The head of the Li family looked around carefully and found that everyone was concentrating on their way, and then replied carefully,

"Brother Han, you and we have all moved here, and most of the elites of my Li family are already here. Is there any chance of turning back when the bow is fired?"

When Han Ming heard this, he thought it was funny, because since he was like this, he was actually forced to have no choice, so Han Ming continued,

"Brother Li, although there is no turning back arrow when shooting, you can find a good target, right? You can't keep floating in the air!"

Seeing that the head of the Li family had no words and was thinking about something, Han Ming continued,

"Look, our roots are in Fengcheng. Even if we move our family, where should we settle down? Should we follow the City Lord's Mansion? The City Lord's Mansion has always had the ambition to swallow up our two families. Although you are Allies, but it’s impossible to joke about your family’s future!”

"Haha, it seems that Brother Han has made a decision. I wish Brother Han and your Han family a bright future. Anyway, I don't want to become a vassal force. At least we are allies with the City Lord's Mansion. We are at least on equal footing. "The conversation suddenly changed, and Han Ming was caught off guard. What else was he thinking about? After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. The Li family and the City Lord's Mansion were allies. How could they make a move with just a few words? So Han Ming set the target. Then he placed it on several great saint masters of the Li family.

However, Han Ming didn't know that he had been noticed. After a few simple conversations with Han Ming, the head of the Li family quickly headed in the direction of Feng City Lord.

"City Lord," the head of the Li family shouted.

Then the two came to the side.

"What's wrong?"

"Sure enough, it's as you thought. Han Ming has probably taken refuge with Chen Xuan, and he just wanted to drag me into trouble. I didn't even think about whether this was possible."

"How's it going with the Qi family? Has anyone made arrangements yet? We have to finish the show. I'll pass. Fengcheng is my place. If Chen Xuan wants to swallow it all, he has to see if he has the appetite. "

"As for the Qi family, I have agreed to their conditions according to your instructions. I have also notified and arranged the manpower. Chen Xuan personally leads the team and is at the entrance of the valley in front. He probably wants to ambush us."

"Why is he personally leading the team, where is Wan Yi? Are you here?"

"It is true that Chen Xuan personally leads the team, and there are only a few strong men at the saint level. The others are all peak Taoist kings. It seems that Chen Xuan is very confident in himself!"

"Are you sure there are no wrinkles?"

"I'm sure, Tingwu is also in retreat, and someone has made a reservation. Once there is any news, I will be notified immediately."

"That's a pity. In fact, wrinkles are the most difficult to deal with. Chen Xuan is young and must be very strong, but he is still too young and dumb. With so many people, he wants to eat us. It's a bit wishful thinking. ”

The Lord of Feng City smiled sinisterly, and then said,

"The moon is dark and the wind is high. It's really a wonderful night. Chen Xuan, you are still young when you play tricks with me. Come on! I will make it impossible for you to come back."

Han Ming was a little puzzled. He didn't know what was wrong with these people. They were all so determined to join the city lord's mansion that they could refuse even the intermediate holy skills. Han Ming was lucky, but he couldn't succeed in any of them.

Just when Han Ming was still wondering, a figure quickly came to Han Ming's place.

"Master, the master is in trouble. The people I can help are trapped by the people from the City Lord's Mansion and the Li Family Qi Family."

"What, what's going on?"

"I don't know either. Just before we reached the entrance of the valley, suddenly the head of the Li family and a large group of people surrounded us and asked me to call you."

Han Ming suddenly felt an unknown blessing.


Then Han Ming followed this man and ran away. In fact, they were not far apart. Most of the people were walking in front, while a few people at the saint level were looking at the supplies behind the large army. Han Ming was a guest. He was running around from front to back, so before long, he saw a large group of people surrounding the Han family.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Han Ming strode through the crowd, reached the middle, and asked loudly.

"Haha, Brother Han, since we are not on the same road, please come back! We are not on the same road." The speaker was the head of the Li family who had just talked with Han Ming.

"Brother Li, what do you mean?"

"Okay, Han Ming, let's not keep secrets. Since Han Ming you have surrendered to the Chamber of Commerce, you are our enemy. For the sake of our friendship for so many years, we will take your people back and forth wherever you go! Don't go anywhere. You thought I didn’t know, but you, Han Ming, have already told Chen Xuan about our Xingzong. If my guess is correct, Chen Xuan is waiting for us at the entrance of the valley. "

Han Ming's face was heavy.

"How did you know."

"Haha, Han Ming, you can win people's hearts with money and things, but can't I?"

"What do you mean!"

"Obviously, Brother Han is a smart man, so there is no need for me."

Han Ming looked at everyone in the Han family with a gloomy face and asked sharply,

"Who, who betrayed me."

"Hahaha, Han Ming, you've already come to this point. Is this interesting?"

"Do you know why I am willing to let you go back?"

Han Ming was still in the past and stared at these family members fiercely.

"Because, ask how many people are willing to join you and take refuge with Chen Xuan." The head of the Li family laughed wildly.

Then, the Han family, who were originally surrounded, actually walked behind the head of the Li family.

"You, you, you are such a bastard." Han Ming's eyes were already red. Except for a few elders, everyone else had already come to oppose Han Ming.

"Master, you can't help us joining Chen Xuan as soon as we agree. We don't want to become vassals." Someone in the crowd said.

"White-eyed wolf, what do you know? You are really short-sighted when you see this little benefit in front of you. Why do we, the Han family, have trash like you!"

The remaining elders stepped forward and comforted them,

"Master, everyone has their own ambitions. Since they have their own choices, why should we force them?" Then he lowered his voice and said,

"Master, we'd better find a way to leave first. If these people leave, just leave! There's no big problem anyway."

"Yes, Patriarch, these people are not worthy of pity. Leaving is the most important thing." The other people also sent a message.

Han Ming thought about it and found that it was indeed the case. Since the Han family couldn't keep these white-eyed wolves, it would be useless for him to be angry.

"Li Quan, you are the head of the Li family. I, Han Ming, have admitted my defeat. If you like these white-eyed wolves, just take them! My Han family does not need these scum!"


Then Han Ming led several elders and swaggered out of the encirclement.

"Master, we can't let him go!" The traitor of the Han family who just didn't want to vassal said anxiously.

"Haha, you think I really want to let him go. Our little friendship with him is just a benefit."

"Now it's time for you to perform. Go ahead and let me see if you are worth the price." Li Quan's words were directed at the traitors of the Han family who betrayed Han Ming.

Then the Han family traitors, led by the man who just spoke, chased after him.

"The head of the family, Gao, is really too high. He will let the Han family kill each other without even using a single soldier!"

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