Then Chen Xuan turned his attention to the old man who was promoted to the stone formation.

And this old man actually came here for profit. He just couldn't stand Chen Xuan's arrogance, so he spoke rudely. But after Chen Xuan said these words, not only his heart began to waver. I have personally experienced the power of this stone formation. Although it does no real harm to myself, if there are too many, it can tire me to death.

Then he made up his mind in his heart, clasped his fists and said to Chen Xuande,

"Chen Xuanyou, I was reckless just now. Please forgive me. If Chen Xuanyou can give me some of these stone formations, I am willing to switch sides and unite the front with Chen Xuan." The old man said.

"Qian Feng! You are a despicable and shameless person, you will not die well." Fang Youwei pointed at the old man Qian Feng and yelled.

Qian Feng couldn't help but feel a little funny after hearing this.

"Fang Youwei, there must be something wrong with your brain. I am here for profit. Since someone else has paid a higher price, why should I guard your meager profit?" Qian Feng looked at Fang with disdain. If you have a way, then you will show it to everyone,

"Everyone, I know that most of us are here for profit. In this case, everyone can see the power of this stone formation, so I won't say anything more."

"Chen Xuanyou, what do you think?"

Chen Xuan was so happy now that he said,

"Okay. I'll give you three killing formations, three fantasy formations, and four defensive formations. What do you think?"

Qian Feng hesitated a little when he heard this number, and so did everyone else. Seeing this, Chen Xuan spoke again,

"Everyone is dissatisfied. It is very difficult to make this stone array. You can imagine how precious it is. Moreover, you are dissatisfied with the position. Before I came, I had already made a deal with the master of the outer sect of the Flame Divine Sect, Duan Qingqing. I sold a large part to him, so now I don’t have much left in my hands and can only take out so much, but I promise everyone that after this incident, everyone sitting here who supports me will buy the stone formation from me. I will give discounts every time, permanent discounts.”

These words were like golden waves, beating the hearts of everyone. What surprised them was that the benefits given by Chen Xuan also included the outer sect master of the Lieyan Shen Sect. In this way, how could Chen Xuan and the outer sect leader Duan Wuqing There is no cooperative relationship. If you let him know that you kidnapped and killed him and broke off the cooperation, then you will definitely get into trouble. At this moment, including those who came to help Fang Youwei for various reasons, they have begun to waver.

Qian Feng agreed readily and without any hesitation, he came to Chen Xuan in an instant.

"Chen Xuanyou, I, Qian Feng, the elder of Shadow Tower, it's a pleasure to meet you, happy cooperation!"

"Haha, okay, happy cooperation." After finishing Chen Xuan took out the stone formation, handed it to Qian Feng, and said,

"Since Elder Qian is so cheerful, I, Chen Xuan, can't help but keep it well. Senior Duan has exchanged the treasures from the three floors of their treasure pavilion for one."

Qian Feng's head suddenly buzzed.

"What, so..."

"It's absolutely true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Senior Duan in person."

Qian Feng was so happy. He knew this thing was precious, but he never expected it to be so precious. It's like holding a baby. Put these stone formations in your pocket.

Then a large number of people came to Chen Xuan under Qian Feng's initiative.

At this moment, Fang Youwei only felt that the ground was dark. He couldn't accept the reality and collapsed on the ground.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. You lied. Since you, Chen Xuan, have deceived all fellow Taoists, I will kill you."

He was about to get up from the ground, and then he was subdued by those who had already turned to Chen Xuan. He looked at him calmly, and then in full view of everyone, he took out a token and held it in front of Fang Youwei.

"You are the elder of the Raging Flame Sect. Do you recognize this? This is the token of the leader of the outer sect. Seeing this sign is like meeting the leader of the sect. Kneel down quickly!"

Everyone saw this without any doubt, because some of them were following the crowd. I was skeptical about Chen Xuan's Duan Wuqing affair, but now, what else is there to be suspicious of?

"Impossible, impossible, how could you know Master Duan? This is fake, everyone, it's fake!" Fang Youwei shouted desperately under the control of Ji Rao, but everyone present was indifferent.

"Young Master Liu, are you still going to watch the show? Let your people kill this Chen Xuan quickly, otherwise your affairs will be known to the entire Raging Flame Sect, and even your father will not be able to protect you by then." Fang Youwei shouted with all his strength.

In the crowd, a person who was about the same grade as Chen Xuan looked embarrassed, and then he said,

"Kill Chen Xuan for me,"

Then about twenty of these people started to attack, but were subdued in an instant, including Mr. Liu,

Fang Youwei went crazy when he saw it, and then he started barking like a mad dog again.

"Okay, since Mr. Liu is not willing to help me, your matter..."

"Fang Youwei, shut up. Am I not going to help you? Don't you see what this is going on? If you fucking dare, I'll kill you first." The young man named Liu Shao He was already furious. He even refused something as precious as Chen Xuan, and this guy bit back.

"Haha, I don't care. Since it's all about death, I have to support you. If your affair is exposed, the sect leader will definitely kill you because you can't even..." But before his words came out, A crisp sound reached everyone's ears. It turned out that Chen Xuan came behind Fang Youwei at some point, then twisted his neck, and Fang Youwei died just like that.

When Liu Shao saw this scene, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Chen Xuan gratefully.

Chen Xuan also looked at Mr. Liu and said,

"Haha, Mr. Liu, only the dead can keep secrets,"

Then he spoke again,

"Okay, since Fang Youwei is dead, this matter is over. Let's let Mr. Liu go!"

"Chen Xuan, thank you very much. I am also from the Flame Divine Sect. My father is the leader of the Flame Divine Sect's Protective Hall. I, Liu Yang, will remember this kindness."

Although everyone is curious about what Liu Yang will know about Fang Youwei, and this matter can also allow him to reject Chen Xuan's stone array, but due to Liu Yang's identity and Chen Xuan, there is no such thing curiosity.

"Okay, I promise you that I won't miss anything. Also, come to my place to buy from time to time. There are many discounts."

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