Although Chen Xuan's cultivation progress is a bit slow, there are gains and losses. Although his cultivation has not improved much, his strength is making steady progress.

"Son, it's time for you to go out. Your old acquaintance has been waiting for you in your room."

"Old acquaintance, who is it! How could you just enter my room so casually!" Chen Xuan was very excited, and then quickly walked out of the tower space and returned to his room. He was about to ask who could enter his room so casually, but then As soon as it reached his mouth, Chen Xuan swallowed it.

I saw a beautiful silhouette lying beside my bed, so peaceful and quiet.

Chen Xuan walked very lightly, came to the side of the beautiful figure, and then covered her with his clothes. Although monks would not catch cold so easily, Chen Xuan had such an idea, as if his clothes could make her This beautiful figure sleeps more comfortably.

"Why is this girl here?" Chen Xuan underestimated in his heart, and then walked out of the room softly. Now that the Chamber of Commerce has been built, Wan Yi has also arranged many maids and servants for Chen Xuan.

"Yao, come here." A figure who was watering the flowers came over.

"Master, do you have any orders?" the girl replied in a panic.

Chen Xuan saw his nervousness, so he said in a very calm tone,

"What's wrong? I don't eat people. Have I done something bad? Why are you so nervous!" In fact, Chen Xuan just said it casually. When he thought of the panic in front of him, the girl fell to her knees with a thud.

"I'm sorry, Master. Tao knows she was wrong. Please forgive Yao this time. Tao didn't mean it." As she said this, the girl named Tao started sobbing.

Chen Xuan looked confused. What kind of situation was this? He couldn't have really made any mistakes. Chen Xuan comforted him in a low voice,

"Don't cry! What's the matter? You let other people see this and think that I, the dignified president of the Kong Chamber of Commerce, bullied a woman. How unjust I am! Get up and talk."

Perhaps she didn't expect that Chen Xuan would be so approachable, and he even came to help her in person. This surprised the girl and made her even more panicked. Her words were incoherent.

"I'm sorry! Master, the flower is dead, but I don't know why. I watered and fertilized it, and I don't know why..."

"And they, you planted this flower with your own hands, and after returning it to me, I was waiting to be kicked out by you, but I really didn't mean it. I just saw that the flower was about to wither and I wanted to save it, but I didn't know How..." The girl became more and more confused, and her tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

Chen Xuan finally remembered. He took some Enlightenment Flower seeds from Ta Lao and wanted to try them out. He also set up a spirit gathering array, thinking that as long as he had enough earth spirit energy, he could plant them. But Ta Lao told him that without the spiritual field, no matter how much spiritual energy he had, he would be at a loss.

But Chen Xuan just doesn't believe in this evil, so he must try everything, maybe it will work. (Earth spiritual energy is another kind of power, the essence of the earth. In the advanced plane, the rules of the earth are complete, so there are many kinds of power. The power of the Tao is the mainstream, because the power of the Tao is the source of all power and is the most suitable for human beings. Cultivation and the most powerful one, spiritual energy is another kind of power, which is mainly the earth essence necessary for plant growth. Therefore, the main function of earth spiritual energy is to cultivate the rapid growth of precious medicinal materials and herbs. The spirit gathering array is a special gathering Auxiliary formation of earth spirit energy).

But it eventually died, which is a pity! Chen Xuan was helpless.

But Chen Xuan's helpless expression fell on Tao, who thought that Chen Xuan was a sign of anger, so he quickly made another pop, knelt on the ground, and continued to cry,

"Master, Tao knows that she was wrong. Please don't let Tao go. Tao really needs this job."

Chen Xuan knew that Tao had misunderstood.

"No, Yao, I don't mean to blame you. That flower is difficult to grow. I just gave it a try. The flower requires extremely harsh conditions to grow, so it's not your fault. It's not yours." Wrong, if it weren’t for you, I think my flower would have died long ago, so why should I blame you?”

Chen Xuan was telling the truth. Tao definitely couldn't be blamed for this. Even if Tao didn't do anything, Tao would have died faster. However, this kind girl suffered a lot and thought it was her fault.

"Is this really the case?" Tao asked uncertainly.

"Of course, why did I lie to you?"

Tao then beamed, and her panic turned into happiness, but also embarrassment.

"By the way, when did the girl in my room come?" After being exposed like this, Chen Xuan almost forgot that he was asking someone to ask this question.

And Tao was even more embarrassed and a little shy at this time,

"Back to the master, that beautiful sister was brought by the vice-president, and asked me to take her to see you. You just happened to be away. Such a beautiful fairy sister, I thought she was the master's companion, so I..."

Chen Xuan blushed. He seemed to have an inexplicable feeling for Qing'er. They were like brother and sister, but not like each other. It was very strange!

"Oh, I know that, okay, go and do your business!"

Yao left shyly, but this scene would be terrible in the eyes of other mediocre people. They were all envious, jealous, and resentful. Of course, some people began to please Tao. This is human society! Of course, this has nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan had someone prepare a good medicinal meal and brought it into the room himself, and Qing'er also woke up.

Looking at Chen Xuan holding the clothes in his hands, he was very shy. Unknowingly, he was already blushing and a little at a loss.

"These are Brother Chen Xuan's clothes. Brother Chen Xuan is back."

"I fell asleep next to his bed like this. Isn't this not good?"

"Hey! How could I do this?" Qing'er said to herself, and at this moment, Chen Xuan had already opened the door and walked in with a smile on his face.

"Why, I finally woke up. Girl, how about your brother Chen Xuan's bed? Is it comfortable?" Chen Xuan joked.

Qing'er made a sound first,

Then her face became even more rosy, which was very cute.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Come on, this is the top medicinal diet prepared carefully for you by Brother Chen Xuan. It can improve your cultivation and is also delicious. What do you think, do you want to try it?"

"Of course," she then walked shyly to the table, sniffed it with her delicate nose, and said,

"It smells so good. My master in the Ice Sect often gave it to me, but it didn't seem to be as fragrant."

Then he started to eat, his mouth squeaking, making Chen Xuan have the urge to kiss him.

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