"Are you a stone formation?"

"Are you sure you want to use this thing..."

Chen Xuan looked at Zou Yi and knew what he was thinking, so he slowly said,

"Yes, the stone formation breaks the restriction that formations can only be used by formation masters. For many people, this is a very precious thing. I know that eldest brother is afraid that this thing will bring disaster to me, but it is a blessing. Brother, you should know the truth of mutual dependence! We monks are going against the grain, and practicing one thing is a disaster, but why do we still practice so hard? "

Zou Yi listened very carefully.

"That's because, even though there are many risks on this road and disasters that may kill you at any time, there are temptations and blessings that make you unable to extricate yourself, allowing you to live freely and with dignity in this world of the jungle. Therefore, although this thing will bring me a lot of trouble, it can also bring me blessings. If I am afraid of trouble, why should I practice the Tao and pursue the peak of the avenue? "

Zou Yi fell silent, perhaps because Zou Yi had reached a certain age and no longer had the ambition to pursue the top of the road, but with Chen Xuan's words, the flame that was about to be extinguished by the years had now been ignited by Chen Xuan.

After a moment of silence, Zou Yi laughed heartily. However, at this moment, Zou Yi's momentum suddenly exploded, like a torrential river flowing into the sea, with majestic momentum.

"This is a breakthrough." Chen Xuan looked at Zou Yi in surprise, and then smiled happily.

"Hahaha! So that's it, so that's it! My body is old, but my Tao heart cannot grow old either. I thought it was because my talents were insufficient, but I didn't expect that it was because my pursuit of the Tao was not firm enough."

"Give it to me, broken!"

Then at the moment when the majestic momentum exploded, a muffled sound suddenly occurred in the air. Zou Yi quickly reacted and turned into a stream of light, galloping towards the back mountain outside the city, because he had already felt the coming of the holy calamity, and could not be there Going through tribulation in the city, thinking that innocent people have been harmed.

"Xuan, you really woke up the dreamer with your words! I have already felt the coming of the holy tribulation. I have to go out to overcome the tribulation, otherwise this place will be in ruins, haha!" came Zou Yi's excited voice.

Chen Xuan was also happy for Zou Yi. He had been stuck in this Taoist title for many years. The failure to break through several times made Zou Yi lose his confidence. It has become a big problem for Zou Yi. It is because of this that Zou Yi's The journey of cultivation was full of obstacles, but after Chen Xuanyi's words, it was like a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and he untied this knot in his heart and stepped into the holy way. Zou Yi was lucky enough to understand it, because he understood the Taoist Master. It is difficult to break through the true meaning and become a saint, but once you step into it, it is stronger than those at the ordinary peak of sainthood. This is the terrible thing about Dao Lord's true meaning, and it also makes it very difficult for those who understand the true meaning of Dao Lord to break through the holy way. , this is not just a matter of talent, luck is also an important factor.

Seeing Zou Yi leaving the city in a hurry, Chen Xuan immediately followed him, because observing a holy tribulation would be very useful for him to break through in the future.

In the back mountain outside the city, dark clouds were already gathering at this moment, crackling thunder resounded through the sky, and lightning bolts as thick as the mouth of a bowl were striking Zou Yi crazily. Zou Yi was sometimes in pain and sometimes enjoying himself, and his expression was constantly changing. , Chen Xuan also looked nervously,

"This holy calamity is truly extraordinary!" Chen Xuan was amazed.

Then, after a burst of lightning and thunder, the sky finally returned to calmness. However, just when Chen Xuan was about to go up to express his congratulations, suddenly, Zou Yi's body was covered with flames, and they were white and transparent, exuding a bright red color. The temperature of ordinary flames is more than ten times higher than that of ordinary flames. The flowers, plants and trees around Zou Yi were instantly reduced to ashes under this terrifying temperature.

Chen Xuan's eyes widened, looking at this sudden scene,

"This, this is the Holy Fire Tribulation!" Chen Xuan spat out these words in disbelief,

"It seems that the peak cultivation level of the titled Taoist Lord that has been settled for so long is not in vain. The Holy Fire Tribulation was triggered when he became a saint. It seems that the eldest brother is also an evil monster! No wonder it has been settled for so long. Hold on. ! Brother, if you survive, you will be successful!" Chen Xuan prayed silently.

Zou Yi himself did not expect that he would trigger the Holy Fire Tribulation. This is the best whetstone for upgrading his Taoism! Some people are unlikely to trigger this Holy Fire Tribulation in their entire lives, but they actually encounter it. This Holy Fire Tribulation is not a specific calamity. People who can trigger the Holy Fire Tribulation will not have any worse achievements in the future. It can be a Tao blessing. But this blessing is not so easy to bear. The pain of burning one's body with the holy fire, those with a little weak willpower will end up with the end of life and death.

Zou Yi hurriedly sat cross-legged, practiced Taoism, and breathed out loudly. The breath he exhaled was also extremely hot. Zou Yi was already sweating profusely, and his veins were bulging, and he looked very painful.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time passed, the temperature around Zou Yi dropped sharply, and Chen Xuan dared to get closer, but not too close, because the temperature of the holy fire was no joke. After a while, Zou Yi Only then did the flames on Yi's body disappear, and then Chen Xuan hurriedly tried to help Zou Yi up, but before he could reach it, Zou Yi had already fainted on the ground, his face pale. Chen Xuan knew that this was already half the battle, the holy fire had already baptized him. Zou Yi's Taoism and Taoism are now baptizing Zou Yi's soul. This is the most terrifying part of the Holy Fire Tribulation.

Chen Xuan knew that Zu should not stay for a long time and had to go back to the inn, and he had to keep an eye on him at all times without being careless. Chen Xuan helped Zou Yi up without hesitation, then left quickly and returned to the inn.

Zou had not left his room since he practiced in seclusion more than ten years ago, and he happened to encounter some problems during his cultivation. He originally wanted to come to Chen Xuan to solve the problem, but found that there was no one, so Zou planned to find his grandfather. But when he arrived at grandpa's room, he didn't see anyone. Just when Zou Yi was about to close the door, an urgent voice came into Zou's ears,

"Son, open the door to your grandpa's room quickly."

When Zou heard the sound, he turned around and saw Chen Xuan carrying his grandfather on his back and running towards him in a panic. Zou quickly opened the door that he was about to close and ran over to put Zou Yi on the bed with Chen Xuan.

Zou saw that his grandfather's face was pale and there was no life in his body, and he cried bitterly.

Chen Xuan was startled and said,

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying!" After that, Chen Xuan realized that Zou Yi was lying on the bed and smiled.

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