Of course, Chen Xuan would not tell Wu Yi that this was taught by Ta Lao, and that it was a method from a high-level plane. It was not that Chen Xuan didn't believe Wu Yi, but it was a long story.

So Chen Xuan smiled and said,

"We will know later if there is any, so brother, do you still want it?"

"Yes, of course I do. Even if I don't have the means you have, your eldest brother, I will never betray our friendship. Your eldest brother is not that useless. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me whether you have it or not." He also poked his hand. , face full of excitement.

"My eldest brother! You misunderstood me. I have a lot of high-level holy arts like this, but they are still a bit inferior to the real high-level holy arts. After all, the reduced power is the price. What I mean is , you want a high-level Holy Dao Art, how can I give you this modified version?" Chen Xuan looked helpless.

"That relationship is great! It doesn't matter anyway, the more the merrier." Wrinkle Yi is like a child at the moment, pursuing his beloved toys. Anyway, as long as it is a toy, I want it.

In Chen Xuan's divine tower, there were many such high-level sacred arts. He randomly found a book and handed it to Wan Yi.

Wuzhi took it and put it away carefully, then said,

"Well, Xuan, if there's nothing important, don't disturb me. Brother, I want to practice my Tao skills in seclusion." Then he left hurriedly.

Looking at the anxious elder brother, Chen Xuan could only shake his head and said,

"Come on, big brother, you've been busy enough during this period. I'll leave the rest to me. You can practice with peace of mind!"

Time soon arrived at night. Chen Xuan received a message from Han Ming and was ready to take action, so he agreed to meet at Han's house.

Then Chen Xuan selected a few saint-level experts and twenty peak-titled Dao Lords in the escort team, which was almost half of the chamber's current combat strength.

Chen Xuan and his party took advantage of the darkness to secretly go to the Han family in the east of the city. Han Ming greeted him outside his house early. In the secret room of the Han family,


"How is it going?"

"Reporting back to the President, Han Ming is incompetent. Only half of the Qi family and the City Lord's Mansion have been shaken. Then the head of the Qi family doesn't know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into him."

"Yes, it's good to have half of it."

"How strong are they?"

"The City Lord's Mansion is originally the strongest force in our Fengcheng. City Lord Lu Xiantang used to be the number one master in our Fengcheng. He has entered the late stage of Sainthood, and he has two brothers who are both in the middle stage of Sainthood, and there are five powerful people in the early stage of Sainthood. Or, as for the Qi family, their strength is comparable to that of my Han family. There are five middle-stage saints and five early-stage saints. The Li family is an emerging family, and its strength is slightly weaker, but it is the richest family in our Fengcheng. Chairman Da Raokong Auction House is also worthy of a fight."

Oh, what's the Li family's attitude? "

"The Li family and the City Lord's Mansion have long been allies, so they probably advance and retreat together with the City Lord's Mansion."

"Is that so? That's a pity. Well, you go with them first, and I'll take the others away first."

"Why don't you see the Vice President?"

"Why, you don't believe in my strength. In fact, my eldest brother is no match for me. Do you believe it?" Chen Xuan said with a playful look.

"President, I didn't mean that. I have personally experienced your strength. But it would be safer if the vice-president is here. Moreover, the City Lord's Mansion is not as powerful as it seems. He wants to unify Fengcheng." There are several major forces, but I'm not very sure so I haven't taken any action for the time being. I think it's better to be careful!" Han Ming explained quickly, fearing that Chen Xuan would misunderstand what he meant.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and said,

"Then how strong do you think the hidden strength of this city lord's mansion is?"

"Based on my understanding of City Lord Feng, there should be Peak Saints among the forces hidden by the City Lord. And since the Qi family is also determined to unite with the City Lord's Mansion, I guess there should be more than one. Besides, that old guy Qi Heng has always been cautious. If he dares to do this, he must know something about the City Lord’s Mansion.”

"Are there other forces behind the City Lord's Mansion?"

In fact, Chen Xuan is a little worried about this, but he is not worried about the hidden strength of his city lord's palace. As long as he is not in the middle stage of Holy Lord or above, Chen Xuan can still stand up.

"That's not true. The cities around us are considered to be the most remote places in the mainland. No big influence will take a fancy to our place. They all develop themselves."

"Then there's nothing to be afraid of. Our Chamber of Commerce has just started. Many things need to be improved. Don't make too many enemies. Also, if you see who can incite rebellion, then incite rebellion. If you can provide appropriate conditions, you can surrender to me. For the Chamber of Commerce, I can let them choose an intermediate holy technique."

"What! President, this is too generous! If so, then I think there is a lot of hope." Han Ming was shocked, but after thinking about it, it didn't matter. Intermediate holy skills may be very useful to them. It's precious, but Chen Xuan just promised to give him a high-level Holy Technique yesterday. Such a person who can give away high-level Holy Techniques casually still cares about this intermediate one. Maybe these are waste products in others' eyes. Indeed, as Han Ming thought, Chen Xuan really didn't care about these things, mainly because he couldn't use them himself.

"Go! After tonight, I want this Peak City to have only one master, and that is our Kong Chamber of Commerce. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir, my subordinates are determined to die without mercy."

Chen Xuan smiled and said,

"Han Ming, it's not as serious as yours. You just need to be a guest. As for the rest, leave it to me. I just don't want those capable masters to fall like this. It's also a loss for me now. I If I really wanted to kill them, they wouldn't have had the chance to leave my palace yesterday." Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed.

"Also, let your people stay together. I'm afraid of accidental injuries. This is not good."

"As you command, President."

Then Chen Xuan led the guards of the Kong Chamber of Commerce to the road they must pass and began to give orders. Everyone took the formation flags and started to arrange the formation according to Chen Xuan's instructions. Yes, Chen Xuan wanted to set up a big formation. , after all, there are so many people on the other side, although he is not afraid, but after all, those who fight forcefully will consume a lot of money and take time to set up the formation. Chen Xuan is very confident. If they don't know how to praise, then he can only deal with them.

everything's ready.

Han Ming, on the other hand, had already gathered with several family heads and city lords, and then began his speech on instigating rebellion.

"Brother Li, do you think the Kong Chamber of Commerce will give up if you do this? Why don't we..."

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