Chen Xuan still doesn't dare to come out. The main reason is that although he is the master of this divine tower, Nana's divine tower has a weapon spirit, and it is also a very powerful weapon spirit. If the tower boss doesn't say anything, Chen Xuan will not be able to get out. Ah, this is what Chen Xuan only found out recently.

And if this comes out, Chen Xuan will have to be locked up to carve the stone formation. Although Chen Xuan is simple in his heart, this stone formation is actually very rare. If it weren't for the slow flow of time in this ancient tower, that is, outside, he can't do it here. It only took ten years. If he practiced carving stone formations outside, he would not be able to achieve his current results until the year of the monkey.

Therefore, Chen Xuan is now kept submissive by Mr. Ta and does not dare to act arrogantly in front of Mr. Ta.

"You can barely pass the test! Next, practice the way of space until you can freely enter space without relying on black power!"

"Ah! I still have to practice! Mr. Ta, look at it, it's been a long time since I..."

Mr. Ta's eyes narrowed, and Chen Xuan forcefully swallowed the word "go out."

"I mean, I haven't seen Hei for a long time, and I miss him very much."


"Yes, I just thought I haven't seen him in a long time."

"Oh, I guess you won't be able to see him for a while. How could such a powerful being like you be so abandoned? I also planned a training course for him. He didn't meet my standards. He can't get out like you. When did he reach it? You can go out now." Mr. Ta said calmly.

How dare Chen say no, otherwise, Ta Lao would be in trouble if he got angry.

After that, Ta Lao floated away again without anyone noticing, leaving only one sentence to make Chen Xuan start practicing seriously again,

"Master, try to meet my standards. Not only can you go out, but I will also give you some Holy King-level stone formations."

Then, as if Chen Xuan was on a high again, he concentrated on cultivating the power of space. He was really bored and wanted to go out. Moreover, there were such generous rewards, so Chen Xuan had to persist!

After more than ten years, Chen Xuan finally ended his training in the divine tower according to the tower elder's request.

In an empty inn,

"Master, what are you asking me to do? I'm practicing?" Zou complained a little from the side,

"You kid, why are you talking to your master? Pay attention to your tone."

"Seeing that you are practicing so hard, I asked you to come here because I wanted to give you a gift."

"Really, what gift?" Zou was very happy because he knew that the gift from Chen Xuan would definitely be good.

"Is it some kind of treasure, or some top-quality Taoist weapon?" A look of anticipation crumpled on his face.

Chen Xuan patted Zou's head angrily and said,

"If your son can achieve something, you can stop thinking about good things."

"I want to give you a big opportunity." Chen Xuan looked a little playful, and then said,

"It's just that the process is a bit hard. Do you want it?"

"Yes, of course I do. No matter how hard it is, I'm not afraid of it!" Zou replied without even thinking.


Chen Xuan dragged him into the tower space, pointed to the front and said,

"This is the gift I prepared for you. Do you like it?"

Zou Ze looked at the direction pointed by Chen Xuan with a confused look on his face.

"Master, there is nothing!"

"No? Take a closer look."

Then Zou Yi tiptoed forward. After just a few steps,

"This is a formation! Master, what are you doing!"

"Haha, if you want my reward, it depends on your performance. I have arranged a few formations for you. When my formation is broken, you can come out with whatever you want, and then I will reward you." Chen Xuan smiled and then disappeared into the tower space.

"Master, don't leave! I don't want it anymore, please let me out quickly!"

At this moment, Chen Xuan was already strolling leisurely on the streets of this empty city.

"Hey, did you listen? The Kong Chamber of Commerce has bought the land in the west of the city again, and construction has already started."

"What, where did you hear that? This is already the fourth piece of land. The president of the Chamber of Commerce is really wealthy! It almost occupies a tenth of the land in our empty city. I don't know what the city owner thinks."

"You don't know! Zou Yi, the helmsman of Kong Auction House, knows!"

"I know! Isn't it already..."

"Does this chamber of commerce belong to him?"

"That's not true. He is just the vice-president. This president is very mysterious. Even the one where he built his own palace has not shown up. Moreover, this Zou Yi is no longer the same Zou Yi. She is not only this mysterious person now. The vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, and has reached the peak of sainthood.”

"What? No wonder the city lord and those big families are indifferent to the unscrupulous expansion of this chamber of commerce. Zou Yi is already the number one person in Fengcheng."

"More than that! Among the cities near us, who has a strong man who has reached the peak of sainthood?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"It seems that our Fengcheng will become lively in the future."

Chen Xuan was stunned when he heard this! It turns out that even before my chamber of commerce is fully established, it is already the subject of discussions among others after dinner.

"It seems that brother is quite efficient."

"Hey! You must be right. This Kong Chamber of Commerce will definitely make this city prosperous and lively. You must be prepared!" It was Chen Xuan who said this, and he left without looking back.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you,

"Who is this person?"

"have no idea!"

"It should be someone from the Air Chamber of Commerce, otherwise he wouldn't know these words."

"Oh, what a pity. If I make friends with him, maybe I can join this mysterious chamber of commerce."

"Yes, with such a big fortune, the treatment will definitely not be any worse!"

Then Chen Xuan went straight to his chamber of commerce. He had never seen what his chamber of commerce looked like.

The ruins of the empty auction house are no longer ruins, but houses are arranged in an orderly manner, showing nobility and elegance. The words "empty auction house war" at the gate have been replaced by "empty chamber of commerce". The dragons and snakes are so lifelike that people will feel very comfortable after just one glance.

Moreover, there were patrolling guards here, which surprised Chen Xuan.

"Have you found the escort team so quickly?"

The group of guards came forward and the leader asked Chen Xuan politely.

"Fellow Taoist, this is the territory of the Kong Chamber of Commerce. Because our Chamber of Commerce is still under construction, outsiders are not allowed to come close, so if you want to see it, you can stand farther away. Thank you for your cooperation."

Chen Xuan was very satisfied because the escort had a good attitude and was very disciplined. No one left the formation.

"Um, are you the escort team of this Kong Chamber of Commerce?"

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