Hou Yuanshan looked at Chen Xuan as if he were ugly, as if he was really trying to determine whether Chen Xuan was a fool.

"The peak of Sainthood may be very strong, but if it is you, even if it is the Holy Lord, Holy King, what about it? Also, if my head is broken, you will know if you try it." Chen Xuan responded equally strongly. road,

Then, without further ado, Chen Xuan took a step forward,

"The power of reincarnation breaks the yin and yang of life and death!" Chen Xuan exploded his aura to the extreme, and then saw that the surrounding space began to turmoil. This was created by Chen Xuan deliberately using the power of space. After receiving the guidance of Ta Lao, Chen Xuan Xuan knows that using the power of space to destabilize the surrounding space will double the damage when using a Taoist skill. Because a stable space has a suppressive effect on the Taoist skill, so as long as the space is destabilized, the suppressive effect will change. The power of all Taoist skills and magical powers will increase.

Hou Yuanshan's face was very solemn at this moment, because he could feel the power of Chen Xuan's attack just from Chen Xuan's burst of momentum.

"Why does a titled Taoist master have such a powerful Taoist skill? Is this the legendary top-notch Taoist skill?" Hou Yuanshan was surprised and thought in his heart.

Then, a Taoist skill that surprised him flew towards him,

"I don't believe that I, who has reached the peak of sainthood, will lose to you!" Hou Yuanshan shouted like crazy, and then faced Chen Xuan's Taoist skills.

Chen Xuan knew that this blow would not cause much damage to Houyuan Mountain, so he quickly teleported to the other side.

"Supernatural power - the phantoms of gods and demons appear!"

The power of this move is more than ten times that of before, because before, I could only comprehend less than one-tenth, but now, under the guidance of Mr. Ta, I have quickly comprehended twenty-three-tenths, plus the power of this space. With the use of force, Chen Xuan believed that he had suffered this blow.

Sure enough, after Chen Xuan's first blow, Hou Yuanshan only suffered zero skin injuries. Just when he was about to rush over, Chen Xuan's magical power arrived as promised. In addition, Hou Yuanshan had just resisted Chen Xuan's first blow, saying Before he could activate his technique, a huge phantom of gods and demons pressed towards him.

Boom ~ bang ~

Because of the huge pressure, the surrounding area of ​​Houyuanshan was directly pressed down, leaving a terrifying crack in the earth. Houyuanshan was lying in it. It looked like he was injured. He looked at it with horror and disbelief. Chen Xuan, just him, and the disciples who were fighting around him also stopped fighting. They all looked at Chen Xuan with the same expression as Hou Yuanshan, including Han Bin. How could he be so powerful?

"What kind of Taoist skill are you doing?" Hou Yuanshan asked, covering his chest.

"Kill your Taoist skills!"

"How about it? Do you still think you are powerful? Do you still think I am a fool? Are you going to avenge your good-for-nothing grandson?" Hou Yuanshan did not refute each sentence. Of course, he no longer had the strength to refute. Chen Xuan continued,

"I know, this is in a foreign land. I can't kill you, but you are as ignorant as your grandson, so you have to pay the price for it." After that, he split the spiritual cap of Xianhou Yuanshan with one palm. , and at this moment,

"Stop! How dare you!" A figure was flying towards this side very fast,

Chen Xuan's hand paused for a moment, and then he struck down without hesitation. Hou Yuanshan collapsed on the ground like his grandson, without any movement or even a scream.

The moment Hou Yuanshan reached the ground, a black shadow appeared next to Hou Yuanshan, lifted up Hou Yuanshan who was lying on the ground, and then gave him a pill.

It was an old man wearing a black robe. He looked a bit older than Han Binhouyuanshan, but this old man exuded a very powerful aura due to his height.

"I asked you to stop. Didn't you hear what I said?" The man asked,

The people around him were so quiet when they saw this person, because the person who came was the great elder from Houyuan Mountain Pass.

"Well, I heard it, but why should I stop? Why should I listen to you?" Chen Xuan asked rhetorically. If Chen Xuan had not met Ta Lao, then he might have stopped after hearing the sound, because Han Bing The cultivation level of the great elder outside the sect must be at least the Holy Lord level. Chen Xuan is still very afraid of it. But now, after meeting the tower elder, Chen Xuan has obtained the memory inheritance and the Hongmeng Tower. What else does he have to be afraid of? Yes, Chen Xuan is not afraid of powerful men like the Holy King and the Holy Lord who stand on top of the world. As long as he hides in his magical power, even the Holy King and the Holy Lord can only watch, so Chen Xuan dares to be so unscrupulous.

"Are you going to make an enemy of my Ice Sect by deposing my Ice Sect elders on my Ice Sect's territory? You are simply seeking death!" Before Chen Xuan could reply, an aura of the late Holy Lord came towards Chen Xuan. Press it away,

"Kneel down!" the great elder shouted angrily, but Chen Xuan still stood still, as calm as ever.

"Stop your momentum, aren't you just a late-stage Holy Lord? If you want to overwhelm me with your momentum alone, you have a beautiful idea!"

"You are looking for death!" When the great elder saw that he could not suppress the opponent with his momentum, he struck out with lightning and grabbed Chen Xuan with one hand.

"Friend Chen, retreat!" Han Bin shouted heartbreakingly, but he had no choice or the strength to help Chen Xuan. Everyone here was sweating for Chen Xuan. When everyone was sweating for Chen Xuan, they heard the great elder exclaimed,

"What the hell, get out of my way!"

It turned out that when the great elder was about to capture Chen Xuan, several tall stone giants killed the great elder in front of Chen Xuan. Yes, they were the stone men that Chen Xuan found in the secret realm. Chen Xuan I took out five directly.

"Stop this man!" Chen Xuan ordered, and the stone men surrounded the great elder.

"These stone giants are trying to stop me!" I saw the great elder attacking like crazy. Two of these stone giants fell down in a few seconds, and then they reunited and arrived again.

"What is this thing? Why can't it be beaten to death!" The great elder was surprised. Seeing that these stones were very difficult to deal with, he shouted into the void, where is the Law Enforcement Hall!

When the great elder called to the law enforcement hall, everyone exploded instantly.

"It's over. Even the Law Enforcement Hall is here. I'm afraid this person is doomed!"

Han Bin also shouted,

"The Law Enforcement Hall targets the disciples in the sect. Great Elder, you are abusing your power. I will report it to the sect leader when he comes back."

"Han Bin, shut up. Who are you? How dare you talk to me like this? I think you, the hair care elder, have nothing to do! Get out of here!" He punched Han Bin to the ground. .

"Senior!" Chen Xuan shouted, very touched. Zou Yi, Han Bin and others really took good care of Chen Xuan.

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