"It seems that he is already a titled Taoist. His own."

"What, titled Taoist Lord?"

Everyone was very surprised. In just a few years, he had grown from a Taoist monk to a titled Taoist Lord, and even used his cultivation to reach the peak of the Saint. When did it become so easy to break through the realm? Now it’s so easy and enjoyable to fight across levels.

"The Titled Taoist Master leapt up a level and reached the Saint Peak. This is indeed a monster. It seems that my disciple is not a simple brother! And that stone formation..." Han Bing was also very surprised. He looked at Chen Xuan from the side and fell into meditation.

After the battle, Chen Xuan came over with the embarrassed people and the group of high-spirited people.

"Chen Xuanyou, using your title as a Taoist Lord to defeat someone who has reached the pinnacle of sainthood, this is the first time I've seen him in my life. It's amazing, miraculous, and unbelievable!"

"Yes! This is simply an incredible thing. It opened my eyes. I thought Chen Xuanyou was very good at formations, but I didn't expect..."

Except for Zou Yi, everyone in Zou Yi's group was full of praise.

Zou looked at Chen Xuan with admiration, and felt happy in his heart.

"Haha, such a monster is my master!"

Qing'er was also thinking something, but when she saw that the person who was beaten was the master's servant, and he usually took good care of herself, she just gave Chen Xuan a look like a nymphomaniac.

Han Bing also spoke at this time,

"Chen Xuan, Qing'er is my only disciple. This girl asked me to come this time. I am very curious about the charm of Brother Chen Xuan who makes my disciple so concerned and desperate." He said. Here, Han Bing paused for a moment, then continued,

"You are very good!"

"Let's talk alone?"

"Master..." What was Qing'er thinking at this time, but Han Bing gave him a look, and he didn't think much more.

Because besides Chen Xuan in this world, Qing'er is the one who treats her the best. This kind of kindness comes from the heart. As a nine-tailed fox, Qing'er has a very clear perception of this, and Chen Xuan does not. , so when facing these two most important people, he still chose to remain silent, and she also believed in brother Chen Xuan.

Under everyone's doubtful eyes, the two came to a secluded place.

Chen Xuan was also confused and didn't know what the ice was doing, so he took the lead and asked,

"I wonder what Senior Han is talking about?"

Han Bing thought for a moment and said,

"Chen Xuan, you are very good, I admit it, and I also know Qing'er's feelings for you, but..."

"But what?" Chen Xuan asked,

Han Bing suddenly asked in another tone,

"You, how much do you know about Qing'er?"

When Chen Xuan heard this, he looked confused again, wondering what Han Bing was doing.

"Senior Han, if you have any questions, please be direct. I don't like beating around the bush!"

"Well, I think it's best for you to keep your distance from Qing'er,"

Chen Xuan looked solemn,

"What do you mean by this? Qing'er is my sister. You asked me to keep a distance from him. When Qing'er and I depended on each other, you didn't know where you were. You'd better know, otherwise don't think that you, the Ice Sect, How amazing the deputy sect master is, believe me, I can make you pay the price!" Chen Xuan became angry, his relationship with Qing'er had nothing to do with him!

Han Bing probably didn't know that Chen Xuan's reaction would be so great, so he tried his best to speak in a calmer tone,

"Chen Xuan, I know that you and Qing'er have a deep relationship, but I think that if you do this, it will affect Qing'er's practice, and you also know Qing'er's identity. Do you think that if she is not strong on her own, she can Protect yourself?"

Chen Xuan interrupted firmly,

"I can protect her!"

Han Bing didn't know why, but after hearing what Chen Xuan said, he became a little angry.

"You can, let me tell you, if I hadn't been here, you might not have been able to see her..." Chen Xuan became anxious upon hearing this.

"What's going on? What happened to Qing'er?"

Han Bing obviously didn't want to say anything more about this matter, so he returned to the topic just now,

"Chen Xuan, you may have misunderstood me. I don't want to stop you two from being together. I just want Qing'er to grow up and become a strong person. However, Qing'er's talent is very good, and he is also a nine-tailed fox. "As soon as he said this, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a hint of murderous intent.

Of course Han Bing felt it and looked at Chen Xuan with great relief.

"It seems that Qing'er has a good vision. Do you know that it is stupid to show murderous intent in front of a holy king like me? However, it seems that you care about Qing'er very much. Put away your murderous intent and listen to what I have to say. "

Chen Xuan took back his breath and looked at Han Bing defensively, and Han Bing just smiled helplessly.

"Qing'er is a nine-tailed fox. You should know that they are powerful. I mean, although Qing'er is good at talent, she was not in the mood to practice as soon as she heard the news about you. She even came here alone. So what I mean is, keep your distance from her and give her enough time to practice, so that she can become stronger and grow up." Han Bing looked very hopeful, and it seemed that she also had feelings for Qing'er. Very sincerely, Chen Xuan relaxed a little, but still asked a little uneasily,

"Since you know that she is a nine-tailed fox, you should know her value. Are you not tempted? Moreover, as a deputy sect of the Ice Sect, you must have seen a lot of talents! Why did you accept Qing'er? As a disciple." Chen Xuan was also very confused, and the Nine-tailed Divine Fox Monster Heart was too tempting to the monks. Chen Xuan had to ask clearly. If he had such malicious intentions, even the Holy King would not stop him.

Han Bing smiled, but she wasn't angry either, because it was normal. As the leader of a sect, how could she not know how tempting the demon heart was to the monks? So she understood Chen Xuan very well. If Qing'er hadn't given her Chen Xuan Xuan almost died trying to save her before, and she also suspected that Chen Xuan was approaching Qing'er with purpose.

"Chen Xuan, you think too much of me! How can I achieve my cultivation at the expense of other people's lives? Moreover, Qing'er is such a kind and pure girl, and I also want to protect her. In fact, we are nominally She is a master, but she still calls me sister in private and accepts her as a disciple, just to provide her with training resources and to give her an identity that can protect her." Han Bing said this very seriously. Sincerity, with Chen Xuan's years of understanding people, Chen Xuan still believed her words.

Finally, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Han Bing was so considerate of Qing'er, his tone became calmer.

"Senior Han, please forgive me for being rude just now. I misunderstood you, but as soon as you come up..."

"I also……"

Chen Xuan touched the back of his head, hesitating and half-unsure of what he was talking about.

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