Seeing Chen Xuan's embarrassed look, Han Bing also said apologetically,

"Um, Chen Xuan, actually I did that on purpose. I just wanted to see how you react and see if the person my Qing'er dreams about is really like her." Then he continued,

"Also, am I that old? You call me the senior on the left and the senior on the right. In fact, I'm not much older than you. I think you should call me by my name!"

"What, he's the Holy King when he's about the same age as me?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan was surprised. Although the monk's age was not what he saw on the surface, it was still believable from his own words. For such a young Holy King, it seemed that Han Bing was not simple.

Han Bing looked at Chen Xuan who looked surprised and said indifferently,

"Actually, it's nothing. Our sect is the same age as me, Saint Lord Du Ying."

Chen Xuan was shocked again.

"Of course this is a monster. The monster at the level of our sect, just like you, defeated the one at the level of the Holy Lord when he entered the Saint level."

Chen Xuan's face was expressionless at this moment. He was severely hit.

Han Bing felt that it was not very good to hit Chen Xuan like this, so he quickly said,

"Actually, you are also very powerful. After all, you are already very powerful because of your own efforts. If you have a very powerful sect, I believe you will also be very powerful." At this time, Han Bing was very serious. Looking at Chen Xuan, she actually had the intention of recruiting him.

Chen Xuan was still expressionless, but at this moment, Ta said the same thing,

"Master, this girl is good. You are indeed short of training resources. Don't worry, these will all be problems when our chamber of commerce starts." Chen Xuan finally calmed down. Sweeping away the decadence just now, he is full of confidence.

"Uh, what did you just say?"

Han Bing rolled his eyes and said

"Well, what you lack is the training resources. Why not join a powerful sect."

Only then did Chen Xuan understand the meaning of these words. His feelings were that he wanted to join her Ice Sect.

Chen Xuan was about to speak, but Han Bing spoke first,

"Well, in fact, the purpose of my conversation with you alone is firstly to deal with your Qing'er, and secondly, I also want to recruit monsters like you to join my sect. Don't worry, I will give you the best cultivation resources, and I get the same treatment." When Han Bing said this, he looked like he was willing to give up.

Chen Xuan replied with a smile,

"With the same treatment as you, can you give me the title of Master Fu?" Chen Xuan joked, and then continued

"Han Qian... Han Gu... Master Han." Chen Xuan hesitated to find a suitable title.

"I'm used to freedom. I don't want to join any sect. Moreover, I plan to build a force of my own. I appreciate your kindness. Also, don't worry about Qing'er, I know how to do it."

What else was Han Bing thinking about? Chen Xuan continued,

"By the way, this is for you. There is a Enlightenment Flower and some stone formations in it. Thank you for taking care of Qing'er. Please look after Qing'er in the future." Wan handed the things to her.

"What, the Flower of Enlightenment? How come you have the Flower of Enlightenment, and you give it back to me?"

"Yeah, what's wrong!" Chen Xuan also looked indifferent.

Even for their super power, it was difficult to find the Enlightenment Flower, which was why Han Bing was so surprised, and coincidentally, she needed this kind of medicinal material that was very helpful for her cultivation recently.

So she didn't refuse. She also took out a box and handed it to Chen Xuan.

"This thing is very precious, and I need it very much, but I can't take it from you for nothing, and your stone array is also valuable, so..."

"Okay, I'll give it to you if you want it. If you don't want it, I'll give it to you. Let's go! They're still waiting for us,"

Chen Xuan turned around and left without looking back, leaving behind a complicated look on his face.

"It seems that I still looked at him. Chen Xuan is a very mysterious person. Qing'er, your brother Chen Xuan is not simple!" He underestimated a few words, Han Bing put away his things and followed him. .

Sure enough, Qing'er and his party were still waiting where they were. Seeing Chen Xuan appear, Qing'er quickly got up and came to Chen Xuan's side.

"Brother Chen Xuan, what did my master do to you?" she asked in a clear voice.

"It's nothing, she is just interested in my stone formation and wants to talk to me." Chen Xuan said perfunctorily.

"Really?" Qing'er didn't believe it.

"Of course it's true. When did brother Chen Xuan lie to you?"

"By the way, Qing'er, keep these things and don't tell others. These are very precious medicinal materials and elixirs for your cultivation."

When Qing'er heard this, her eyes burst into tears.

"Brother Chen Xuan, do you no longer want Qing'er? Why did you give me these things? Qing'er should not leave Brother Chen Xuan!"

Chen Xuan was a little older than him. He wiped Qing'er's tears and said,

"Silly girl, how could brother Chen Xuan not want you? Brother Chen Xuan promised to protect you all the time, and I will definitely do it."

"Then why did you give me these? I thought you..."

Chen Xuan burst out laughing,

"Silly girl, I give you these just to make you practice hard and become stronger, so that brother Chen Xuan can rest assured. You stupid girl, where are you thinking?"

Qing'er then smiled happily and said,

"Hey, Qing'er knows. Qing'er will definitely not hold back brother Chen Xuan. Qing'er has the guidance of her master, so don't worry, brother Chen Xuan!"

After a few more words, it wasn't until the ice arrived that the group set off and left here.

"Sect Master Han, send it here! Take good care of Qing'er!"

"Qing'er is my apprentice, don't worry."

Chen Xuan felt that this woman was really strange. When she was talking to him alone just now, her tone was quite calm, but now she became cold again.

"Brother Chen Xuan, I..."

Chen Xuan knew what he was thinking,

"Okay, Qing'er, brother Chen Xuan has important things to do. I have to become stronger to protect you. You have to be obedient, practice well, don't be lazy, and remember our agreement." Chen Xuan touched He held Qing'er's head and said with reluctance, but Chen Xuan really wanted to start building his own power and work hard to become stronger.

"Okay then! When I understand Daojun's true intention, Brother Chen Xuan must not cheat. You must prepare the gift you promised me." Qing'er is no longer pestering Chen Xuan. He also knows how much he will affect Chen Xuan, and She also wanted to work hard to become stronger and reassure Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was very pleased.

"Sister Qing'er, don't just think about Master, but also think about me!" Zou also said with a smirk.

"Son, your skin is itchy. You dare to make jokes about Master."

Chen Xuan glared at him so hard that he shut up quickly.

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