"Brother Monkey! Brother Monkey!"

Someone called out twice more, but Monkey Three still didn't move. Everyone suddenly felt bad, and endured the severe pain all over their bodies, and slowly walked towards Monkey Three.

"Brother Monkey, what's wrong with you,"

One person helped Hou San up from the ground. He patted Hou San on the shoulder and asked loudly.

"It's over, it's over, come here quickly, Brother Monkey's bones are broken all over his body, send him to Elder Monkey quickly!"

On Chen Xuan's side, after getting rid of the annoying group of flies, Chen Xuan asked while walking, and finally asked where Elder Han was.

When Li Hao was practicing his Tao skills vigorously, he saw a man in somewhat tattered clothes asking him.

"Is this the residence of Elder Han?"

Although he was a little confused about why Chen Xuan appeared in this place, it seemed that he was here to see his master, and he often listened to his master's teachings that people should not be judged by their appearance. Li Hao replied very politely,

"Excuse me, who are you and what do you want from my master?"

Chen Xuan saw that the young man in front of him was so polite, much better than the group just now. I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart,

"This man is really red when he is close to vermilion, and black when he is close to ink."

So he replied politely

"My name is Chen Xuan. I was sent by Senior Wrinkle Yiwu to find Elder Han. Please inform Elder Han."

"Okay, I'll take you to the living room first, and I'll inform the master right away."

"Thank you very much!"

Chen Xuan followed Li Hao to the living room and found a chair to sit down. When Li Hao saw Chen Xuan sitting down, he said hello and informed him that his master was gone.

After a while, an old man in white who looked very energetic and Li Hao who had just left hurriedly walked towards him, but Chen Xuan did not see the figure he wanted to see.

The old man walked up to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan stood up and saluted the old man with clasped fists.

"Senior is Elder Han, Han Bin?"

The old man nodded as a return gift, and then asked,

"Are you Chen Xuan?"

"Haha, this is still fake. I'm not a famous person, and no one is willing to pretend to be me, right?" Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

Unexpectedly, the old man also started laughing,

"Chen You is really just like my third brother, straightforward, mysterious and unconventional."

"What, you are Brother Zou's master and Sister Qing'er's brother! Chen Xuan?" Li Hao exclaimed from the side.

"Hao, I'm not rude. Did you call me Chen Xuan? Call me Senior Chen!"

When Chen Xuan heard this, he laughed again.

"It's okay, Senior Han. I was in a hurry and forgot to change my clothes. This is normal. Just now at the gate of your sect, if it weren't for the disciples of your sect reminding me, I wouldn't have known that I was wearing such clothes."

"By the way, why don't you see He Qing'er?" Chen Xuan asked.

As for Elder Han's expression of embarrassment, Chen Xuan caught it instantly and hurriedly arrived again.

"Senior Han, it doesn't matter!"

"Well, it's like this. He and Qing'er just arrived in my year. Because of their extraordinary talents, they were spotted by the elders of the inner sect of our sect and were brought into the inner sect to practice."

"Just, just,"

"Just what?"

Chen Xuan was a little anxious.

"Qing'er is nothing, because although Qing'er is gifted, she is not suitable for the cultivation method of the elder, so he introduced Qing'er to me, the deputy sect leader of the Ice Sect - Han Ling!"

"It's just him, he..."

Before Han Bin could finish, Chen Xuan interrupted,

"Is it possible that some elder wanted to accept him as his disciple, but he never accepted him as his teacher, right?" Chen Xuan said lightly.

"What's wrong with this? I know that your son is my disciple. In this world, no one can teach him how to practice except me." Chen Xuan was very confident.

"By the way, Senior Han, is that cold spirit reliable?"

Han Bin knew what Chen Xuan meant and said,

"Don't worry, Chen You, the Han Ling Sect Master is the only female Sect Master in the history of our Ice Sect."

Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed and asked again,

"Since I don't want to become a disciple, then where did he go?"

"You Chen, don't panic,"

"The thing is like this, two months ago, the third brother came to my place. I don't know where he heard the news about you. You have been captured by that old man Fang Youwei and taken to the Raging Flame Sect. The third brother wants to I wanted to save you, so I told me to take good care of Qing'er and He'er went to Lieyan Shen Sect alone."

"I don't know where I got the news, but I also followed him. As soon as Qing'er found out, he also..."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately became furious. This anger could not control his emotions, and a momentum of a titled Taoist burst out. And because Chen Xuan practiced the power of reincarnation and the power of space, this momentum unexpectedly Han Bin, who had entered the holy realm, felt threatened.

"Fang Youwei, Liehuo City, if they have both advantages and disadvantages, even if you are an elder of the Lieyan Shen Sect, you will not be able to escape death."

Looking at the furious Chen Xuan, Han Bin felt a palpitation in his heart. He even thought that he was no match for Chen Xuan.

"Chen You, calm down. Since you have returned safely, I will send someone to notify them immediately."

"No need, it's time to settle old accounts."

After finishing, Chen Xuan apologized and bowed to Elder Han Bin.

"Thank you, Senior Han, for taking care of Qing'er and his children over the years."

"Chen Xuan would like to thank you, senior, please accept this." Chen Xuan took out a brocade box from his storage bag and handed it to Han Bin.

Han Bin didn't even look at it and waved his hand in refusal.

"Chen Xuanyou, third brother and I are close friends of life and death. Third brother's affairs are my business. Third brother's grandson is my grandson. A few years ago, I couldn't help you because of my affairs. I am also very guilty. I can only take care of you and Qing'er." Han Bin looked down on me, which made Chen Xuan admire him very much.

Chen Xuan saw that he was indeed a little abrupt, so he took back his things.

"Haha, I, Chen Xuan, was a little abrupt. I just wanted to express my gratitude. I had no other intention. Senior, please don't blame me."

Chen Xuan chatted with Han Bin for a few more words, and then broke up with him. Han Bin also knew that Chen Xuan was worried about them, so he sent Chen Xuan to the door without making any effort to stay.

"Senior Han, I really appreciate your kindness. We are destined to meet again."

"I'm sorry, Chen You. If you're being polite to me, I'll be really angry. Get along with me just like you get along with your third brother. Don't have too many restrictions and too many rules. We are destined to meet again."

Then, Chen Xuan was about to leave, but at this moment, a voice mixed with anger came,

"Let's go, where are you going? You hit someone and then leave. How can there be such a frivolous thing in this world? Son, I want you to pay the price!"

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