Chen Xuan calmly leaned towards the boy.

When he walked in, Chen Xuan discovered that although this boy was wearing common clothes, he did not feel inferior at all. Instead, his eyes were shining with confidence, and he could practice even in such a noisy environment.

Not only Chen Xuan felt strange, passers-by A, B, B and D also cast strange looks at him, but he was not affected at all.

"Master, this child is not bad. No matter how big the price is, we must keep him. I dare to say that this child is the best among this batch." Old Ta's voice sounded.

Now that Mr. Ta is like this, Chen Xuan also thinks that this child is very good. Chen Xuan believes in Mr. Ta's vision and his own intuition, thinking about how to get him.

Looking at his own attire, Chen Xuan felt a little unconvincing, mainly because he looked like a young man, so he found a secret place and secretly changed into a black windbreaker, and Chen Xuan also Wearing a hat and wrapping himself tightly, making people look mysterious, Chen Xuan nodded with satisfaction and appeared in the same place as before.

Chen Xuan did not start to take action, but silently observed from the side, waiting for a perfect opportunity, which happened to come.

I saw a young man who was about fifteen or sixty years old. Judging by his clothes, he was from a wealthy family, and this man should be acquainted with the boy Chen Xuan was paying attention to.

"Hey! Who am I to be so diligent and not even let go of this little time? Why, our Xiaoda became nervous when he saw this kind of thing. He feels that his strength is not enough. Can he make up for his shortcomings by being diligent?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but frown when he heard this. The harsh words about his age showed that this child had a bad temper. What made Chen Xuan even more scornful was that the adults around this child didn't mean to stop him at all.

The child may have heard someone talking to him and then turned his head and glanced lightly, and a cold light burst out in his eyes, but he did not take action and planned to continue practicing.

However, this sarcastic child obviously did not let it go and continued to sarcastically say,

"Xiaofei, you are just a country bumpkin, a hunter's son. Why are you so stubborn and dare to ignore me like this? I tell you, if I were you, I should stay in the mountains and forests. This is not where you, a country bumpkin, should come. Where you are, if you have some sense, get out of here so that you don’t get in my way here.”

The young man named Xiaofei finally spoke up.

"I'm telling you, why, just because I'm better than you, that's enough. Don't heal the scars and forget about the pain. If you hadn't had a good father, you wouldn't have known how many times you would have died in my hands. "

"Also, if it's bothering you, just don't look at it. I really don't know. Why are you dragging this useless person who can't even beat me, a country bumpkin!" These words are so satisfying!

The people watching also started talking about it.

"This person is so arrogant. I thought he was very powerful. It seems that he can't beat the speed of his words here! Young people nowadays! That's it."

"Yes, yes, what's wrong with the hunter? Wasn't Emperor Hao born as a hunter? He looks down on others like this, and he's not as powerful as others. He's really like a chicken!"

"Are you going to fight?"

"I don't think so. From what the kid said, this kid is obviously no match for me!"

"Since people dare to cause trouble, I think they must be confident." Looking at this group, there are always people who are afraid of causing chaos.

Chen Xuan was also curious. Both of them were in the early stages of attaining the Tao realm, and it seemed that the sharp-tongued kid had family advantages. He should have high-level Tao techniques, but looking at the kid's expression, it seemed that It's really no match.

Obviously this child has been affected by the comments of these people around him. He stared at the child named Xiaofei with his eyes.

"you wanna die!"

Then he rushed towards Xiaofei, but Xiaofei dodged away. Then he looked at the angry and mean child and said,

"Yang Wei, make sure you take action with me, and don't let your master save you again!"

"You don't even have a decent Taoist weapon, and you don't even know a high-level Taoist skill. How can you beat me? If I hadn't given in to you because you were older than me, you really thought you were very powerful. "

"Is that so? Let's take a look. Did you get some advanced Taoist weapon recently or learn some advanced Taoist skills? It's like this every time. Did you beat me that time again?"

"I will definitely do it this time," I finally felt something was wrong, but it was already too late.

"Why, is it so difficult to admit that you are not as good as me? You have to trick me every time before you agree." Xiaofei looked proud, but at the same time his eyes were filled with disdain.

"Xiaofei, I want you to die!" Yang Wei was already very angry.

"The Way of Ice—Seven Fists of Ice."

"This guy can do it. He uses advanced ice-based Taoist skills in his first move. He seems to be a rich master." The crowd of onlookers was full of admiration.

Xiaofei, on the other hand, looked indifferent and not nervous at all. When Yang Wei was about to hit him with a cold fist, he made a few quick moves to avoid his attack.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "Mr. Ta really saw the right person! He can create his own footwork and Taoist skills at such a young age." Chen Xuan admired in his heart.

Seeing that the blow failed, Yang Wei pounced on Xiaofei, who was already dodging aside, and punched him a few more times, but still did not touch the young man at all.

Yang Wei couldn't help but become a little anxious and cursed angrily,


"A turtle that can only dodge."

"Why are you still the same as before, scolding people if you can't hit me? It's a pity that you have such good Tao skills!" Xiaofei laughed again, and then said, since you want me not to hide, then you have to be ready, I I'm going to fight back.

“The way of the earth—earth-splitting jump!”

"The Way of the Earth - Explosive Fist!"

"Hey, this kid is incredible. He has learned to release two Tao skills at the same time at his age. His future is limitless!" Chen Xuan was shocked again. He knew how difficult it is to release two or more Tao skills at the same time. , this requires a deep understanding of Tao techniques and can be accomplished after countless practices.

Chen Xuan can only release four Tao skills at the same time now, and it's still a bit reluctant.

However, when he heard the praises around Xiaofei, Yang Wei was very jealous. He couldn't help but practiced it countless times and still couldn't do it. He knew the difficulty of it, so he was very jealous of Xiaofei. Moreover, he couldn't understand why it was so difficult. Fighting skills, why Xiaofei knows it.

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