When Ta Lao reminded him, Chen Xuan suddenly thought, didn't the memory inheritance he received include a cultivation method with the power of space?

"Yes, Mr. Ta, look at me, I'm still a little used to this."

Chen Xuan quickly closed his eyes and meditated, and found the method of how to use the power of space from this memory inheritance. After seeing the introduction, Chen Xuan was dumbfounded. This was a bit different from what he thought!

The power of space is the general term for space power. Space power is the basic power that a monk must cultivate, and it is also one of the most difficult powers to cultivate. Space power is divided into three stages of cultivation. The first is space power, which is required for entry-level cultivation. After reaching the realm of Dao Lord, the second is the divine power of space. The entry-level cultivation must achieve the divine status. The third is the mysterious power of space. Because I have not reached it, I cannot explain it.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he read this.

"Lao Ta, isn't it true that monks can only practice one kind of Taoist power? And they are not self-awakening? Why is this method still required?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

Ta Lao's voice sounded in Chen Xuan's mind,

"Haha! The master doesn't know. In most planes, this is the only way. The cultivation of Yitupian itself is going in the opposite direction. Moreover, because there are some relatively low-level planes, the rules are not so complete, and in this plane Monks can only withstand one type of Taoist practice, or the rules of low-level planes only allow the existence of one type of Taoist practice, while the rules of high-level planes are very complete, and as the monks themselves improve, these Rules will be broken.”

"But space power is different, because space power exists in every plane, whether it is high-level or low-level, space power exists, so space power is one of the compulsory skills."

"Master, the world is too big, and there are too many. Endless secrets are waiting for monks like us to explore. There are no absolute rules. As long as you are willing, even the mysterious and powerful existence of the rules will be broken. There is a long way to go. Far away!”

Chen Xuan was silent. There were too many things that happened in the past few days that were too unbelievable, breaking Chen Xuan's inherent views on cultivating a method.

Nowadays, Chen Xuan's Taoist heart is even firmer, and he has an unprecedented desire in his heart for those unknown planes and mysteries.

"Okay, Master, don't think about anything else. Everything has to start from the front."

Chen Xuan withdrew his thoughts and focused on the cultivation of space power.

To practice space power, you must first cultivate the space body.

When Chen Xuan read this, he couldn't help but become confused again.

"Lao Ta, does this space Tao body conflict with my original Tao body?"

Ta Lao thought for a while and said,

"Master, what do you think is the most essential attribute of space?"

"The most essential attribute of space?..." Chen Xuan pondered for a moment and replied.

“The most essential attribute of space is to accommodate all things.”

Mr. Ta nodded and smiled,

"Everything is wrong, it is to accommodate all things, and all things live in space. Therefore, the most essential attribute of space is to accommodate everything!"

Chen Xuanyi suddenly had an epiphany,

"In this way, it is really a good thing to cultivate the Space Tao Body. If I want to cultivate other Tao Bodies in the future, then I must discard the original Tao Body and reshape the new Tao Body. And if I cultivate the Space Tao Body, Then, we can tolerate the coexistence of other Tao entities, right?"

"Haha, the master is indeed very smart. Yes, this is the case every time he makes a mistake. Moreover, the space Tao body can also play a role in protecting other Tao bodies."

"In short, the secret of space is difficult to understand and practice, but it is very powerful."

The more Chen Xuan listened, the more excited he became, and the more he looked forward to it. According to the method of shaping the Tao body of space in his mind, Chen Xuan gave up the resistance of the power of reincarnation and allowed the power of space to do whatever he wanted on his body.

Although the process was painful, Chen Xuan, who had experienced more pain than this countless times, could still persevere. Perhaps because he knew the power of this space, Chen Xuan was even more excited. Chen Xuan planned to go there. Go to the deep place

"Master, please do what you can. If you go deeper, the power of space inside will become more violent. Although the condensed space body will be more powerful, there are many dangers."

Seeing Chen Xuan planning to go deeper, how could Mr. Ta not know Chen Xuan's intentions.

"It's okay, Mr. Ta, don't worry, I can hold on, this pain is nothing!" Chen Xuan replied easily.

"No, Master. Even if you can withstand the violence of this space power, the deeper you go, the more chaotic the space there will be, basically in a state of chaos in time and space. Moreover, there may be a space vortex that will return to you once you fall into it. Not coming. Even if there is no space vortex, a space storm will send us somewhere." Mr. Ta persuaded him earnestly. He finally found a qualified successor, and he didn't want to just...

"I know, Mr. Ta, but my life creed, Chen Xuan, is that crisis and opportunity coexist. The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity." Chen Xuan said firmly.

Seeing Chen Xuan's persistence, Ta Lao was not in trouble anymore, even though there were many dangers in the void. But as long as it wasn't a space vortex, he could still handle it, so he warned:

"Okay! Master, please be more considerate and don't be reckless."


After getting the support of Mr. Ta, Chen Xuan no longer hesitated. Walking towards the depths of the void, the power of space becomes more and more violent. The power of countless spaces was like sharp knives, scraping Chen Xuan's skin crazily. It felt like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, but Chen Xuan still persisted, and his body was scratched with countless wounds under the destruction of the power of space. Then he was reunited under the treatment of the life force of reincarnation. Repeatedly, Chen Xuan desperately ran this space creation formula according to the inherited memory, shaping the body piece by piece.

There is no concept of time in the void, so I don't know how many days, months, or years it is. Chen Xuan was destroyed by the power of space day after day, and it was also shaped.


"Finally finished,"

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt very relaxed. Because the space body was shaped, these spaces no longer made Chen Xuan feel uncomfortable, but made Chen Xuan very comfortable.

"Master, don't be stunned, quickly absorb the power of space."

Ta Lao's reminder sounded in Chen Xuan's mind. Chen Xuan quickly sat cross-legged in the void and activated the Space Creation Technique. After the violent void power invaded Chen Xuan's body, he was like a docile cat. Explosion.

"Finally done."

Chen Xuan stepped out, and the surrounding space became turbulent.

"Is this the power of space? It is indeed powerful."

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