Seeing Fang Youwei fleeing, Chen Xuan originally planned to catch up immediately, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. The family was probably going to call for help, and Chen Xuan's first priority now was to rescue Wan Yi first.

Chen Xuan immediately removed the stone formation, then quickly untied Zou Yi, and asked worriedly,

"Senior Wrinkle, are you okay?"

Although Wrinkle Yi looked very weak, his eyes were not vain because of his physical weakness, but sparkled with happiness, excitement, and excitement.

"Haha, old man, I know that Chen Xuanyou is blessed with great fortune. Even the old man is not willing to accept such an outstanding person." Moreover, tears of excitement flowed from his eyes.

"Senior Zou, I'm sorry that I have caused you to suffer." Looking at the shaky old man, Chen Xuan felt guilty and moved.

"Xuan, please allow me to call you this, because I think we are friends of life and death. Putting aside your kindness to me and my care for you, are you willing to accept this bad old man like me as your big brother?" He looked at Chen Xuan hopefully.

At the beginning, Zou Yi only thought that Chen Xuan was a very mysterious and evil talent, and he wanted to make friends with him. Although now he also wants to be Chen Xuan's number one, the nature and difference between the former and the former are huge. It is somewhat driven by gratitude and profit, but the latter does not have any other thoughts in it. After experiencing so much, Zou Yi really wants to become brothers with Chen Xuan, without any sense of profit or gratitude, just Just thinking about it.

Of course Chen Xuan is also very willing, because Zou Yi dared to come regardless of everything after hearing the news about him. This eldest brother Zou Yi also has to admit it.

Chen Xuan quickly clasped his fists and saluted,

"Brother, of course I am willing."

"Haha," Zou Yi also laughed loudly. He still looked a little weak from being tortured. At this moment, he was already radiant.

"Okay, okay, Xuan, it's enough for me, Zou Yi, to be your brother!"

"Okay, brother, this is throat medicine. Take it quickly and fight out with me."


Zou Yi sat cross-legged and took the elixir to heal his wounds. Chen Xuan was watching from the side. Unfortunately, Fang Youwei, who had escaped, was leading a large group of people towards him with murderous intent.

"Chen Xuan, I have nothing to do with you!" Fang Youwei shouted as soon as he came in, like a mad dog barking all the time.

Looking at Fang Youwei with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes, Chen Xuan looked at him as if he was ugly.

"Why, haven't we already broken up with each other a long time ago? Your grandson was crippled by me, and your son also..."

"Oh, by the way, before your son died, he and I, well, the original words were like this - Uncle Chen, please forgive me, that old man Fang Youwei asked me to do it, and I don't want to be your enemy. , there is a wrongdoer and a debtor, you should not come to me to seek revenge. I also know that he spreads rumors and wants to deal with Zou Yi. This really has nothing to do with me. Please let me go regardless of others. Come on!" Chen Xuan pretended, looking at Fang Youwei's face turning pale, he couldn't help but want to rub salt into Fang Youwei's wounds.

"Um, I'm going to take the liberty to ask, Fang Youwei, did you pick up this dialect?"

Fang Youwei was extremely angry and looked at Chen Xuan with red eyes.

"I am going to kill you!"

"Fuck me!"

"Tsk, you must be a fool to find such a group of soldiers and generals and want to kill me!" Chen Xuan was also very disdainful.

"Haha, I have long heard that Brother Fang, your enemy is very arrogant. When I saw him today, he was indeed unusually arrogant! I wanted to crush him to death just looking at him." One of the old men closest to Fang Youwei said, and they These people also wanted to humiliate Chen Xuan before killing him. Birds of a feather flock together to divide people into groups. These people are just like Fang Youwei. They are very mean and despicable people.

"Hey! Old man, if you want to kill me, come here. Why are you talking so much nonsense? He is indeed the person Fang Youwei invited. He is so virtuous." The old man was instantly angered by Chen Xuan's words.

"Don't move any of you, I will tear this guy into pieces with my own hands!" He flew towards Chen Xuan.

Looking at the old man flying over, Chen Xuan also said lightly,

"Another mad dog who overestimates his capabilities. He is only one step above that old loser Fang Youwei. What are you barking at?"

Then Chen Xuan was still the same, took out the stone array and threw it away.

"What?" Seeing that the stone thrown by Chen Xuan instantly turned into a formation, everyone present was stunned, exactly the same as Fang You's original expression.

"So what about the formations? Let's see how I can defeat your trick." The old man was blocked by the formations and couldn't help but become a little angry. He blasted at these stone formations. As expected, Chen Xuan's stone formations were so effective against him. It was still difficult for the monks in the early stage of the Holy Lord to do any damage. They only blocked it for a moment and were broken by the old man. However, Chen Xuan did not panic. He had carved so many words, which was enough.

But looking at the incredible and somewhat fanatical looks on the faces of these people, Chen Xuan suddenly came up with a plan and threw out another stone formation, temporarily stopping the old man, and then shouted loudly,

"Everyone, I, Chen Xuan, know that Fang Youwei is a completely despicable person, so I believe that everyone must be helping him out of Fang Youwei's interests. In that case, I think I can also help you. The benefits are definitely more valuable than Fang Youwei's, what do you think?" Upon seeing this, Fang Youwei suddenly felt bad and quickly interrupted,

"Everyone, don't listen to this Zi Huyao. He is just a casual cultivator with no background and can produce anything of value. He is a master of formations. He must be stalling for time so that he can arrange the formations. Hurry, everyone, do it quickly. "

Then, some of them planned to follow Fang Youwei, but some of them were indeed hit by Chen Xuan, just because the other party had the conditions to impress them, and then they unconsciously stopped them.

"Brother Fang, everyone, it's better to wait for him to finish speaking. It's not too late to take action." One of the middle-aged men said.

But Fang Youwei cursed loudly,

"Zhang Xiong, why do you want to defect before the battle? Don't you want that thing?"

"Haha! I think Brother Zhang is pretty good. I'd better wait for this guy to finish talking." Another middle-aged man said.

"Yeah, yeah." Half of the other people also spoke in support.

When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he was secretly happy. It was exactly what Chen Xuan thought. At least this group of people did not really want to help Fang Youwei, but for profit.

Then he quickly spoke.

"Everyone has seen it. The stone I just threw is called Stone Formation. It was a thing I made myself, but everyone can see how powerful it is!"

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