"You're still talking back. You've become more capable." Chen Xuan pretended to be very angry.

The two did not dare to say anything more.

"Okay, you two stay here honestly and don't go anywhere, let alone act rashly. Wait for me to come back. Did you hear me?" Chen Xuan was serious again.

"Got it, Brother Chen Xuan!"

"Yes, Master!"

Chen Xuan was relieved and was about to turn around and leave.

"Brother Chen Xuan, where are you going?"

"Master, where are you going?"

Chen Xuan said without turning his head,

"Of course I'm going down to save people. I'll say it again, you two are not allowed to go anywhere, let alone act rashly. Wait for me to find you. If I don't see anyone when I come back, you know the consequences of my anger!"

Then, Chen Xuan quickly disappeared in front of the two.

"Let's go, let's follow him!" Zou hurriedly stopped him and said, "Sister Qing'er, let's listen to Master! Don't make him angry and cause trouble for him." "Oh! We'll be fine if we don't worry about it. We won't be discovered." "You were just trying to persuade me, why are you now, Sister Qing'er, we have to trust Master, right?" "But," "No buts, Sister Qing'er, even if we follow him, it will only cause trouble for Master." "Okay!" Qing'er didn't insist. If Chen Xuan knew that Qing'er was going to follow him, he would be so angry that he would die. On Chen Xuan's side, although his understanding and application of spatial power were not mature enough, with the help of Hei, he easily hid in the void and quietly entered the cave, and those people outside didn't know at all. In the cave, with the weak light, Chen Xuan saw Zou Yi tied to the stone pillar at a glance. He was covered in blood, pale and very weak. When Chen Xuan got closer, he found that there was another person next to Zou Yi. This person was Fang Youwei. At this time, he was saying something, "Haha, Zou Yi, Zou Yi, we don't have any deep hatred. But you are against me for a mere kid. You really overestimate your own abilities." Zou Yi just stared at him viciously without saying anything. Then Fang Youwei said, "Since you are so optimistic about this Son, then I will humiliate him severely in front of you, let you see what happens when you become my enemy!" After hearing this, Zou Yi finally spoke weakly, "Bah, with you, when I, Chen Xuanyou, come back, it will be your death. Five years ago, he was just a Dao barrier, which made your Fang family helpless. Five years later, you are still at the peak of the sainthood, and he will still be in the Dao realm? If you want to humiliate him, you will definitely be humiliated, old man!" Although Zou Yi is very weak now, he is very sonorous and powerful when speaking this passage. "You," Fang Youwei was very angry, "Okay! Let's see what he can do to make me helpless." After that, he wanted to punch Zou Yi hard, but when his fist was about to touch Zou Yi's body, it was stopped by a very powerful force, which was Chen Xuan, "You, how could you get in," Fang Youwei looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief. "Chen Xuanyou!" Zou Yi was also very excited. But Chen Xuan said calmly,

"Do you think you can win just by calling a few strong men in the early stage of Saint Lord?"

After hearing what Chen Xuan said, Fang Youwei was even more incredulous,

"How do you know?"

Chen Xuan ignored him and turned around to untie Zou Yi, but how could Fang Youwei give him this opportunity? A breath of Sainthood burst out,

"Holy Way of Fire, Burning Body!"

Then he rushed towards Chen Xuan. Because it was very close, Chen Xuan had no time to hide against the wall,

"Power of Reincarnation, Reincarnation Fist!"

"Magic Power - Shadows of Gods and Demons Appear!"

Then he took Fang Youwei's attack head-on.

Fang Youwei was so frightened that he was speechless.

"How is it possible to be called Daojun? Even if you understand the true meaning of Daojun, you can't take my attack head-on. You must have some treasure. Haha, it's good this way. If you die, your treasure will be mine. Go to hell! Bastard!" Fang Youwei attacked Chen Xuan like a madman.

Chen Xuan quickly threw out several defensive stone formations to protect Zou Yi, and then quickly used space to move to the side. The speed was unimaginable.

Seeing Chen Xuan dodge, Fang Youwei couldn't help but laugh, "Haha! Chen Xuan, why don't you have the confidence to take my attack and choose to dodge? It's okay. You dodge, but the one who suffers is Zou Yi, the old man." "Really? You are very confident!" There was a bang, "What, when did you set up the formation? It's impossible. Unless you are a formation master, it is impossible to set up the formation so quickly." Fang Youwei was shocked again with disbelief. Seeing his attack blocked by the defensive formation, he was very unwilling and madly bombarded the defensive formation, trying to break it. But Chen Xuan did what he wanted. Several more illusion formations and killing formations were thrown out. In an instant, Fang Youwei was forced to retreat step by step. However, what Chen Xuan regretted was that the stone formation he carved was indeed a little worse. The killing stone formation only caused Fang Youwei to suffer zero injuries, which was not a big deal. Moreover, the illusion stone formation he carved actually had a great impact on Fang Youwei. It seems that he still needs to work harder.

Fang Youwei had already begun to doubt the laws of the outside world. It was all nonsense that a formation master needed a certain amount of time to set up a formation. While trying to resist Chen Xuan's killing formation, he also had to resist the influence of the illusion formation, which made Fang Youwei very embarrassed.

"Oh, no, it seems that my illusion formation is still somewhat effective."

Yes, Fang Youwei never expected that he would be embarrassed before he even got close to Chen Xuan.

"Hahaha, Fang Youwei, I thought, you will be severely humiliated. How about it? You didn't even touch the corner of my Chen Xuanyou's clothes, and you still want to humiliate him severely. It's just a fool's dream." Zou Yi looked at the embarrassed Fang Youwei and humiliated him loudly. This was more effective than punching him hard.

Chen Xuan also looked at Fang Youwei who was at a loss because of his stone formation, and a smile rose on the corner of his mouth. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "This stone formation is really a good thing! Even if the opponent is strong, it can delay time. And if the opponent is weak, like Fang Youwei, he won't even have the chance to attack himself, and will be exhausted to death by this stone formation. If the opponent is weaker, he will be wiped out directly. It's really less trouble, wonderful!" "Ah! Chen Xuan, I will never let you go." He ran away in embarrassment.

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