This angry voice instantly attracted everyone's attention, and soon many passers-by were watching.

"Isn't this Elder Monkey? How could he be so angry?"

"Look, isn't the direction where Elder Monkey is roaring coming from? Elder Han?"

"Who is that person with Elder Han? Why is he dressed like a beggar!"

All of a sudden, the onlookers were talking to each other in a heated manner.

Chen Xuan frowned, looked at the group of people flying towards him in the air, turned to look at Han Bin and said,

"Senior Han, I wonder if you know Hou San?"

Chen Xuan knew very well that the person who made the sound hit people and wanted to run away was him, because he had just taught the man named Hou San a lesson. Now someone came to the door, it must be because of Hou San, otherwise Chen Xuan Xuan is unfamiliar with this place, who else would come to trouble him.

Han Bin frowned when he saw the visitor. He tensed up even more when he heard Chen Xuan's words and replied,

"Hou San is the grandson of Hou Yuanshan, that's that guy. This guy is very at odds with me. I don't know what he's up to!"

"Come on, these should be aimed at me,"

Han Bin also heard what this meant and asked quickly,

"Did Chen You also have a problem with this person?"

"That's not true. This is my first time in this Ice City. How can there be any festival? Just when I entered the door, that Hou San deliberately humiliated me. He couldn't hold it back and taught him a lesson. This monkey Yuanshan probably came to me to bet on Zhang."

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Han Bin looked as if he was in his original state.

"Don't worry, friend, I don't dare to do anything to him outside my mansion." Han Bin was relieved.

Chen Xuan doesn't care. Even if he takes action, he is not afraid of these people. As long as he is not a strong person at the level of the Holy Lord, it is difficult to pose a threat to Chen Xuan. Moreover, Chen Xuan's own combat power has been greatly improved under the influence of practicing space power. With his improvement, with his current strength, these people really couldn't do anything to him, but Chen Xuan hurried away, the best thing was to put things to rest.

"Son, you know who I am! My grandson was beaten like that by you. If you don't give me an explanation today, you can't even think of running away!" Hou Yuanshan was already in front of Chen Xuan at this time, and he was very vicious. road.

When Chen Xuan was about to talk, Han Bin did take the lead. Chen Xuan was the benefactor of his third brother, and he had never dealt with Monkey Yuanshan, so his words were not so polite.

"Hey! I'm Hou Yuanshan, you don't know the virtues of your grandson. Besides, this is in front of my mansion. How can you put me at risk by doing this!"

"Han Bin, this is none of your business. This has seriously injured my grandson. Even if it is your Han Bin mansion, I dare to break into it. I don't want to talk nonsense with you today. I advise you to stay out of your own business!"

"You bullied me to come to my door and told me to mind my own business. Besides, Chen Xuanyou is my guest. How can I let you do whatever you want in my place? I don't want to do anything. Don't make the matter a big deal, otherwise I will be alarmed." It will be difficult for you to explain to the sect master!"

"Han Bin, old man, don't think that I dare not touch you because you are the sect leader. I tell you, I will not let you go. If you want to take care of him, I will take care of you too."

The smell of gunpowder spread quickly between the two,

Chen Xuan finally couldn't help but speak,

"Then Houyuanshan, right? Your grandson humiliated me and was taught a lesson by me. This is what he deserves. I am such an uneducated person and I will teach you a lesson. If you don't thank me, forget about it and settle the score with me. There really are just as many eggs as there are chickens!”

"I have something to do today, and I don't want to waste time with people like you. I want to leave. If you want to stop me, don't blame me, Chen Xuan, for being rude."

"Chen Xuan! Okay, very good. I have never seen such an arrogant person. He can beat someone so rationally. It is simply unreasonable. I want to see it. If you don't give me an explanation, how can you leave!" Hou Yuanshan finally couldn't help but take action.

"Son, suffer death!"

"The way of ice is frozen for thousands of miles!"

"You dare to run wild on my territory, Houyuanshan, do you think I don't exist?"

"The way of ice, the ice dragon goes out to sea!" Seeing Hou Yuanshan take action, Han Bin naturally couldn't sit still and wait for death. He quickly activated the Tao method and kicked Hou Yuanshan towards Chen Xuan.

The group of people following behind saw that Hou Yuanshan had taken action, so they joined the fight one by one, and Chen Xuan was certainly no exception.

There were more than a dozen people on Houyuan Mountain's side, and Chen Xuan was the only one with Elder Han. But fortunately, this was Elder Han's residence. Elder Han shouted, and seven or eight disciples with the title of Dao Lord rushed over. came out and joined the fight.

"Old monkey, do you still think that the master of the sect has no rules and regulations? If you openly bring people to my house to cause trouble, the great elder can't protect you." Wan kicked Hou Yuanshan again.

"Don't bring me a hat. I don't know you. You just want me to take action. Then go to the sect master to complain. But unfortunately, I got the news from the great elder. The sect master hasn't come back yet. Miss her." Mom is fooling me." Hou Yuanshan was not polite and caught the blow head on.

"Haha! Han Bin, you can't protect him now. You have been dragged by me, and I also know that most of the people in your house have gone out with the sect master! Just these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, as long as I stop you, your Just wait to die!"

"Then let's see how long you can trust me!" Han Bin was very angry.

"Haha," looking at Han Bin's angry look, Hou Yuanshan felt so happy. The two of them were not in the same camp. Hou Yuanshan belonged to the great elder's faction, and Han Bin belonged to the sect leader's faction. These two factions were in the Ice Sect. There has always been opposition in their history. Unless there is a danger of annihilation, they have always been in a struggle. These two people are not usually enemies. Seeing Han Bin so angry, Hou Yuanshan is very happy!

On Chen Xuan's side, one man fought against five titled Tao Lords, and two of them understood the true meaning of the Tao Lord. Chen Xuan calmly avoided the siege of several people. Now that he has achieved success in the way of space, he happened to be in In the process of rushing, under the guidance of Mr. Ta, the space teleported, and these people couldn't hit Chen Xuan at all.

"Son, if you can, fight head-on. Do you only know how to run away?" Seeing that they couldn't touch Chen Xuan, several people began to use aggressive methods.

"Haha! Master, I'm angry," Ta Lao's voice sounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

"But I really didn't expect that the master has such strength in this formation, it's incredible!" Mr. Ta arrived again. He knew that Chen Xuan was not running away, but setting up the formation.

"Haha, if I don't have any ability, I won't be able to see you, Mr. Ta."

Chen Ye said a little proudly.

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