inexplicably excited, mainly because this was a magical weapon! Listen to Mr. Ta, this magical weapon has the power of communication, although Chen Xuan still doesn't know what level of weapon it is.

A drop of blood fell on the top of the tower. In an instant, the tower began to move.

Boom ~

Suddenly, thunder began to appear, and the thunder roared wildly and wildly, as if someone was going through the Nine Thunder Tribulations.

"No, hurry up and enter the tower. It's the magic weapon that recognizes its owner and triggers the attack. Hurry, master, hurry up and enter the tower to avoid the tribulation!" the tower boss shouted loudly.

Chen Xuan was also very fast. He jumped down from the tower in a flash, and quickly hid in the tower. Just where he had just disappeared, a bolt of thunder fell, leaving a huge crater of dozens of meters on the ground.

Chen Xuan looked at the huge pit with lingering fear and asked Mr. Ta,

"What's going on, Mr. Ta? Why is there still a thunder disaster?"

Mr. Ta also looked guilty and said:

"I'm sorry! Master, I forgot to remind you, because the level of the artifact has exceeded the rules of this world. Just now, the director of blood, the artifact recognized its owner, so the momentum of the artifact exploded, alarming the Tao of this place, so it was lowered Thunder tribulation, but it’s okay, the thunder tribulation here can’t do anything to me, it just frightened the master, it was the old slave’s abruptness, please punish me!”

Then he knelt down on one knee again. If Chen Xuan hadn't been able to dodge quickly just now, this thunder would definitely have smashed Chen Xuan to pieces. This is why Mr. Ta reacted so strongly.

"I, Mr. Ta, why are you here again? Get up quickly. I'm fine." Chen Xuan was speechless. Although this Mr. Ta was a weapon spirit, and although Chen Xuan was his master, he could not do anything like this at all times. Kneeling down and being punished at every turn, Chen Xuan still didn't like this feeling very much.

Quickly help him up,

"Mr. Ta, next time you do this, I will be really angry."

After the thunderstorm passed, Chen Xuan walked out of the tower. The tower elder was also following him. With Chen Xuan's thought, the huge tower instantly became the size of a palm and flew into Chen Xuan's palm.

The artifact can be directly absorbed into the monk's dantian, so Chen Xuan introduced the tower into his dantian according to Ta Lao's method. An accident happened.

"Hey! What's going on? Mr. Ta, I can't take it in!"

Ta Lao looked at Chen Xuanda speechlessly and said:

"Master, have you forgotten something?"

Chen Xuan scratched the back of his head with his hand.

"What's going on?"

Mr. Ta was speechless again.

"Master, you have forgotten how you got to the third floor."

Chen Xuan suddenly realized that if Mr. Ta hadn't reminded him, Chen Xuan would have really forgotten that he was in a state of trance. He smiled awkwardly and said,

"Then, how could I forget this?"

With a quick thought, he entered the tower, came to a secret place on the second floor, removed the illusion array, and returned to his body.

"It feels so good!"

Chen Xuan moved his hands and feet. Perhaps because he had been sitting there motionless for too long, he suddenly made a crackling sound.

"This trip was really worthwhile. Not only did the soul become more powerful. But I also got a divine weapon."

Chen Xuan was in a good mood for a while, and then shouted,

"Lao Ta, Lao Ta!"

There was no response. Chen Xuan suddenly felt bad, and then he persisted.

"That's not right, my consciousness has indeed become stronger, it's not a dream!"

However, at this moment, a speechless voice came from behind Chen Xuan,

"My master, I've been standing here for half the time!"

"Ah! I didn't pay attention. Who asked you to stand behind me?"

Ta Lao...

"I thought it was some kind of phantom formation, it scared me."

Ta Lao...

Then Chen Xuan successfully took the tower away, and finally took a look at the ruins of the machine pavilion.

In the mountains, Chen Xuan was walking alone with a tower floating in his hand. Chen Xuan said to the tower,

"Lao Ta, where are you going next?"

"The mountain pass in front, wherever there is space power fluctuation, should be the exit, and you can leave this space." Ta Lao's words rang in Chen Xuan's mind.

Chen Xuan looked at the mountain pass in front of him, put away the tower, and galloped towards the mountain pass.

"Did you see that tree on the right? It's right there." Mr. Ta's voice sounded in Chen Xuan's mind again.

"This is nothing special, Mr. Ta, you read that right!"

Ta Lao smiled and said,

"Master, don't panic, just attack the tree with all your strength."

Chen Xuan understood what he meant instantly. Generally, in places with turbulent space, the space is not very stable.

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

Sure enough, the space began to turmoil under Chen Xuan's two attacks. Once a crack appeared, the tree was instantly swallowed up by the crack.

At this time, the tower elder from the tower also floated out, stood beside Chen Xuan, and asked excitedly:

"What kind of Taoism does Master practice?"

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, then pretended to be mysterious and replied,

"you guess?"

Ta Lao saw that Chen Xuan was silent, so there was no need to say anything else. This was not the time for small talk.

"Let's go! It will be bad if the space automatically vibrates later," Ta Lao reminded.

Chen Xuan also hurriedly entered it. Sure enough, it was still the same as before. He left earlier and entered the turbulent flow of time and space alone. It was the same way. The force of space kept invading Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan quickly used his power to resist. It was really not an ordinary pain.

When Ta Lao saw this scene, he shook his head and said, "My master, why are you resisting the power of this space! This is a good thing for polishing the body and shaping the Taoist body!"

"Ah! The power of space still has this use, but..."

"If you make a mistake, your life will be in danger if you use it improperly, but have you forgotten the inheritance of my old master Rao?" Mr. Ta looked very iron-clad.

When Ta Lao said this, Chen Xuan suddenly realized when he left.

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