Then, Chen Xuan dodged several more attacks and said to the one who attacked him, "Are you sure you want me to attack?" "Hmph~" "You are a coward who can only hide, and you are so arrogant. I wonder how long you can hide!" The man shouted disdainfully. "In that case, I won't play with you anymore." "The Four Symbols Killing Formation, rise!" As soon as the words fell. Suddenly, the phantoms of the four great beasts, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and Vermillion Bird, appeared from the four directions. Then, the phantoms of the beasts roared at the crowd and attacked them. "What! No, this guy is a formation master, and an intermediate formation master, retreat quickly." One of them was knocked away by the white tiger phantom, fell to the ground, and spit out blood. Suddenly, the people who had just besieged Chen Xuan fled. Such a big commotion certainly attracted the attention of everyone on the field. Those who were besieging began to discuss again, "You can't judge a person by his appearance, and you can't measure the depth of the sea! This beggar-dressed man is actually a mid-level formation master. Elder Monkey has hit a wall now." "Yes, yes! Elder Monkey and his group have been arrogant enough, and it's time for someone to teach them a lesson." "Dare to discuss the elders in private, do you want to be put in solitary confinement?" Obviously this person should be a disciple of the elders' faction. Those who were from Hou Yuanshan just now were of course from the sect master's faction. The leadership class actually had factional struggles, and of course these ordinary disciples would also have factional struggles, so these people who were originally watching also started to fight. Han Bin, of course, also felt it, and quickly came to Chen Xuan's side, "Haha, I've heard that my second brothers were taught a lesson by Chen You. As my third brother said, Chen You is indeed a master of formations! I admire you!" "Senior, you laughed, you only know a little bit!" And Hou Yuanshan also noticed it, watching his people being beaten and fleeing, Hou Yuanshan's face was livid, just now he looked at Chen Xuan with disdain, but now he was a little afraid, but things have come to this, it's too late to stop now, he can't help but regret it, the formation master is the most difficult , although their combat power is not high, once these formation masters have arranged the formation, they can be almost invincible in the same realm. Moreover, looking at the fluctuations of Chen Xuan's formation, this is a mid-level formation master, and I, who have entered the peak of the sainthood, may really be unable to do anything. "In this case, we can only rely on the power of the sect. Fortunately, Chen Xuan is not a member of the sect, otherwise, such a monster, I really... Hou Yuanshan secretly rejoiced in his heart. "Bold, son, dare to commit crimes in my Hanbing Sect. You are challenging the majesty of my Hanbing Sect. Come on, go and invite the elder." Seeing that the situation is not good, Hou Yuanshan can only do this. Han Bin felt bad when he heard it. This is to use the sect to suppress Chen Xuan! "Hou Yuanshan, you are old, but you are still lying. Chen Xuanyou is my friend. Your grandson doesn't know what's good for him and offended my friend. That's what he deserves. As an elder, you brought people to my house and acted arrogantly. Do you have any shame! "Han Bin almost yelled out. Although he knew that Hou Yuanshan was mean, he didn't expect it to be this serious.

"Han Bin, the sect master is not here, and everything in the sect is decided by the elder. Which side do you think he will stand on!" Hou Yuanshan laughed unscrupulously.

"Why, the grandson was beaten by me because he was incompetent, and the grandfather came to take revenge, but the grandfather was a waste, so he went to ask your ancestors." Chen Xuan humiliated him very rudely,

"You, you arrogant man!" Hou Yuanshan suppressed his anger. Maybe he was not afraid of Chen Xuan alone, but there was Han Bin on this side. He had to think about himself. He didn't dare to act rashly because he knew that he was not the opponent of these two people.

"I won't argue with you here. When the elder comes, he will make the decision! "Then he looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Boy, you do have some strength, but you offended someone you shouldn't have offended. Although I can't do anything to you, I have someone behind me who is not something you, a master of formations, can contend with." "Oh, really? Then I, Chen Xuan, will see whether your great elder will arrive first or you will go first, die!" After that, Chen Xuan moved, and moved to Hou Yuanshan's side with a space teleportation, "The power of reincarnation, exterminate the void!" "The power of reincarnation, life and death, yin and yang break!" Two Taoist skills were used at the same time, bombarding Hou Yuanshan. Hou Yuanshan didn't react at first, but he was also a peak Saint, so he quickly reacted and took Chen Xuan's attack, dodged to the side, and then looked at Chen Xuan and Han Bin vigilantly. Han Bin saw that Chen Xuan had taken action, and he was not vague. When he was about to attack Hou Yuanshan, he was stopped by Chen Xuan, "Senior, I will do it myself. I want him to know the consequences of watching a formation master. "But..." Han Bin was thinking about something when Chen Xuan interrupted him again, "Why, senior, don't you believe me?" Seeing Chen Xuan, he thought of Chen Xuan's burst of momentum, which made him feel dangerous. Hou Yuanshan was a little inferior to himself, so he didn't say much and stood aside. "Haha, son, you are so arrogant! You really think you are invincible because you are a master of formations. Maybe I might be a little afraid of you after you set up the formations. Without the help of Han Bin, the old man, I want to see how you set up the formations. You don't even have a chance to take out the formation flags." Seeing Chen Xuan so arrogant and not wanting Han Bin's help, Hou Yuanshan was so happy that he didn't hesitate any more. "The way of ice, ice crystals pierce the bones!" "The way of ice, ice breaks!"

Two swift attacks came towards Chen Xuan,

"Master, take two steps to the left, and then..."

"This is the blind spot for the ice method." Ta Lao's voice came to mind in Chen Xuan's mind. Chen Xuan quickly followed Ta Lao's instructions and teleported over. Then Chen Xuan also reciprocated with a "Power of Reincarnation" , Destroy the Void!" Returned.

Houyuanshan also easily escaped,

"You just gave me no chance to take out the formation flag. Look, I still have a chance to counterattack. Since you are so afraid of my formation, I won't bully an old man like you. I can still kill you without formation." You." Chen Xuan said very relaxedly, as if killing the other party was as easy as eating and drinking.

Hou Yuanshan was not angry at being so humiliated. He was indeed afraid of Chen Xuan's formations, but when he heard Chen Xuan's shameless words about killing himself without any formations, he laughed loudly.

"You are really ignorant. You, a simpleton who has not even understood Daojun's true meaning, still want to kill me, a peak saint who has understood Daojun's true meaning. Are you not out of your mind?"

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