When he thought of this, Chen Xuan was so excited that he was already looking forward to a bright future in his heart.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just start with the Ice Sect?" Chen Xuan asked while looking forward to a bright future.

"The Ice Sect is of course one of our targets, but it's still early days."

"Then why are we still here?" Chen Xuan couldn't wait any longer.

"Don't worry, a powerful force is more than just these things. You must have a force team that is completely loyal to you. This is very important." After finishing, Ta Lao fell silent, as if he was recalling something, and then continued,

"And it must be well endowed and cultivated. Once such a team is established, it will be the biggest trump card of our chamber of commerce. It can not only protect the safety of the chamber of commerce, but also accomplish many things for me."

"Where can we find it, and the price and time it takes are also very high, it is better to recruit high-level experts directly!"

"My master, this is also needed, but people are separated from each other. Once the chamber of commerce faces some bigger crisis, can you guarantee that the strong people recruited will work together?" Ta Lao said sincerely.

How could Chen Xuan not know this truth?

"Mr. Ta, I know. What I mean is that we can postpone your task. Now we have to build the outer shell of the Chamber of Commerce and slowly improve the core things. We can't do anything well even if we are multitasking! "Chen Xuan explained,

"Hehe!" Mr. Ta smiled mysteriously, and then said,

"I didn't ask you to do two things at once. What I mean is that maybe these things were impossible to accomplish before, but you forgot that you have a very powerful weapon that can do almost anything."

"Me? What do I have? Weapons, except..." Chen Xuan suddenly realized something,

"Yes, why did I forget about the God Tower? Mr. Tower, you want the time in the God Tower to be slower than the time outside, so that we can cultivate a batch in a short time. Am I right?"

"Yes, children can be taught. Moreover, leave these things to me. You only need to follow my instructions. I have been planning for more than two hundred years. This is not just a suggestion or request for you. , is one of my wishes.”

Yes, I have been preparing for more than two hundred years to build a powerful force that would shock the earth in one fell swoop, but in the end it was not completed due to many reasons. No matter who it was, I would not be reconciled to it and wanted to complete what I have worked hard for over the years. Chen Xuan At this moment, he understood why Mr. Ta recommended and supported him so much. It turned out that this was not just out of consideration for Chen Xuan, but also Mr. Ta's request and wish for him. Chen Xuan felt that he had no reason to argue with Mr. Ta. , everything I have now is inextricably related to this artifact spirit.

"Mr. Ta, don't worry, the super power you have prepared for my master will resound throughout the universe with your and my efforts!"

Although Mr. Ta didn't know why Chen Xuan suddenly said these words, he was still very moved. He was secretly glad that he didn't let Chen Xuan go at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't have been waiting for Chen Xuan like this even if he had been waiting for tens of millions of years. A bright master.

He has no talent, but also has a Taoist heart, and his wisdom and strategies are not bad, but the most valuable thing is Chen Xuan's character.

Mr. Ta was very satisfied and pleased and said,

"Yes, that's right, it will definitely happen!"

"Old master, have you seen it? I have found such an excellent inheritance person for you. All the things you have not accomplished during your lifetime, I believe that it won't take long before you may be able to see the impossible result. , This is what you want to see, right?" Of course, Ta always said these words silently in his heart, and Chen Xuan was not qualified to know this yet.

Then, Mr. Ta continued,

"The reason why I asked you to stay and look for me is because there is no such store after passing this village."

"When I came here just now, I heard that many people are starting to recruit disciples from the Ice Sect every ten years starting tomorrow. This is a good opportunity!"

Chen Xuan immediately understood what Mr. Ta meant, and said with a wicked smile,

"Haha, Mr. Ta, you are so bad. Aren't we just making enemies of the Ice Sect? There's something wrong with that." Even though he said this, Chen Xuan didn't think so in his heart.

The top forces in the great world will open a sect to recruit disciples. What a grand event it will be. Talents from all continents will gather at that time. As long as Chen Xuan has the means, those talents will not be captured yet. This may be a bit risky, but as long as Chen Xuan operates Properly, it is still feasible.

So Chen Xuanta and the other two started their own secret plot. Early the next morning, Chen Xuan left the inn very early and found out that there were two places where the Ice Sect accepted disciples. One was for recruiting inner disciples. For young people aged 10 to 20 years old, and the lowest level of cultivation is at the Taoist realm, this makes Chen You feel a little sad. At the age of ten, those who enter the Taoist realm are at the monster level. At the same time, Chen Xuan is also very excited. If I cheated a hundred and eighty yuan, I wouldn't be able to make a lot of money.

Another one is the recruitment of outside disciples, who are between 20 and 30 years old and have reached the peak of saint cultivation.

Chen Xuan's goal is of course to focus on young talents. Of course, Chen Xuan can also consider those between 20 and 30 years old. Anyway, his chamber of commerce lacks nothing but people.

So Chen Xuan came to the air palace again, which is where Chen Xuan was scolded by Han Bing yesterday. It was sparsely populated yesterday, but now it is overcrowded. The temptation of this top power is really extraordinary!

Basically, it was a group of adults and a group of children. Those who knew each other greeted each other, while those who did not know each other were waiting silently. Chen Xuan opened his consciousness and carefully examined it. If he did not want to be discovered by others, he was using it. It's okay to observe with spiritual consciousness, but Chen Xuan is confident that no one will find out.

"Tsk tsk!"

Sure enough, all of them were at the Dao level, and there were quite a few who had attained the Dao. Dao Lords were the most numerous, and Chen Xuan also felt that there were several people with the title of Dao Lord, and they were only fifteen or sixteen years old. This made Chen Xuan Xuan's old face turned red. Isn't he the one with this level of cultivation? Chen Xuan instantly felt the difficulty of his task.


Chen Xuan made a surprised sound.

Because there is an isolated existence in this vast sea of ​​​​people, with no adults around, and Chen Xuan can tell by his clothes that he is a poor boy, and his cultivation is in the early stages of enlightenment, and he is only about twelve or thirteen years old, which makes Chen Xuan excited My heart became even more excited. Isn't this what I want to see the most? He is not old, and his cultivation is not too weak, but he just wants a young man who has never seen much of the world. In this way, Chen Xuan will be easier to deceive and recruit if he is not right, and the success rate will be greater!

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