Qing'er was blushing and looking very charming.

After watching Qing'er and his party leave, Chen Xuan also said,

"let's go!"

Zou Ze asked weakly from the side,

"Master, where are we going?"

"What, you can't bear to leave your sister Qing'er? They haven't gone far anyway, just catch up by yourself!" Chen Xuan replied lightly.

"No, Master, I mean..."

"Haha, son, your master plans to return to Fengcheng and the Kong Auction School." At this time, Zou Yi interrupted.

"Really! Let's go back? But hasn't the auction house been destroyed? Can people still live in it?" Zou asked very happily, but also a little puzzled.

"Can't it be rebuilt after it's been destroyed?" Chen Xuan was also amused.

"Chen Xuanyou, since you are safe and sound, we old guys have also gone back." Wrinkle Yi's second brother said.

"Haha, Chen Xuan would like to thank the seniors!"

"Hey, I apologize! I didn't help at all. I thought I could have a good fight like that day at the Kong Auction House. Unexpectedly, Chen You solved it by himself." The words were spoken by Zou Yi. Fourth brother, these are the people who fought with Fang Youwei and his group that day with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also smiled embarrassedly and said,

"Haha, senior being able to come is already a great favor to Chen Xuan. I have a few medicinal plants here, and they are not precious things. I hope the seniors will accept them. This is also a little kindness from the junior." He took out again. A wooden box was handed to them quickly, for fear that these people were not ordinary, and then he apologized,

"In this case, I will say goodbye now, junior!"

"Haha, Chen Xuanyou, take care!"

"Second brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, take care!"

"Third brother, remember to come and see us often,"

"Yes! Third brother!"

"Okay, definitely!"

"Goodbye, grandpas!" Zou also stepped forward to say goodbye.

Then, Chen Xuan and his party sped away towards the place where the past was.

After watching Chen Xuan and his group's leaving figures gradually disappear, these few people looked back.

"Second brother, this Chen Xuanyou is really amazing! Why does my third brother support him so much?"

"Yes, I still remember the formation from back then!"

"Yes! This wild world is probably going to be in trouble again."

"Why did second brother say this?"

"Chen Xuanyou and his third brother went back this time with the intention of establishing a force of their own!"

"What," there was an exclamation, and everyone was silent.

"Okay, let's go! I believe it won't be long before the word Chen Xuan will be heard throughout the world!"

"Okay, this is what Chen Xuanyou gave us. It's some medicinal materials. Let's give it to you, fifth brother! Anyway, you are the only one among us who can make medicine."

Then he handed over the wooden box given by Chen Xuan.

"Haha, you're welcome then. It's such a big one. It seems like you gave me a lot." Then he opened it casually, originally wanting to see what the medicinal materials were, but as soon as he opened it, the air suddenly became quiet. ,

"Second, second brother, Chen, Chen, friend, and you, what did he send?"

"What's wrong with you? Why can't you speak clearly? Of course, he is just an ordinary medicinal material! What's wrong?"

After the sound of swallowing saliva,

"See for yourselves!"

Then the three of them ordered the wooden box and looked at most of it, dumbfounded.

"Second brother, am I dazzled?"

"I don't know either, just ask fourth brother."

"Fourth brother!"

"I think should not be!"

"Would you like to catch up and return it?"

"Can you still catch up?"

"No more chasing. Chen Xuanyou is determined to give it to us, otherwise he wouldn't lie to us."

"Isn't this something rare to see in a thousand years?"

"one two three."

"I counted correctly!"

The mood of the three people at this moment cannot be described in words.

Chen Xuan was already thousands of miles away from them.

"Xuan, did you give something very precious to my second brother?" Zou Yi couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe! How did brother know that?" Chen Xuan chuckled.

"Yixuan, you have the character of repaying every drop of kindness with a spring of water. Since you gave it as a gift, it must not be too bad, but you lied to me that the second brother is just ordinary. This shows that the thing is very precious, because you are afraid of me. This is what happens when the second brother refuses, am I right?”

"Haha, the one who knows me is my eldest brother." Chen Xuan laughed.

"I'm curious, what is it? Could it be your stone formation?"

"Originally I wanted to give them as gifts, but I found that I had almost used up the ones I had painted, so I just gave them three Enlightenment Flowers!" Chen Xuan looked indifferent.

"What? Enlightenment Flower? This, Xuan, you can't do this! Follow me back quickly, my second brother must be chasing us at this time."

"Hehe, we can't catch up unless they come directly to Fengcheng." Chen Xuan looked confident.

"Okay, brother, I know that thing is very precious to you, but I don't lack that either. Just give it to me. If you like it, I will give you a few plants later to try it!"

Zou Yi was so frightened by these words that he was speechless.

"Master, why do you, big brother, look like this? This Enlightenment Flower is so precious? There are so many more in my tower." The tower elder's voice also sounded at this time.

In fact, Chen Xuan got this divine tower, so of course he could only use the things in this tower. Chen Xuan was very lucky that he was not fascinated by those things at the beginning, otherwise he would regret it.

"Mr. Ta, this thing is very valuable here."

"That's right. It seems that this wild world is even more backward than I understand!"

Chen Xuan was speechless.

Zou Yi was also speechless.

"Grandpa, that Enlightenment Flower is very precious." Zou asked weakly.

"If someone pays for it, it would be enough to buy Fengcheng!"

Zou was also speechless.

Then along the way, the atmosphere was very silent, without a word. More than ten years later, Chen Xuan, Zou Yi, and Zou rushed to Fengcheng, the place they were forced to leave.

"Finally back!" Zou Yi sighed as he looked at Fengcheng in front of him.

"Yes, this is my first city in this world." Chen Xuan also sighed.

"Grandpa, Master, I'll take the first step, you guys take your time." Zou sped up and entered the city in a blink of an eye.

\u0026quot;This kid,\u0026quot;

"Well, wait, Xuan, you just came to this world?"

"Haha, brother, to tell you the truth, I am a monk from another plane." Chen Xuan laughed heartily and said because after experiencing such a thing, Chen Xuan has regarded Zou Yi as his elder brother, so he no longer hides it. He believes in Zou Yi. Then again, it's no secret.

Zou Yi looked at Chen Xuan and was very moved, because he knew that telling him his origin was Chen Xuan's trust in him.

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