Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2125 The Parliament ended successfully

"The next person to be rewarded is the great hero of our Air Chamber of Commerce, our Vice President."

Wan Yi has been sitting aside with a smile on his face, because Wan Yi regards the Chamber of Commerce as his home from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that there are more members in his family, Wan Yi can't hide his happiness and doesn't want to disturb him. This happiness makes me watch everything silently,

But when Chen Xuan wanted to reward him, he quickly stood up, waved his hand and said,

"President, why are you rewarding me again? All I have done is some things, not much contribution, and you just gave me a book of advanced holy skills."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. It was a high-level Holy Technique. When did this level of Holy Technique become so common? Everyone's mood to make contributions to the Chamber of Commerce increased a bit.

"Haha, our vice president is being humble. Look, if it weren't for you, we would have such a big place to hold meetings. If it weren't for you, our chamber of commerce would be able to build what it is today in such a short period of time. So, you can Don't be humble." After that, Chen Xuan sent another message,

"Brother, it's not good to refuse after so many people are watching. I am also the president after all, and you can't tell that I did this on purpose. I want them to know that working for our Chamber of Commerce is not in vain. There should be rewards for doing it, so that they can be motivated!" After Chen Xuan said this, Wrinkle Yi didn't postpone it any longer.

Then Chen Xuan continued,

"So, in view of the vice president's hard work in contributing to the chamber of commerce, I would like to reward you with a flower of enlightenment."

The whole place exploded, even Wuzhi himself was stunned. The value and preciousness of the Enlightenment Flower cannot be overemphasized. Wouyi was surprised that Chen Xuancai gave it to his second brother, fourth brother, and fifth brother, Wudao. Hua, now given to himself, he can no longer see clearly this brother who is so much more than himself, he is simply a mysterious existence.

Everyone sitting here was also a little unable to bear it. Someone asked,

"Sir President, is it possible for ordinary Chamber of Commerce disciples like us to receive such a precious reward?"

Chen Xuan knew what this meant, because in many sects and big families, the more precious things are usually prepared for those with high status in the sect. Even if the disciples of ordinary origins are rich in talent, they will have to get many things. Less than.

"I, Chen Xuan, hereby promise everyone that as long as you are a member of our Chamber of Commerce, regardless of your origin, we will rely on our strength and merit. As long as you make a contribution to our Chamber of Commerce, you will receive corresponding rewards."

"Okay, the president is wise!"

Chen Xuan's words won cheers from everyone, and it was precisely because of this that Chen Xuan's Sky Chamber of Commerce became the real overlord of the wild world in the shortest time. After everyone calmed down,

Then, Chen Xuan began to announce the second thing.

"The second thing, and the most important thing, is that our Chamber of Commerce is about to welcome a peerless strong man."

Everyone turned their attention to the blue stone next to Chen Xuan. Some were curious, while others were surprised and afraid.

"Yes, as everyone has said, the old man next to me is a peerless strong man who is half-step holy. Although his strength has declined due to some reasons, it still does not affect the fact that he is a peerless strong man!"

"Cangshi, why does this name sound so familiar?"

"Yeah, I feel like I've heard it somewhere before."

"Cangshi, Cangshi, is it?" Then the scene fell into deathly silence.

Chen Xuan knew that most of the people present were locals in Fengcheng. Who knew about this butcher who was widely rumored in Fengcheng and a crazy devil?

"I know, everyone is wondering why I recruited him and why I let such a person into our chamber of commerce."

"However, I, Chen Xuan, can personally guarantee that Cang Shi is not who you think he is. As for the things he did, it is true. However, none of the people he killed were innocent, and they all deserved to be killed. Man!" Chen Xuan said sonorously, and then Chen Xuan turned his gaze to Cang Shi, as if asking. After Cang Shi nodded silently, Chen Xuan realized what Cang Shi had experienced.

Everyone was stunned and burst into tears. Some even apologized directly.

"Senior Cangshi, I want to apologize to you because I heard those things from my elder you before, but I didn't know the reason why I was like this, and I still chewed on you behind your back. Please forgive me!"

"Yes, me too, I'm sorry! Senior Cangshi!"

He who had been silent all this time finally spoke,

"Hahaha, old man, I'm not that angry, and I really don't care what you think of me. The reason for this is just that I don't want to make things difficult for you as adults. It's that simple!"

"We admire the vastness of our elders,"

"Yes, we admire him. If he dares to gossip in the future, I will be the first to kill him!"

Then there was another burst of fierce words, which seemed like flattery.

"Okay, I declare that from now on, Cangshi will be the great elder of our chamber of commerce. He will be in charge of the criminal law of the chamber of commerce. He will shoulder the task of cultivating outstanding people for our chamber of commerce. His status will be equal to that of the vice president. What do you think?"

"As ordered, Sir President, you will see the Great Elder!"

Everyone stood up and bowed deeply to Cangshi.

The meeting was completed smoothly, and the Chamber of Commerce was on the right track. With the help of Chen Xuan, Cangshi's strength recovered rapidly. It has reached the late stage of the Holy Lord. I believe that it will take less than a year to return to the original state, or even It is possible to break through the Holy Lord and reach the Holy Emperor in one fell swoop. Of course, the Holy Emperor is not so easy to break through. This is just a beautiful fantasy.

Chen Xuan's life was very fulfilling. Every time he introduced Ta Lao's devil training, he went to devil training to train his apprentice Zou. Zou lived up to expectations and had broken through the title of Taoist Master. He had caught up with Chen Xuan's cultivation level and was still confident. Man Man came to Chen Xuan for a sparring match, but was defeated instantly with one move. Then he refused to accept this tone and started practicing hard again.

Because Chen Xuan has to cultivate both formations and space power, his progress in cultivation is slow. However, for a monster like Chen Xuan, cultivation is not equal to combat power. Today, Chen Xuan can easily defeat ordinary early Saint Lords with some strength. The slightly inferior Saint Lord in the mid-term is no match.

This, in the Hongmeng Divine Tower,

"Mr. Ta, the power of this space is so powerful, it is no worse than my magical powers of gods and demons!"

"Haha, that's of course. You think that the power of space is for traveling quickly and for escaping. Imagine that the old master could destroy a plane instantly with just one tear of space, and could crush stars with just a flip of his hand. The power of space , so powerful!”

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