"Hahaha, what are you doing? Your grandfather is just going through the Holy Fire Tribulation now, and the last step is soul baptism, so this situation occurs."

When Zou heard this, he immediately stopped crying and looked at Zou Yi on the bed with fear.

"It scared me to death. It turned out that I was going through a tribulation!" Zou Na finally let go of his uneasy heart.

"Master, my grandfather made a breakthrough?" Zou was very happy, and then asked with some confusion,

"What kind of Holy Fire Tribulation! Isn't the Holy Fire Tribulation going through the Holy Fire Tribulation not the Holy Fire Tribulation? When will there be another Holy Fire Tribulation?"

"We'll keep an eye on you from now on. Don't let your grandpa be disturbed. We'll be guarding him outside the door."

In fact, Chen Xuan was also very worried. Firstly, he didn't want Zou to worry, and secondly, Chen Xuan believed that his eldest brother would be able to survive it.

Sure enough, Zou Yi lived up to expectations, survived several painful baptisms of holy fire, and woke up on the third day.

Chen Xuan and Zou waited at the door day and night, and finally heard Zou Yi's exclamation.

"Haha, I made it, I survived, I finally stepped into the Holy Path, the Dao favors me!"

Chen Xuanzou quickly pushed open the door and walked in, but Zou Yi didn't seem to know and was still intoxicated with himself.


"Xuan, son, what are you doing?"

"That's not right! I'm not in the mountains outside the city. How come I'm here?" It was obvious that Wanyi didn't know anything about what happened after he fell into coma.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" Zou looked worried and concerned.

"Haha, your grandfather and I are fine. With this accident, we broke through the Holy Path and stepped into the level of Saint. Moreover, we directly stepped into the peak of Saint in one step!" Zou Yi said with a proud face, very satisfied.

"Then thank you to my elder brother. I have been at the peak of this titled Taoist Lord for so long, and my elder brother also triggered the Holy Fire Tribulation. I thought I could step into the Holy Lord level in one fell swoop!" Chen Xuan was also very happy.

"Xuan, you are really my lucky star. Ever since I met you, I seem to have returned to the time when I traveled across the continent. Now, I am full of passion, and I have also reached the peak of sainthood in one fell swoop. Xuan , I won’t say those words of thanks anymore. In short, my life will be yours from now on, brother!" Zou Yi was very excited. Chen Xuan’s words untied his knot and made him have a new understanding of the journey of cultivation. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a gift of reinvention that ignites passion! How could Wrinkle not be grateful?

"Brother, you are a little out of touch. You and I still use these, and what does your breakthrough have to do with me? This is all your own talents and efforts. The Holy Fire Tribulation is the best explanation!"

Then the three of them laughed heartily!

Because of Wrinkle Yi's breakthrough, the construction of Chen Xuan Chamber of Commerce was put on the agenda. After all, it is a world where the jungle is strong. In the past, because of Wrinkle Yi's empty auction house, several major families and city lords in Fengcheng also gave up for this reason. It's a bit thin-faced. After all, the patriarchs and city lords of these big families are all at the saint level, and they somewhat look down on Wuzhi's strength. Even though Wouyi is a peak Taoist who understands the true meaning of Daojun, he still stands in front of them. A little inferior, but now it's different. Wan Yi stepped into the peak of Sainthood in one step, and Tingzou also broke through to the peak of Sainthood in one fell swoop because he was baptized by the Holy Fire Tribulation. That's awe and kindness, his face is full of awe and kindness. It is to show hospitality, so when Wanyi wanted to build the Chamber of Commerce, these people contributed money and efforts, which is called enthusiastic.

Time passed like this. During the construction process of this chamber of commerce, Wan Yi was basically busy alone. Chen Xuan asked him to do the work several times, but Wan Yi refused and said,

"You just concentrate on practicing and carving stone formations. Although you are practicing and I am not as good as you in terms of formations, but when it comes to this kind of thing, you are just that... Anyway, even if there are ten of you, I still can't look down on you, so..."

What else could Chen Xuan do, so he came to the Hongmeng Divine Tower to practice at the suggestion of Ta Lao, and then he was guided by Ta Lao to carve more advanced stone formations and practice the way of space. Anyway, he was too busy. What a joy!

Moreover, as the compatibility between Chen Xuan and the Divine Tower became higher and higher, Chen Xuan discovered many uses of the Divine Tower. I didn't know it, but I was shocked when I saw it! This Hongmeng Divine Tower is simply an incredible existence. It is not only a Hongmeng artifact that integrates offense and defense, but also an inverse auxiliary artifact. Chen You has to admire how powerful this master who passed down his memories is. Things can actually be made by him.

In the divine tower space,

"Master, what are you thinking about? You can't be lazy!" Ta Lao said seriously.

After these few months of getting along day and night, Ta Lao no longer regards Chen Xuan as his master, but as a student and senior. Although he still calls him master, it is because he is used to it and it is difficult to change his mind. This made Chen You miss the time when he and Mr. Ta were respectful and like guests, but he couldn't go back.

"Why are you so stunned! I'm asking you something." Seeing that Chen Xuan didn't answer him, Mr. Ta raised his voice a few more times.

"Mr. Ta, can we go back? Let's return to the days when we were treated as guests, okay?" Chen Xuan looked affectionate, looking a little bit in need of a beating.

"It's impossible, Master. You asked me not to treat you as a master. You wouldn't like it, or if I were like that, I would throw away the Hongmeng Tower. I did it. You You can’t throw it away, but if you really don’t like it, then I don’t have any problem with it. After all, I’ve been alone for so many years and I’m used to it,” Mr. Ta said as if you’re going to bite me.

"How is that possible? I'm not a fool." Chen Xuan said with a flattering look on his face.

Lost, how could it be possible, how could such an inverse artifact be lost, unless Chen Xuan was really stupid.

"Let me see, how is the carving of your stone formation?" Ta Lao floated over. Because Ta Lao is a spiritual body, he basically floats. Of course, he also walks all the time.

Ta Lao looked at the table full of stone formations and nodded with great difficulty, while Chen Xuan breathed a deep sigh of relief when Ta Lao nodded.

"Well, just force it! There have been some achievements in the past few months. The success rate of the stone array in the early stage of the Holy Lord has finally reached 90%, and it has reached 780% in the mid-term. It’s fifty percent.”

"Haha, don't even look at who I am, Chen Xuan. You are just a child. It's too simple and not difficult at all." Of course, Chen Xuan didn't dare to say this out loud, so he could only say this unscrupulously in his heart.

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